
  1. 2. To mix an egg
  2. 4. To melt food before cooking with it
  3. 5. Food that does not have a strong, spicy taste
  4. 7. Fry food in a small amount of oil
  5. 9. Food that is not fresh
  6. 10. Fruits that are ready to be eaten
  7. 12. Food that has too much oil
  8. 13. Burn food a little bit
  9. 15. Soft meat
  10. 16. Cover food in another ingredient
  1. 1. To make from the beginning
  2. 2. Food that is not flavorful
  3. 3. Milk that is rotten
  4. 6. Plastic storage containers
  5. 8. Food that is not cooked
  6. 11. Tasty, Flavorful
  7. 13. To break an egg open
  8. 14. Food that smells bad because it is old