Nutrition Month

  1. 3. This food is recommended to be eaten twice weekly, it can come fresh, frozen, battered, canned or wild.
  2. 4. One slice of _______ counts as one serving of grain products.
  3. 6. This food is part of the vegetable and fruit section of the food guide and is often carved in decorative ways in October.
  4. 7. Canada's Food Giude has this many food groups.
  5. 11. This vegetable is dark and leafy and is often used in salads.
  6. 12. This citrus fruit is often enjoyed sliced in wedges.
  7. 14. You can see this health professional for nutrition advice.
  8. 15. Almonds, cashews and pistachios are all a kind of this food.
  9. 16. This month is designated Nutrition month.
  10. 18. This grain product is served often as a hot breakfast food.
  11. 19. Some people are severly allergic to this food that belongs in the meat and alternatives group.
  12. 20. This is the most important beverage of the day.
  13. 22. I have many variations in food such as condiments, sauces, raw, sliced, diced, etc.
  14. 23. Fruits can be ____ in order to be enjoyed in beverage form.
  1. 1. I am a white beverage containing calcium.
  2. 2. These small meat and alternatives products are high in protein and often added to chilis, soups or served alone.
  3. 4. This yellow fruit is often used in baking and has a high potassium level.
  4. 5. This milk product is good plain, mixed with fruit or mixed with granola.
  5. 6. It is important to incorporate this ino your daily routine as well as eating a balanced diet.
  6. 8. This starchy vegetable has many different varieties of prepartions such as mashed, boiled, baked, fried, and broiled.
  7. 9. Canada's Food Guide is divided by age and _____.
  8. 10. This grain product is often served warm covered in tomato sauce or a cream-based sauce. Sometimes meat is added to these dishes.
  9. 13. Vegetable that comes in yellow, orange, green and red.
  10. 17. This milk product is enjoyed as a snack or is often added to foods such as salads to add flavor.
  11. 21. This grain is often used in stir fries or used as a side.