
  1. 3. Valentines Month
  2. 6. Most famous love story of all time
  3. 9. Food of love
  4. 10. Old fashioned term for dating
  5. 12. Person who brings 2 people together for the purpose of marriage
  6. 13. Love at First Swipe
  7. 15. Ladies option on February 29th
  8. 16. Dublin Slang for Girlfriend
  9. 17. Aromatic, Eelegant, Fragrant
  10. 20. Endeared from afar
  11. 21. Cork Slang for dating
  1. 1. Arrangement of 17 across
  2. 2. Ticker
  3. 4. Amorous and affectionate
  4. 5. The first online dating website
  5. 7. Roses are Red, Violets....
  6. 8. Term of endearment for a romantic couple
  7. 10. Official mascot of Valentines Day
  8. 11. The City of Love
  9. 14. Cupids weapon for sparkling love
  10. 18. Get married by Elvis here
  11. 19. Patron Saint of Love