The Iron Curtain

  1. 3. Big reason for WW2 and the Holocaust.
  2. 7. Car music comes from stations.
  3. 8. Form of communication and messaging.
  4. 9. A wall East of Western Germany that created more division.
  5. 10. 50 stars: Red, White and Blue.
  6. 13. Close connections to the U.S. since the 13 colonies.
  7. 14. A form of government.
  8. 15. What Russia was known as around WW2.
  9. 16. There were two of these.
  1. 1. The prime minister of Britain.
  2. 2. The war right after WW2.
  3. 4. The leader of Soviet Russia.
  4. 5. Political metaphor for the division of Europe.
  5. 6. One of the continents.
  6. 11. The president who was with Churchill.
  7. 12. Where Churchill gave his 1945 speech as prime minister.