
  1. 7. Omega-3 fats are this type of fat
  2. 10. This food is rich in iron
  3. 11. Number of food groups listed in Canada's food guide
  4. 12. Eating too many saturated fats increases the risk of this disease
  5. 14. 4 calories is the caloric value of this
  6. 16. This mineral is essential for healthy red blood cells
  1. 1. The good cholesterol
  2. 2. Too much of this may lead to high blood pressure
  3. 3. Calcium builds strong ____
  4. 4. Vitamin D is known as the _____ vitamin
  5. 5. This mutrient is the preferred energy source for the body
  6. 6. Considered a bad fat
  7. 8. Canola oil is high in this type of fat
  8. 9. This keeps our intestines healthy
  9. 13. Fish is considered a complete source of this
  10. 14. Milk and milk products are a good source of this
  11. 15. Canada's food guide is shaped like this