Roman Empire

  1. 3. Wealthy landowner; part of the first triumvirate.
  2. 5. Sea battle betwee Antony and Octavian.
  3. 6. Structure designed to bring fresh water into the cities.
  4. 7. Fortified city
  5. 12. Entertainment and free grain used to distract from poverty.
  6. 15. Official language of Rome; formed basis for "Romance languages".
  7. 16. First police force.
  8. 17. Self-governing communities of non-Romans.
  9. 20. Virtues including discipline, loyalty and strength.
  10. 21. Married Caesar's daughter Julia; part of the first triumvirate.
  11. 22. Marc Antony offered Caesar this gift at a festival.
  12. 23. Group believing that all men are equal by nature.
  1. 1. Pictures formed from small pieces of stone or glass.
  2. 2. Title preferred by Octavian; first citizen
  3. 4. Divided the empire into East and West.
  4. 8. Meaning "Victorious general"
  5. 9. Said he found Rome a city of brick, and left it a city of marble.
  6. 10. First emperor of Rome.
  7. 11. Egyptian Queen loved by both Caesar and Marc Antony.
  8. 13. Caesar started a civil war when he crossed this river.
  9. 14. Period of peace and prosperity in Rome.
  10. 18. Built as temple to the gods.
  11. 19. Wrote most famous work of Latin literature, the Aeneid.