One Piece

  1. 3. Long ____ Long Land
  2. 4. simp
  3. 8. Super low rank pirate
  4. 9. Pre-Skypeia
  5. 10. Special Paramecia user
  6. 12. Beast Pirate Captain
  7. 14. Dragon
  8. 16. Mr.2
  9. 17. Opening 17
  10. 18. captain’s favorite food
  11. 19. Big Moms sun
  12. 20. Land of the giants
  1. 1. Home of Chopper
  2. 2. Buggy’s signature weapon
  3. 5. Furry Fighter (Zou)
  4. 6. Celestial Dragons Home
  5. 7. Before the grand line
  6. 11. Ace inspired move
  7. 13. Alabasta Capital
  8. 15. Navigation System
  9. 21. Crossguild “Leader”