Unit 12 Spelling (Review Units 7-11)

  1. 2. Valerie and Ron Taylor made a dive suit out of _____ mail
  2. 3. past tense of break
  3. 4. there are 50 of these in the United States
  4. 6. It's important to be _____ to those around you
  5. 8. opposite of fake
  6. 10. Ms. Thilo
  7. 12. not quite
  8. 13. a car has four of these
  9. 15. You could use this word to describe diamonds or gold
  10. 16. You say this when you don't know if the answer is yes or no.
  11. 17. rhymes with knight and sight
  1. 1. Frosty is made out of this
  2. 2. Please _____ the door.
  3. 4. you do this when you are happy
  4. 5. If you let go of a balloon it will do this.
  5. 7. part of a house that's made of glass.
  6. 9. opposite of never
  7. 11. opposite of left
  8. 14. past tense of lay
  9. 15. What _____ do you live on?