Supporting ELLs in writing

  1. 6. Relate content to the student's personal ______.
  2. 7. ELLs all have have _______ experiences.
  3. 10. Classmates and teachers should ________ student victories.
  4. 13. provide students with frequent __________ to work with other students.
  5. 15. Scaffold with the _____ language.
  6. 16. English Language Learners have a _________ vocabulary.
  7. 17. knowledge you should build on student's ____________ to increase comprehension.
  8. 19. Check for ___________ frequently.
  9. 20. Teachers should choose ______ words carefully.
  10. 23. Use body language and ______ to express appropriate words.
  11. 24. English Language Learners typically enjoy _______.
  12. 25. Teachers should stay in contact with ____ on a regular basis.
  13. 27. Use ________ organizers to organize thoughts.
  14. 28. Encourage students to _______ pictures to describe thoughts.
  15. 30. Language Learners Teachers need to communicate with ______ to see how they are doing in class.
  1. 1. speak _____ not louder.
  2. 2. Instead of giving directions teachers should ______ what they want students to do.
  3. 3. Provide an ample amount of _____ for writing activities.
  4. 4. Incorporate more _____ work.
  5. 5. Teachers should create a ____ and welcoming environment.
  6. 8. Chart An _________ outlines or describes procedures, processes, and strategies on a particular theme or topic and is posted in the classroom for reference by students.
  7. 9. ______ are essential for ELLs.
  8. 11. While reading books in class, teachers should select a variety of __________.
  9. 12. Teachers should learn ______ background of students.
  10. 14. provide ______ instructions
  11. 16. Consider allowing ELLs to write in native _____________.
  12. 18. Give English Language Learners visual _____.
  13. 21. ELLs tend to have ______ native language support.
  14. 22. ELLs may have little or no experience with _________.
  15. 26. There are a _________ number of ELLs.
  16. 29. students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds, and who typically require specialized or modified instruction in both the English language and in their academic courses.