The Greatest Treasure Hunt in History

  1. 3. What was Hitler referred to as?
  2. 7. What major art hoard was dug up on an RAF site in England during the second world war?
  3. 10. How much gold was lost/stolen?
  4. 12. Did teens fight in the war?
  5. 16. Was hitler a good person
  6. 17. What things did Hitler take the most of from Europe?
  7. 18. How many people in total saved the treasure?
  8. 19. What painting by Titian was stolen by the Nazis, but safely returned after the war?
  9. 20. Where are some of the paintings located?
  1. 1. What country did Hitler invade to start ww2?
  2. 2. How many men helped
  3. 4. Who was Hitler in charge of during ww2?
  4. 5. Who was the leader of the Germans
  5. 6. What was Hitlers daughters name?
  6. 8. What was the max age to fight in the war
  7. 9. How many pieces are still missing from ww2?
  8. 11. Where did Hitler take from?
  9. 13. What was Hitlers book called?
  10. 14. What happened to Hitlers paintings?
  11. 15. How many girls helped?