Sip and Solve

  1. 3. Aint nobody fresher than my ______
  2. 4. Country Thagsi was Born
  3. 6. What is Thagsi's DJ name?
  4. 7. Thagsi's Zodiac Sign
  5. 9. Ari Gold
  6. 12. Ultimate
  7. 13. Kokuvil
  8. 14. Mano's rank in the military
  9. 16. Nation
  1. 1. Where did Mano spend most of his summers?
  2. 2. Thagsi's Favorite Color
  3. 5. Where Thagsi's sister lives
  4. 6. Name of building Mano grew up in
  5. 8. First Date
  6. 10. Instrument Mano played growing up
  7. 11. Couples favorite activity to do
  8. 15. Activity on the second date