
  1. 1. Enhances elongation of rete-pegs,Stimulates apical proliferation of junctional epithelium and pocket formation.
  2. 4. Synthesized from the cell wall(de nevo)as result of mast cell activation
  3. 5. killing by lysosomal acid hydrolases including proteases.
  4. 6. cells professional antigen presenting cells react with antigens which are in the process of penetrating the oral epithelium initiating an early immune response
  5. 7. the bacteria are trapped within it.
  6. 8. Cells with CD8 are 1/3 of the cells
  7. 11. Appears during healing of tissues as it shuts down the immune response.
  8. 14. part of the innate immunity that starts with complement c3 activated by the LPS in cell wall of G-ve bacteria
  9. 16. lymphocyte activating molecules
  10. 19. part of the adaptive immunity that starts with complement C1 activated by antigen antibody complex
  11. 21. results from the breakdown of Arachidonic acid via the cyclo oxygenase pathway.
  12. 22. via various receptors on cell surface of phagocytes.
  13. 23. one of the acute phase proteins that coats mannose residues on surface of G+ve and G-ve bacterial cell wall
  14. 25. generation of ROS
  15. 26. Acts on PMNs and MQ to release MMPs
  16. 27. Inflammatory mediators released from preformed granules in the mast cell.
  1. 2. one of the acute phase proteins that that coats LPS of G –ve bacteria
  2. 3. it is formed as result of fusion of lysosomes with PMNs.
  3. 9. secretes mainly IL-2 and TNF to stimulate the function of Tc cells.
  4. 10. killing by oxidants that oxidize cell membrane of bacteria resulting in their death
  5. 12. 3a, C4a, C5a
  6. 13. by extensions of the cytoplasm and cell membrane called pseudopodia around it.
  7. 15. Acts with IL-1 in a synergistic manner to release acute phase proteins from the liver,Stimulate osteoclasts formation.
  8. 17. structure of periodontal pathogens that resists opsonization thus evade phagocytic cells
  9. 18. ALL three complement pathways end up by it's formation
  10. 20. secretes IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 that stimulate B-cells to turn to plasma cells.
  11. 24. Appears during healing of tissues and it increases ECM production.