The Circuit

  1. 3. Last name of Francisco's 7th grade teacher(84)
  2. 5. Type of stories Roberto liked to tell(65)
  3. 7. Who gave Francisco the 1910 Lincoln Head penny?(99)
  4. 10. Type of music Francisco likes(83)
  5. 13. What Francisco called his notebook(103)
  6. 15. What type of car was Papa's "carcachita"?(75)
  7. 17. How many kids Gabriel has(89)
  8. 18. Who Carlos would not let play kick the can(86)
  9. 19. What Rorra used Francisco's two favorite pennies to buy(107)
  1. 1. How much they made their first day working in the grape vineyards of Fresno(79)
  2. 2. A Spanish word for labor contractor or boss(65)
  3. 4. Mama cooked tortillas on this on the kerosene stove(64)
  4. 6. What caused the house to burn down?(109)
  5. 8. The month of the year Francisco started 6th grade(80)
  6. 9. Francisco's favorite dish(80)
  7. 11. Labor workers could not pick cotton in this type of weather(70)
  8. 12. Last name of Francisco's 6th grade teacher(81)
  9. 14. Francisco's close friend. A red, green, and yellow parrot that had been smuggled from Mexico by Don Pancho(57)
  10. 16. Who gave Francisco the 1865 Indian Head penny?(99)