Our Love

  1. 1. When we put our cheeks together, what is this called?
  2. 4. Dog with an underbite
  3. 7. Bell, My favorite restaurant ;)
  4. 10. Your favorite color
  5. 14. Where we are going to start a family
  6. 15. Something with holes for your feet
  7. 18. the amount of siblings we both have
  8. 19. February 1st
  9. 20. Zero, You're favorite fizzy drink
  10. 21. Together, Our Song
  1. 2. My fish's name
  2. 3. Anniversary, December 17th
  3. 5. out, Best partner to do this with
  4. 6. Our first dog together
  5. 8. Season we'll be married
  6. 9. Games, Something you love but I don't
  7. 11. Something we share together on our bodies
  8. 12. Wallen, Country Star we/I love
  9. 13. I love you more, ____ (number)
  10. 15. One of our favorite baby names
  11. 16. the amount of kids we want
  12. 17. Was your Grandmoms, now is mine