- 2. Name of camp for demigods.
- 7. Bully at school, plays dodgeball against Tyson and Percy.
- 9. Protects camp from monsters. It has been poisoned.
- 11. Loyal, cold, brave, Percy's best friend, blonde, unsure of Tyson.
- 13. Wise, teacher, centaur, gets fired.
- 14. Traitor, determined, bitter, Percy's enemy.
- 1. Throw dodgeballs at Percy and Tyson. Try to kill Percy.
- 3. Messenger of the gods, god of thieves and travelers
- 4. Share one eye and one tooth, drivers of grey taxi.
- 5. Strong, daughter of Aries, heroic, bully, trains troops for battle.
- 6. Gold coins used as currency.
- 8. Mean, cold, cursed and cannot eat, bored, new camp director.
- 9. Cyclops, dim-witted, strong, immune to fire.
- 10. Brave, heroic, determined, Tyson's half brother, main character of story.
- 12. Loyal, Satyr, brave, Percy's best friend, in trouble somehow.