Punic Wars

  1. 2. It was difficult for Hannibal and his elephants to cross the snowy ____.
  2. 5. A sharp hook used to sink ships.
  3. 9. A Spaniard allie to Rome.
  4. 10. Modern-Day Numidia.
  5. 11. The river said to have had trumpeting elephants on rafts.
  6. 13. In 149 BCE, Carthage was unhappy and did this to Rome.
  1. 1. Named "Africanus"
  2. 3. First city Rome conquered outside of the Italian peninsula.
  3. 4. Rome sold all of the living Carthaginians into _______
  4. 6. A town founded by Romulus
  5. 7. Father of Hannibal.
  6. 8. A prosperous Phoenician city in the Mediterranean. Rivals with Rome.
  7. 12. Wars were a source of ______