
  1. 3. Also known as Salt.
  2. 4. Can be categorized into Dark greens, Reds/Oranges, beans, peas and lentils.
  3. 6. Any food made from wheat, rice, oats or barley. One of our 5 MyPlate food groups.
  4. 10. caused by not having enough to eat or by not eating the right things.
  5. 11. 13 different types. Our body needs them to grow and develop normally.
  6. 12. Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and Potassium are all examples of these.
  1. 1. These are sugarless molecules that our body breaks down into glucose.
  2. 2. The process by which your body converts the foods you eat and drink into energy.
  3. 3. Can be found on all food labels. Tells you the information for ONE of these…
  4. 5. A unit of energy when it comes to food. Input should equal Output to maintain weight.
  5. 7. Has seeds and is one of the 5 MyPlate food groups.
  6. 8. These are used for muscle building. Often added to shakes and can be found in eggs and meats.
  7. 9. Broken into 3 categories: Saturated, Unsaturated, and Trans