
  1. 4. a physiological and psychological response to challenging or threatening situations
  2. 5. Cognitive stressors are stressors that arise from an individual's thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions
  3. 7. Distress is associated with negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, sadness, frustration, and helplessness
  4. 9. Distress can impair an individual's ability to function effectively in daily life.
  5. 11. Eustress can be associated with positive emotions, such as exhilaration, enthusiasm, and a sense of accomplishment
  6. 12. Eustress is usually short-term in nature, and it often occurs in specific situations or events that require a brief burst of heightened alertness and energy.
  7. 13. stressors that are long-term or persistent stressors that can lead to ongoing stress responses
  8. 14. These are minor, everyday stressors that can accumulate over time and contribute to overall stress
  9. 16. These stressors originate from the external environment and can include factors such as noise, pollution, extreme weather, or natural disasters
  10. 17. a specific event, condition, or stimulus that triggers a stress response in an individual.
  1. 1. In many cases, eustress can lead to improved performance,
  2. 2. Unlike eustress, which is typically short-term, distress can be chronic or prolonged. It can result from ongoing or unresolved issues and may have a long-lasting impact on a person's health.
  3. 3. Psychosocial stressors are related to interpersonal relationships, work, and other social factors
  4. 6. These stressors are internal and are related to changes or conditions within the body.
  5. 8. Good Stress
  6. 10. Eustress can motivate individuals to take action, accomplish goals, and perform at their best
  7. 13. have adverse health consequences, including increased risk of physical and mental health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, depression, and anxiety disorders.
  8. 15. Bad Stress