- 4. this can help with anxiety, depression, and ADHD
- 8. to do something within reasonable limits
- 9. when introducing new foods to a picky eater remember to be:
- 10. pressure nature can lower:
- 12. a genetically modified organic
- 14. half of your grains consumed in a day should be:
- 1. in play kids can explore these in a healthy setting
- 2. a model of eating that limits certain foods based on lifestyle
- 3. an emotion one can feel surrounded by nature
- 5. guide, a guide to help guide one's nutrition- overtaking the food pyramid
- 6. model leading by example as a parent
- 7. a harmful reaction to certain foods or items
- 11. play time with kids can help promote this skill that relates to interacting with others
- 13. the recommended hours of screentime for an adult