
  1. 2. A force that acts on a body with a displacement
  2. 4. Principle that states energy cannot be created or destroyed only converted
  3. 6. A type of force that does no net work on an object on a closed path
  4. 8. Type of orbit above the equator
  5. 9. A type of curve that isn't effected by static friction
  6. 11. A force that points toward the center of a circle
  7. 15. A type of energy in motion
  8. 16. Apparent force that points away from the center of a circle
  9. 18. Sum of the potential and kinetic energies is the total _______ energy
  10. 20. A type of circular motion that has a constant velocity
  1. 1. Average _______ is work done per unit time
  2. 3. Friction, air resistance, propulsive forces are all examples of ___-___________ energies
  3. 5. SI unit for power
  4. 7. Type of energy that runs your fridge
  5. 10. Type of energy used in cooking
  6. 12. Half the diameter of a circle
  7. 13. Orbital______ is the time it takes for a satellite to make one complete revolution
  8. 14. The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others
  9. 17. The SI unit for work
  10. 19. The weight an object exerts on a scale it is in contact with