Planetary Puzzle

  1. 2. Brightest object in the sky, after the sun and moon
  2. 4. Propagation of a disturbance or energy
  3. 6. Built his own and improved the telescope
  4. 7. Looking at visible light only
  5. 10. Mons The largest volcano in our solar system
  6. 13. Describes the effects of turbulence of atmosphere
  7. 15. Earths path around the sun
  8. 16. The study of the universe
  9. 19. The little (dwarf) planet that couldn't
  10. 21. Distance from Earth to this celestial body is 1 AU
  11. 22. Has the fastest rotational rate of all the planets
  1. 1. Theorized the laws of motion
  2. 3. Is home to the biggest volcano in our solar system
  3. 5. This Planet has 27 moons, five of which are major
  4. 6. Largest moon in our solar system
  5. 8. The only planet that we know of that supports life
  6. 9. The unit of intensity in radio astronomy
  7. 11. Change in an object’s apparent position when viewed from two vantage points
  8. 12. 3:2 spin orbit ratio
  9. 14. The least dense planet in our solar system
  10. 17. The farthest planet from the sun
  11. 18. Called Luna by the Romans
  12. 20. Getting larger