Twentieth Century History - Cold War Confrontation (BBC)

  1. 3. Number of Soviet soldiers post WWII (2 words)
  2. 5. Limited amount
  3. 6. Month Berlin Blockade ended in 1949
  4. 9. Invading state in Korean War
  5. 10. June 1950 saw the commencement of the… (2
  6. 11. Place of negotiations following Germany’s defeat
  7. 14. Number of highways from west to Berlin
  8. 15. Number of sectors in Post WWII Germany
  9. 16. US General dismissed by Truman
  10. 17. US General at end of Korean War
  11. 18. Famous Berlin monument … Gate
  12. 19. Place of Korean peace talks
  1. 1. Treaty organization of western nations
  2. 2. July 14 1949 saw explosion of … A-bomb
  3. 4. Month WWII victory in Europe took place
  4. 5. Leader of South Korea during Korean War
  5. 6. American aid plan to Europe post WWII
  6. 7. Alternate name for a flight path route
  7. 8. Korea was divided at the 38th …
  8. 12. Berlin airlift airport
  9. 13. Speech by Churchill about European division