- 3. Reporters are allowed to publish fair and accurate accounts of official proceedings, such as a school board meeting, city council meeting or court or judicial proceeding. Because privileges are matters of state law, the names of the privileges vary from state to state.
- 5. printed false statements
- 7. This First Amendment right states you can say things with limitations.
- 10. This First Amendment right states you may peacefully protest.
- 11. acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- 12. This First Amendment right states you can question the government
- 13. blank of privacy law protects individuals from people using their personal info.
- 15. invasion of privacy category similar to trespassing
- 16. Two examples of this are slander and libel
- 17. This amendment states you have freedom of speech, religion, press, and to question the government.
- 18. states that require only one person for consent to recording.
- 1. invasion of privacy category where the person is shown in a negative light
- 2. This will always be a publication’s best defense, which means a legal defense begins at the front end, when gathering facts and information and writing, arranging, editing and checking the facts.
- 4. This First Amendment right states you can practice your beliefs
- 6. This First Amendment right is the only portion that talks directly to the media
- 7. verbal false statements
- 8. invasion of privacy category using someone's image without permission
- 9. acronym for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- 14. a legal term of art which means it was published either with known falsity or reckless disregard for the truth.