Work Sayings

  1. 1. let's circle back to this
  2. 3. this is where the rubber meets the road
  3. 7. you need to do this first
  4. 8. when you agree you see this to this
  5. 9. it's important to stay ahead of this
  6. 11. Goose was to Mavericks
  7. 15. if you aren't part of the solution you are part of
  8. 18. there's no I in...
  9. 20. we use this to accelerate a deal
  10. 21. you might do this on your feet
  1. 2. we need to streamline our...
  2. 4. When everything is a priority, nothing is this
  3. 5. to innovate you might need to break this
  4. 6. It's not rocket...
  5. 10. Think outside the ...
  6. 12. keep me in the ...
  7. 13. Don’t put all your eggs in this.
  8. 14. an approach most don't use
  9. 16. a certain kind of storm
  10. 17. Let's touch base about this offline
  11. 19. when you're fully booked, you're up to your neck in...