things around us and colors

  1. 3. "ungu" in English is
  2. 5. "merah muda" in English is
  3. 6. "hijau" in English is
  4. 8. to know the time(waktu)
  5. 10. to carry(membawa) books
  6. 11. "biru" in English is
  7. 13. to sweep(menyapu) the floor
  8. 14. "kuning" in English is
  9. 15. to warm(menghangatkan) the body
  10. 17. to put clothes(pakaian)
  11. 18. "hitam" in English is
  1. 1. to fry(menggoreng) a food
  2. 2. "merah" in English is
  3. 4. "abu-abu" in English is
  4. 5. tool(alat) for writing(menulis)
  5. 7. use after(sesudah) take a bath(mandi)
  6. 9. use to cut(memotong) vegetables
  7. 11. "coklat" in English is
  8. 12. tool(alat) for eating
  9. 16. to brush(menyikat) your teeth(gigi)