
  1. 4. synthesized in the liver & found in foods of animal origin
  2. 5. building blocks of proteins
  3. 8. fats, carbohydrates, proteins
  4. 10. vitamins & minerals
  5. 13. found in wheat bran, vegetables, whole grains; important to incorporate adequate amount in diet to prevent or treat constipation
  6. 14. fat soluble vitamins
  7. 17. increases the risk for many diseases & health conditions including heart disease, stroke type 2 diabetes, hypertension, & gall bladder disease
  8. 18. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water
  9. 20. macronutrient that contains nitrogen
  10. 21. regulate body processes
  1. 1. also known as fats
  2. 2. provide 9 calories per gram, provides satiety
  3. 3. caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency resulting from lack of intrinsic factor
  4. 6. main function is to provide energy; should make up 60% of daily caloric intake
  5. 7. found in fruits, oats, barley & legumes; binds with bile acids & cholesterol in the digestive tract to prevent their absorption
  6. 9. aids in absorption of calcium & phosphorus, promotes healthy bone & teeth mineralization
  7. 11. vitamin D deficiency & inadequate calcium
  8. 12. necessary for blood clotting
  9. 15. condition in which the body has adequate caloric intake, but lacks protein
  10. 16. provides roughage & bulk to stool,can lower blood glucose levels & cholesterol &assist in weight loss
  11. 19. necessary for wound healing