PSY-101 Eam #3 (Chapters 8, 9, & 14)

  1. 5. The positive experiences in life, which may neutralize the effects of many hassles.
  2. 8. How many stages are in Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development?
  3. 10. What is the type of motivation that is the desire to behave in a certain way in order to gain some external reward or to avoid some undesirable consequence?
  4. 13. The realization that objects continue to exist, even when they can no longer be perceived by the child.
  5. 14. The general level of happiness when the individual is not trying to be happy. Answer: Set ________ of Happiness.
  6. 15. What humanist psychologist developed the Hierarchy of Needs? (Last name only).
  7. 16. In Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development, what is the preconventional level based on?
  8. 17. The type of emotions that are unlearned and universal.
  9. 18. The psychologist who theorized the Theory of Psychosocial Development (Last name only).
  10. 19. What theory suggests that people are motivated to maintain an optimal level of alertness and physical/mental activation? Answer is: Optimum _________Theory.
  1. 1. What theory of emotional feelings that results when an individual becomes aware of a physiological response to an emotion-provoking stimulus? (Hint: two words, no space).
  2. 2. The force that moves people to behave, think, and feel the way they do.
  3. 3. The theory of emotional feelings that results when the emotion of fear occurs at the same time you feel the physiological arousal? (Hint: two words, no space.
  4. 4. The number of stages in Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?
  5. 6. When an adult adjusts the amount of guidance provided to match a child’s current ability?
  6. 7. _______- reduction theory states that people are motivated to reduce tension created by biological drives.
  7. 9. Eating Disorders are ____________ disorders and not disorders about eating.
  8. 11. What is the type of motivation that is the desire to behave in a certain way because it is enjoyable or satisfying in and of itself?
  9. 12. The psychologist who developed the sociocultural approach to human development (Last Name only).