Present Continues

  1. 3. Arul is ... a plate of fried rice
  2. 8. fishing
  3. 11. singing
  4. 13. sedang belajar
  5. 14. We ... writting a letter
  6. 15. sedang melihat
  7. 16. we are ... the music in the classroom
  8. 17. sleeping
  9. 19. sedang bermain
  10. 20. I ... reading a book
  1. 1. sedang berjalan
  2. 2. Gebby is ... a bottle of milk
  3. 4. My brothes is ... on the trampoline
  4. 5. sedang belari
  5. 6. They are ... naruto on television
  6. 7. talking
  7. 9. Mrs.Degesi ... talking about science
  8. 10. dancing
  9. 12. He ... swimming at the pool
  10. 18. you ... playing kite