
  1. 2. A leaf vegetable.
  2. 6. Most of the ________ found in vegetables are just under the skin.
  3. 8. A seed vegetable.
  4. 9. A root vegetable.
  5. 12. Cellulose or fibre provides the digestive system with ______.
  6. 14. ____________ vegetables are often hard and woody.
  7. 18. Vegetables are ___________ before being frozen.
  8. 19. A bulb vegetable.
  1. 1. A shoot vegetable.
  2. 3. ___________ vegetables may lack flavor.
  3. 4. Cook vegetables only until crispy ________.
  4. 5. Vegetables add flavor, color and _______ to a meal.
  5. 7. A new variety of a flower-type vegetable is _______.
  6. 8. A flower vegetable.
  7. 10. When cooking vegetables, use as little ______ as possible.
  8. 11. Canned vegetables only need to be __________.
  9. 13. A fruit vegetable.
  10. 15. 95% of our daily quota of ________ comes from fruits and vegetables.
  11. 16. When possible, use the vegetable water to make _______.
  12. 17. A tuber vegetable.