
  1. 2. Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain cells/tissues. Also is a source of energy.
  2. 6. When we don't get enough nutrients in general
  3. 8. Acids Building blocks of protein
  4. 10. Starches and sugars found in foods which provide your body’s main source of energy
  5. 12. Type of Nutrition thinking. "Fuel Right and Recover Right"
  6. 15. The process by which your body takes in and uses food.
  7. 17. When our caloric intake is higher than our suggested BMR
  8. 18. Elements found in food that are used by the body
  1. 1. Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes
  2. 3. Oily or greasy substances that do not dissolve in water
  3. 4. Provides rebuilding and recovery after workouts
  4. 5. When our caloric intake is lower than our suggested BMR
  5. 7. Substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.
  6. 8. Type of Nutrition thinking. "Quality over Quantity"
  7. 9. Essential for most body functions. Hydration!
  8. 11. Type of Nutrition thinking. "Quality over Quantity"
  9. 13. A unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food.
  10. 14. Makes you feel full
  11. 16. Provides energy before workouts