Religion and Religious Education

  1. 2. Writing Books that are considered to be holy.
  2. 5. An unfavorable opinion about someone.
  3. 7. This refers to god or gods.
  4. 8. To behave in a different away from yourself.
  5. 10. The belief in one god.
  6. 13. The belief in more than one god.
  7. 14. A person who is not sure that god exists.
  1. 1. Beliefs about God or other spiritual beings.
  2. 2. Being A god who has supernatural power.
  3. 3. The belief in a power greater than oneself.
  4. 4. A person that does not believe that god exists.
  5. 6. Customs/traditions/civilization of a society.
  6. 7. Different branches of a religion.
  7. 9. of passage Series of actions or a ceremony
  8. 11. A personal commitment that a person has.
  9. 12. Education Teaching about different religions.