Wordly Wise 3.7

  1. 5. After a short - to catch her breath, Lunaset off for the top of the hill.
  2. 7. Ellie - at once when I asked her to help me move the sofa.
  3. 8. Jayla asked Joel for - about training his puppy.
  4. 10. How Braylon was able to find the right card - all of us.
  1. 1. It amazes me how quickly Ashton can - the words of a song he has heard.
  2. 2. Several kinds of fish swam past us in the - waters of the lake.
  3. 3. Sue's shirt was - after she stuffed it into the bottom of her bag.
  4. 4. Tiffany brought an - bottle of water to the tennis court because it was so hot outside.
  5. 6. The students - out over the park, picking up trash.
  6. 9. As the ship headed out into the channel, the land - under a layer of early morning fog.