Revolutionary Characters

  1. 4. John Adam's career choice
  2. 6. location that northern states wanted capital
  3. 7. "The Indispensable Man"
  4. 9. revolutionary, believed he was underrated, neglected
  5. 12. father of the Bill of Rights
  6. 13. Hamilton's way of gaining support
  7. 14. type of government Paine supported
  8. 16. America's first secretary of treasury
  9. 17. cruel use of power
  10. 18. Alexander Hamilton's wife (last name)
  11. 19. pseudonym the authors of Federalist papers use
  1. 1. richest colony turned state 1776
  2. 2. River on which southern states wanted capital
  3. 3. Hamilton's rank in NY artillery
  4. 5. war that Paine served in
  5. 8. reserved, self-possessed, and incurably optimistic
  6. 10. Connecticut Compromise allowed each state two ___________
  7. 11. inherited property by eldest son
  8. 15. location that middle states wanted capital
  9. 20. Third Vice President of US