Respiratory System

  1. 1. Residual volume plus vital capacity.
  2. 4. The word for when you breath in.
  3. 7. Only 20% of this gas is carried by the Haemoglobin
  4. 9. This part of the body controls your breathing.
  5. 12. The amount of that can be breathed out after max inspiration.
  6. 13. Total Lung Capacity minus Vital Capacity.
  7. 15. Oxygen comes from the Alveoli and diffuses into this part.
  8. 17. Air branches into a left and right one of these.
  9. 18. The Bronchi divide into smaller ___________.
  10. 20. Air travels from the nose/mouth to the _____________.
  1. 2. The part where the exchange of gases takes place.
  2. 3. This increases from 15 to 40-50 during exercise.
  3. 5. The process from which different gases enter or exit the body.
  4. 6. The muscle that relaxes to lower the sternum and thorax.
  5. 8. The word for when you breath out.
  6. 10. This muscle relaxes into a dome shape after expiration.
  7. 11. The amount of air breathed in and out after each intake of air.
  8. 14. Gaseous exchange occurs due to the differences in _____________.
  9. 16. The fourth place where air travels (starting from nose/mouth).
  10. 19. An increase of this gas is required during exercise.