- 4. The period between two lessons.
- 7. The assignment the teacher gives you to be completed at home.
- 10. It is the place you can have lunch at school.
- 13. You have your Daily physical exercise here.
- 14. The children you attend the same class.
- 17. Optional activities after the lessons are over at school.
- 19. The lady who organizes the life of a school and responsible for everything.
- 21. A kind of school for children between the ages of 6 and 14.
- 1. A 45-minute period at school.
- 2. All the disciplines you study at school.
- 3. Languages others than your mother tongue.
- 5. This is summer time for students.
- 6. The subject giving you a good physical exercise.
- 8. Young kids learn how to use a fork and knife and how to do up their shoelaces besides playing a lot.
- 9. The kind of teacher who is the head of a class.
- 11. You can study here after finishing the secondary school.
- 12. The final examination at the end of a secondary school.
- 15. A kind of four-year school after the primary school.
- 16. The main activity students do at school.
- 18. The book you study from at school.
- 20. The discipline about computers.