
  1. 4. Your risk of disease is increased when LDLs are >200 mg/dL
  2. 5. Cannot be chemically digested or absorbed by the digestive system
  3. 6. Vitamins and minerals are considered what kind of nutrient
  4. 7. Must be consumed in the diet to get sufficient amounts
  5. 8. types that do not contain all essential amino acids
  6. 10. Circulate in blood and release triglycerides to peripheral tissues
  7. 12. The major regulatory hormone during the absorptive state
  8. 14. In this state levels of glucose, triglycerides, and amino acids increase in the body
  1. 1. A state when you excrete more nitrogen than you absorb
  2. 2. Cholesterol is formed from fatty acids within which cells
  3. 3. Organic molecules that must be consumed in larger quantities
  4. 9. Excess cholesterol deposited on inner arterial walls
  5. 11. Soluble The solubility of vitamins A, D, E, and K
  6. 13. Liquid fats at room temperature and include things like olive oil