Students with Learning Disabilities

  1. 3. one of the causes of a learning disability linked to the effects of low socioeconomic status and poverty, San ineffective teaching practices.
  2. 4. Fluency, a student with a reading disability might have difficulty with ______, causing the student to have issues reading in an automatic fashion with appropriate speed and smoothness.
  3. 8. Problems, a student with a math disability might have difficulty with ______, causing the student to have frequent errors in understanding math concept, computing simple and complex math problems and sequencing the steps of complex problems.
  4. 10. Standard, refers to certain criteria not clearly within the definition so it does not included the conditions that the definition covers; As a result of Visual, Hearing, or Motor Disabilities.
  5. 11. Standard, refers to embedding certain criteria within a definition so it clearly states the conditions that the definition covers; Ex Perceptual Disabilities, Brain Injury, Dyslexia, and Development Aphasia.
  6. 12. Comprehension, a student with a reading disability might have have difficulty with ______, causing the student to have issues accurately interpreting the meaning of reading passages and drawing appropriate conclusions.
  7. 14. processing, refers to the capacity of a students with a learning disability to use the sound system of language to process oral and written information.
  8. 15. Memory, students with a learning disability could have difficulty with this memory process needed to store information permanently for later recall.
  9. 17. multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs.
  10. 20. Memory, students with a learning disability could have difficulty with this memory process needed to recall information shorty after it is presented.
  11. 21. can be interchangeably used with the term mathematics disability
  12. 23. Challenges, Students with a learning disability must suffer form ______ ______, frequently as a by-product of their academic challenges.
  13. 24. Analysis, a student with a reading disability might have difficulty with ______, causing the student to have issues demonstrating sound-simple awareness that leads to being able to break down words into their basic phonemic parts.
  1. 1. Mechanism, one of the causes of a learning disability linked to neurological problems and structural brain differences.
  2. 2. Evaluation, the process to determine the presence of a learning disability: includes observation, screening, pre-referral, referral, procedures & standards, and determination.
  3. 5. can be interchangeably used with the term reading disability.
  4. 6. Learning Disability, a disorder that may manifest an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.
  5. 7. Memory, students with a learning disability could have difficulty with this memory process needed to process information in order to remember it.
  6. 9. believed to be the most effective approach to teaching students with learning disabilities that has recently developed: through the use of explicit instruction.
  7. 13. one of the causes of a learning disability linked to specific genes; influenced by the study between twins.
  8. 16. Identification, a student with a reading disability might have difficulty with ______, causing the student to have issues decoding words that do not follow phonemic guidelines.
  9. 18. Self-Regulated Strategy Development; a research-based strategy used in a variety of academic areas; specifically to teach students with learning disabilities how to write.
  10. 19. Retrieval, a student with a math disability might have difficulty with ______, causing the student to have issues memorizing math facts and retrieving facts that are needed.
  11. 22. Disabilities, this continues to the most prevalent of all disabilities: Thirty-five percent of all students with disabilities served under IDEA have this ____ _____; for a total of 2,310,000 students.