Simmons Sip and Solve

  1. 3. Bride's Favourite Food.
  2. 4. First Date.
  3. 5. First House Street.
  4. 7. First Addition to the Family.
  5. 11. Nickname for bride and groom (each other).
  6. 14. Nickname for the Best Boy.
  7. 16. How Long do the Couple Plan to be Together?
  8. 18. Bride's Favoutie Hobby.
  9. 20. Movie on First Date.
  10. 21. Groom's Favourite Video Game.
  11. 22. Couple's Small Business Name.
  12. 25. Groom's Favourite Hobby.
  13. 28. Honeymoon Location.
  14. 29. Who is Older?
  15. 30. Groom's Favourite Dinosaur Shaped Food.
  16. 31. Bride's Favourite Video Game.
  1. 1. Hidden Invitation Detail.
  2. 2. Who is the Best Singer of the Two.
  3. 6. Couple's Vacation Army Collection.
  4. 8. Dating Anniversary Month.
  5. 9. Name of Bride's Car.
  6. 10. Proposal Location (Attraction).
  7. 12. Favourite Thing to do with Others.
  8. 13. Name of Groom's Car.
  9. 15. Favourite Activity to do Together.
  10. 17. Bride and Groom's Favourite Alcohol.
  11. 19. Longest Anime Commitment (so far).
  12. 23. What city did they meet?
  13. 24. How Did Bride and Groom Meet?
  14. 26. Bride and Groom's Favourite Season.
  15. 27. Bride and Groom's Go to Fast Food (Nickname).