Wings of fire

  1. 1. Cricket mother
  2. 3. Very evil Sandwing princess
  3. 5. Who is the Rainwing who went to Pantala
  4. 7. Very strong Sandwing prices
  5. 8. Burn blister and blaze’s father
  6. 9. Winter’s first scavenger pet
  7. 12. Sun dew’s mother
  8. 14. Clay’s mother
  9. 15. Who was kept on a leash almost her whole life
  10. 16. X queen of the Nightwings
  11. 17. Who is Luna’s Half Brother
  12. 18. Peril’s father
  13. 19. indigo’s pet
  1. 2. Who is Blue and Luna’s father
  2. 4. Moon and Kinkajou’s claw mate in Jade mountain academy
  3. 6. Who is DartStocker father
  4. 7. Blue’s mother
  5. 9. The dragonet that cricket saved from the hive mind
  6. 10. Who is Blue’s half sister
  7. 11. Fluff brained sandwing princess
  8. 13. Who is sitting on his little sister
  9. 17. Mudwing that went to pantala