Types of Diets

  1. 2. Reduce carbohydrate into to less than ______ grams a day
  2. 6. Flexitarian diet consists of the word _____ and vegetarian
  3. 7. Fewer than four servings per week of ________
  4. 14. You should limit _____ root veggies from your Keto diet
  5. 16. The vegan diet is low in ____________
  6. 17. Less than a serving of ________ per week
  7. 19. How many categories are in the Noom Diet?
  8. 20. Reduces risk of developing heart disease and _______
  9. 22. You should _____ meat, refined grains, and alcohol from the Flexitarian Diet
  10. 24. The secret is life time ____________ not just 'exercising'
  11. 26. Percentage of Americans that identify as vegan
  12. 27. The Zone Diet focuses on
  13. 29. Zeroes in on the foods that specifically improve ______
  14. 30. An alternative fuel called ________ is produced from stored fat
  15. 31. Encouraged to eat carbs that are low on the
  1. 1. vegan don't eat any animal _______
  2. 3. You will eat ____ times a day
  3. 4. The Mediterranean diet is ranked number ___ in the world
  4. 5. The Mediterranean diet is more about ________ without a focus on losing weight
  5. 8. The Room app offers simple ________
  6. 9. The plan has desserts and sugars all the way to the _________ foods
  7. 10. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they do not count for any ______
  8. 11. What category does lean proteins, some dares, healthy fats, legumes, and grains?
  9. 12. What adds a lot of points?
  10. 13. WW is very nutritious while still giving those who follow the plan a lot of _________ with what they eat
  11. 15. How much is the monthly membership fee?
  12. 18. There are many ________ to meat and dairy
  13. 19. Decreased risk of Type ___ diabetes or management of pre-diabetes
  14. 21. Experts describe the Felxitarian Diet as "nutritionally ________"
  15. 23. Studies found that the MIND diet lowers the risk of Alzheimer's by _______ percent
  16. 25. The Zone diet follows an _______ meal schedule
  17. 28. The Keto diet is a very low carb and high ___ diet