
  1. 3. The flesh of an animal prepared as food.
  2. 5. wheat or any other cereal crop used as food.
  3. 6. Nutrients that promote normal growth, energy, and healthy skin.
  4. 9. A unit of heat that measures the energy in food.
  5. 10. Fats that are usually solid at room temperature.
  6. 13. Essentially salt in foods.
  7. 15. The starches and sugars found in food.
  1. 1. The seeds, roots, stems, leaves, etc in plants.
  2. 2. Containing or made from milk.
  3. 4. A complex carb that the body cannot break down or use for energy.
  4. 7. A sweet carb that is found in naturally grown foods.
  5. 8. Fats that are usually liquid at room temperature.
  6. 9. The waxy, fat like substance used to build cells and make other substances.
  7. 11. A special course of food which restricts oneself.
  8. 12. The nutrition group that is used to build and repair cells
  9. 14. Food from a plant with a seed in it.