REE - Secularism I - Recap

  1. 4. Durkheim's 'absolute heterogeneous' binary to 'sacred'
  2. 5. Sacred nature + sacred humans = ?
  3. 10. Discussed law of nature and necessary 'checks and balances'
  4. 12. Secular nature + secular humans = ?
  1. 1. Theorist associated with 'disenchantment'
  2. 2. Theorist who implored us not to "immanentise the eschaton"
  3. 3. Lovelock's 'Earth feedback hypothesis'
  4. 6. Francis Bacon's novel that celebrated the role of science
  5. 7. Auguste Comte's theory linked to secularisation and the 'religion of humanity'
  6. 8. Discussion of the 'last things', endings, of something
  7. 9. Belief that God created the world and then left it to function on its own
  8. 11. Discussion of the goals of something