us history

  1. 2. Which ship did Columbus sail on?
  2. 4. Who won Marbury v Madison?
  3. 5. Where is the Erie Canal?
  4. 6. Who drafted the bill of rights?
  5. 9. who won king Phillips war?
  6. 13. who surrendered at the battle of yorktown?
  7. 15. Where was the first women's rights convention?
  8. 16. What month did the Boston Massacre happen in?
  9. 18. who set off the French-Indian war?
  10. 19. John C. Calhoun begins what crisis?
  11. 21. when did the Continental Congress adopt the Declaration of Independence?
  12. 24. The "Shot Heard 'Round the World" started what war?
  13. 25. who won Dredd Scott vs. Sandford?
  1. 1. Where did the Constitutional Convention happen?
  2. 3. who goes to battle over the Second Bank of the US?
  3. 7. where did the mayflower depart from?
  4. 8. where did the Salem witch trials happen?
  5. 10. Who burned the capitol of the United States?
  6. 11. Who did President Jefferson buy the Louisiana Purchase from?
  7. 12. the first permanent colony?
  8. 14. who introduced the telegraph?
  9. 17. who kidnapped the first slaves?
  10. 20. Whats the trail called that was from the Indian removal act?
  11. 22. who taught native Americans to plant corn?
  12. 23. Where was the first discovery of gold in California?