
  1. 2. what happens to extra carbohydrates.
  2. 7. Help protect cells from age related damage
  3. 8. Help the nervous system to function.
  4. 10. Type of protein that contains all essential amino acids.
  5. 11. A combinattion of unsaturated and saturated fats that is much more unhealthy.
  6. 12. Used by the body to repair and build tissue.
  7. 13. Type of fat that is solid at room
  8. 14. Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil.
  9. 15. When your body uses the nutrients in foods, a series of chemical reactions occur s inside your cells, releasing energy.
  10. 16. A unit used to measure the release of energy broken down.
  11. 17. Supply energy for bodily functions.
  1. 1. 9 amino acids that can't be made by the body.
  2. 3. Waxy fatlike substance in animal fats. Needed to make cell membrane and nerve tissue.
  3. 4. Type of Fat that is liquid at room temperature
  4. 5. supply body with energy, form cells, and regulate temperature.
  5. 6. helps strengthen digestive system.
  6. 9. Important for hear function and water balance.