Parliament and the Making of Laws

  1. 2. All the representatives together control and guide the
  2. 6. The combined strength of all political parties in the Parliament with less than 50% of representatives is
  3. 10. The highest law-making body of our country consisting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is known as
  4. 11. --- Minister looks after sanitary conditions of the country
  5. 14. the lower house of Parliament
  1. 1. Hour is an important way to contro the executive in Parliament
  2. 3. Officer of Lok Sabha
  3. 4. the Chairman of Rajya Sabha
  4. 5. On 15th August 1947 India became
  5. 7. An MLA is the member of ……………….. Assembly.
  6. 8. Representatives to the Parliament are chosen by the
  7. 9. The leader of ruling party in Parliament is the --- Minister of the country
  8. 12. The Universal --- Franchise is for the sake of justice and equity
  9. 13. The upper house of Parliament, representing the states, is termed as