- 4. a ______ is made from dust and ice. If it flies close to the sun it warms up and starts to release gasses. This is called gassing.
- 7. in space this gas can be a liquid, as one of Saturn's moons called Titan, rains liquefied _______.It is used as a natural gas for a stove.
- 9. at night he saw a bright patch in the night sky made of gas and dust, and knew it was a ______
- 14. you would use a ____________ if you want to make a diagram of something very large. You would have a key that says the ratio between the physical diagram and how big the thing actually is
- 15. ____________ orbit around the Earth and are useful as they give images for maps from an aerial view and even record your location.
- 17. small particles of matter distributed throughout space.
- 19. I decided to study _________ as I am interested in the physical universe
- 21. scientists use the _______ of a planet to predict what could happen in the future
- 22. a ______ is a piece of matter from space that enters the Earth's atmosphere and creates a fireball or shooting star.
- 23. a ______ contains many solar systems
- 24. the the route that the Earth takes around the sun is an ____.
- 1. the Greeks used patterns and groups of stars with a geometric shape and named different ones of what they looked like, e.g. scorpion.
- 2. the sun mainly consists of ________ as it is 92.1% ________
- 3. how far light can travel in one year
- 5. a ________ contains clusters of galaxies
- 6. planet Earth is in a solar ______
- 8. there are 8 _______ in our solar system. They include, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
- 10. the shape of the orbit axis that the Earth takes around the sun is an __________ shape.
- 11. the eight planets in our solar system _____ the sun
- 12. _______ keeps us flat on the ground as it battles against the Earth's core
- 13. the most amount of ________ that can happen in a year is 7, they include lunar and solar ________
- 14. the sun is the ____ that we revolve around in our solar system. Fun fact, 2MASS J2126 is a planet that revolves around its parent ____ at 1 trillion kilometres away, its orbit length is around 900,000 years.
- 16. the ISS (International Space Station) is a space _______
- 18. scientists believe that the moon was formed after an ________ hit the Earth
- 20. the scientists got data on whether UY Scuti would become a supernova or not from their _____. Fun fact, ______ don't have astronauts inside them.