Spring Crossword (March 2023)

  1. 4. Sport most identified with Spring's arrival.
  2. 7. Flying one of these is connected with Sprig arrival.
  3. 8. To begin to grow.
  4. 11. First month of Spring.
  5. 13. Caterpillars become these.
  6. 15. Springtime festival treated as Labor Day in some countries.
  7. 16. May __________ .
  8. 17. April 22 = _______ Day.
  9. 19. April 1 = April ______ Day.
  10. 20. Second Sunday of May = _________ Day.
  1. 1. Sometime seen after a rainstorm, marked by its colorful presentation.
  2. 2. Popular outdoor accessory during Spring month to prevent becoming wet.
  3. 3. People often suffer from these as Spring progresses.
  4. 5. Last Monday of May = _________ Day.
  5. 6. Second month of Spring.
  6. 9. Third month of Spring.
  7. 10. Besides Autumn, Spring celebrates this astronomical event.
  8. 12. To produce flowers.
  9. 14. April _________ .
  10. 18. To emerge from an egg, pupa, or chrysalis.