50 states Crossword Puzzles
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022-09-07
- the sea where part of the land stretches alongside
- one of the popular foods
- is one of the main crops
- plays an important role in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 50% of the land is used for this and is a major part of the economy
- presidents rotate every _____ months
- ____ million were displaced after the war
- 40% of the land is covered in ______
- currency/money type
- project in ________ collection of wild plants happened in 2009
- each of the two regions have their own ______
- a name for local coffee shop
- one of the largest waterfalls
- there are two _______ regions
- capital
- one of the bordering countries
- became one of six member states of ______ during WWII
- the empire that Bosnia was a part of in the sixth century
- the agreement established after the war came to an end in 1995
- war that resulted in Bosnia/Herzegovina being ruled under Austria-Hungary
- it is a _______ country made up of different people and ethnicities
- one of the official languages
- one of the major rivers
- wild birds found in this country
24 Clues: capital • currency/money type • one of the major rivers • one of the popular foods • is one of the main crops • a name for local coffee shop • one of the largest waterfalls • there are two _______ regions • one of the official languages • one of the bordering countries • wild birds found in this country • presidents rotate every _____ months • 40% of the land is covered in ______ • ...
COSMOCROSS 2022-08-24
- What country has 50 states?
- What country is Adidas from?
- Which country was the famous explorer, Vasco da Gama born in?
- Which country is the home of IKEA?
- The president of this country has toilet made of gold.
- Watches and chocolates are what is country is known for.
- The land of Maple Syrup and Maple leaves.
- What country is Vincent van Gough from?
- Which country was formerly known as ‘Persia.’
- What country is the Home of God Zeus?
- Home (anticipated) of Satoshi Nakamoto.
- World's first telephone inventor was a resident of this
- This is where literally everything is made.
- The St Patrick's Day celebration comes from what
- What country is River Thames in?
- The city of love is the capital of this country.
- The brand ZARA is from this country.
- The world's tallest statue resides in this country.
- What country is Mount Everest in?
- The brand Gucci was founded in this country.
- Popular Netflix series, 'Squid Game' was originally directed in this country.
21 Clues: What country has 50 states? • What country is Adidas from? • What country is River Thames in? • What country is Mount Everest in? • Which country is the home of IKEA? • The brand ZARA is from this country. • What country is the Home of God Zeus? • Home (anticipated) of Satoshi Nakamoto. • What country is Vincent van Gough from? • The land of Maple Syrup and Maple leaves. • ...
Government Final Crossword Project - Christopher Burrell 2022-01-11
- These people meet with members of government.
- This is our countries court system.
- A written document often referred when using basic Government knowledge.
- This is the vote of the people.
- This court is the highest in government.
- The head of the executive branch.
- There are only 50 people in this.
- Different countries can help in times of crisis.
- A document often used to legally search a person, or a persons home.
- A society based around religion.
- A society ruled by a few people.
- this party values equality and money spending
- This is the main United States system.
- A person running for government.
- Our people pay this everyday.
- These people have different interests in certain topics.
- 10 People right under the government.
- this party values money and cost saving
- These people make law.
- A society ruled by a generational bloodline.
- These people make decisions
- An agreement with another country.
- A society with no rules.
- A society ruled by people
- This policy is usually overseas.
25 Clues: These people make law. • A society with no rules. • A society ruled by people • These people make decisions • Our people pay this everyday. • This is the vote of the people. • A person running for government. • A society based around religion. • This policy is usually overseas. • A society ruled by a few people. • The head of the executive branch. • ...
Civil War Vocab 2024-04-04
- Line: A boundary line between four states (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia) that was surveyed in the 1760s and became a symbolic dividing line between the North and South during the American Civil War,
- Party: A political party in the United States that existed from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s. The Whigs were united in their opposition to President Andrew Jackson and his policies but were divided over the issue of slavery,
- Refers to the southern states of the United States, characterized by agricultural development with a heavy reliance on slave labor for cotton and other cash crops,
- The United States of America, especially in reference to the federal government and the northern states during the American Civil War,
- One of the two major political parties in the United States, which was divided during the American Civil War over the issue of slavery and states' rights,
- A term used to refer to a person from the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War,
- The act of withdrawing from an organization, union, or association, especially a political entity. In the context of the American Civil War, secession refers to the withdrawal of 11 Southern states from the United States of America to form the Confederate States of America,
- A type of warship that was heavily armored with iron or steel plates, making it resistant to enemy fire. Ironclads were used during the American Civil War by both the Union and Confederate navies,
- Crop: A crop grown primarily for sale rather than for subsistence, often requiring a significant investment in labor, equipment, and supplies. Cotton was a major cash crop in the Southern states during the American Civil War,
- The act of freeing someone from slavery or servitude,
- War: A type of warfare in which all available resources and instruments of society are used to attack the enemy, with little to no distinction between combatants and non-combatants. Total war was practiced during the American Civil War, particularly by the Union against the Confederacy,
- The production of goods or services in large quantities, especially through the use of machinery. The Northern states had a more developed industrial base than the Southern states, which contributed to their economic and military advantage during the American Civil War,
- A political party in the United States that was formed in 1854 and was originally dedicated to opposing the expansion of slavery. Abraham Lincoln was a member of this party when he was elected President in 1860,
- Refers to the northern states of the United States, characterized by industrial and commercial development,
- A person who advocates for the abolition or ending of slavery,
- The science or practice of farming, including the cultivation of land, crops, and livestock. The Southern states had a more agricultural-based economy than the Northern states, with cotton being a major cash crop,
- A region that is under the jurisdiction of a country but has not yet been admitted as a state. During the American Civil War, several territories were admitted as states, including West Virginia, which was formed from the western counties of Virginia that did not secede from the Union,
- A group of states that seceded from the United States in 1860 and 1861, formed their own government, and fought the American Civil War against the Union,
- The period following the American Civil War during which the Southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union. Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877 and involved significant social, economic, and political changes in the South,
- A term used to refer to a person from the Northern states, especially during the American Civil War,
- Strong loyalty and pride for a particular region or section of a country, often leading to political or economic tensions between different regions. In the United States, sectionalism was a major cause of the American Civil War, as the North and South had different economic and social systems,
21 Clues: The act of freeing someone from slavery or servitude, • A person who advocates for the abolition or ending of slavery, • A term used to refer to a person from the Northern states, especially during the American Civil War, • A term used to refer to a person from the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, • ...
Guess Who 2022-01-25
- Grew up on a pig farm
- Is one of 10 children (5 brothers, 4 sisters)
- Likes the smell of Permanent markers from the 90s
- Has had purple in their hair
- Favorite movie is Practical Magic
- Avid watcher of Wheel of Fortune
- Is a nail technician
- Has a motorcycle license
- Helps on brother’s farm harvesting crops in the fall
- Has climbed the Great Wall of China
- Enjoys water skiing
- Won a free trip to California for placing 2nd at State
- Has visited the same amount of states as their age
- Age gap between them & youngest sibling is 12 years
- Delivered a calf during a lunch hour, one summer
- Has never broken a bone
- Claims 5 grandchildren
- Birthday is on Halloween
- Did foster care
- Played the flute
- Favorite place they have traveled is Door County
- Born in Illinois
- Has never moved (lived where they reside for 50 years)
- Is afraid of heights
- Worked in a nursing home for 8 years
- Washed windows as a summer job
- Has lived as far north as WI and as far south as NC
- Took jazz dance
- Found their significant other through Tinder
- Dreams of working in a National Park for a summer
- Worked at the Playboy Club
- Has 11 siblings (5 brothers, 6 sisters)
- Loves to camp
- Has O negative blood type with unique antibodies that can be used for premature babies
- Enjoys making Lefse
- Favorite place to vacation is Vail Colorado
- Has lived in 3 states
37 Clues: Loves to camp • Did foster care • Took jazz dance • Played the flute • Born in Illinois • Enjoys water skiing • Enjoys making Lefse • Is afraid of heights • Is a nail technician • Grew up on a pig farm • Has lived in 3 states • Claims 5 grandchildren • Has never broken a bone • Birthday is on Halloween • Has a motorcycle license • Worked at the Playboy Club • Has had purple in their hair • ...
Unit lll History Crossword puzzle 2020-11-24
- an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states
- Black American slave who led the only effective, sustained slave rebellion
- the 1845 annexation of the Republic of Texas into the United States of America
- a landmark case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester
- a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon
- an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist who served as the sixth president of the United States, from 1825 to 1829
- an American empresario. Known as the "Father of Texas" and the founder of Texas
- the 11th president of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849
- a machine for separating cotton from its seeds
- as the first tariff passed by Congress with an explicit function of protecting U.S. manufactured items from overseas competition
- American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837
- This treaty, signed on February 2, 1848, ended the war between the United States and Mexico
- a proposal to prohibit slavery in the territory acquired by the United States at the conclusion of the Mexican War
- the antagonistic presidential race of 1828 began practically before Adams even took office
- an agreement between the United States and Mexico, finalized in 1854
- an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848
- a series of forced relocations of approximately 60,000 Native Americans between 1830 and 1850 by the United States government
- an American inventor, widely known for inventing the cotton gin
- a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819
- the 15th presidential election, held from Friday, November 1 to Wednesday, December 4, 1844
20 Clues: a machine for separating cotton from its seeds • a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 • an American inventor, widely known for inventing the cotton gin • the 11th president of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849 • an agreement between the United States and Mexico, finalized in 1854 • ...
2016 presdential Canidates 2015-12-06
- Gilmore/American Politician
- Sanders/United States Senator from Vermont
- Huckabee/44th Governor of Arkansas
- Bush/43rd Governor of Florida
- O'Malley/61st Governor of Maryland
- Cruz/U.S. Senator from Texas.
- Paul/United States Senator
- Graham/United States Senator from South Carolina
- Fiorina/Politician
- Santorum/Former United States Senator
- Kasich/Governor of Ohio
- Pataki/53rd Governor of New York
- Jindal/Governor of Louisiana
- Chafee/74th Governor of Rhode Island
- Rodham Clinton/Former United States Secretary of State
- Christie/Governor of New Jersey
- Carson/ retired American neurosurgeon
- Trump/CEO of the Trump Organization
- Rubio/United States Senator from the state of Florida
19 Clues: Fiorina/Politician • Kasich/Governor of Ohio • Paul/United States Senator • Gilmore/American Politician • Jindal/Governor of Louisiana • Bush/43rd Governor of Florida • Cruz/U.S. Senator from Texas. • Christie/Governor of New Jersey • Pataki/53rd Governor of New York • Huckabee/44th Governor of Arkansas • O'Malley/61st Governor of Maryland • Trump/CEO of the Trump Organization • ...
Teka-teki matematika 2023-08-01
Berhitung Penjumlahan 2023-12-03
Berhitung Penjumlahan 2023-09-28
Spanish word puzzles 2024-01-24
Crossword Easy 8 2015-03-20
- John is bigger _____ Steve.
- one time.
- a music show
- Starts at your shoulder and stops at your hand.
- answer an invitation
- Very sweet.
- I get ______ in the shower.
- 50:50
- when the sun is up
- A film star does this in a movie.
- There’s _____ at the door.
- zero
- I like to sit on this sofa. It’s very ______
- Almost all.
- Said at the end
15 Clues: zero • 50:50 • one time. • Almost all. • Very sweet. • a music show • Said at the end • when the sun is up • answer an invitation • There’s _____ at the door. • John is bigger _____ Steve. • I get ______ in the shower. • A film star does this in a movie. • I like to sit on this sofa. It’s very ______ • Starts at your shoulder and stops at your hand.
vocab 2023-04-24
- a change in DNA
- reproduction with some good traits
- characteristics of a creature
- selection the best traits to breed
- 50/50
- a set of genes changing and adaption
- the passing of genes
- genes
- reproduction between parents
- is making it again.
- differences in traits and genes
- traits evolving
- reproduction with only one parent
- the best genes pass on
- DNA passed down from parents
15 Clues: 50/50 • genes • a change in DNA • traits evolving • is making it again. • the passing of genes • the best genes pass on • reproduction between parents • DNA passed down from parents • characteristics of a creature • differences in traits and genes • reproduction with only one parent • reproduction with some good traits • selection the best traits to breed • ...
Histology 2017-07-13
- 50 OUT OF 50
- 70% OF 100
#s to 50 2022-02-23
50 jarig Jubileum 2015-04-02
- plek waar je naar binnen kan
- alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap
- hoeveel elfstedentochten zijn er door de jubilaris volbracht
- deze vorm van gebitskorrektie loont zich niet meer na je 80. levensjaar
- bevroren water
- rivier in Noord-Holland
- kaartspel dat veel mensen in competitieverband spelen
- bovenste deel van een stengel van gras of graan met bloemetjes of zaden
- hoeveel kinderen heeft het bruidspaar
- jongensnaam
- hoe voelt men zich na 200 km schaatsen
- Gekwalificeerde vleeshouwer
- een riviertje in de provincie Noord-Holland, dat uitmondt in de Amstel
- praktisch
- tekenstift
- op een slang lijkende vis
- meisjesnaam
- meisjesnaam
- hiervoor hebben jullie hard hebt moeten werken
19 Clues: praktisch • tekenstift • meisjesnaam • meisjesnaam • jongensnaam • bevroren water • rivier in Noord-Holland • op een slang lijkende vis • Gekwalificeerde vleeshouwer • plek waar je naar binnen kan • hoeveel kinderen heeft het bruidspaar • hoe voelt men zich na 200 km schaatsen • alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap • hiervoor hebben jullie hard hebt moeten werken • ...
50 jarig Jubileum 2015-04-02
- plek waar je naar binnen kan
- alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap
- hoeveel elfstedentochten zijn er door de jubilaris volbracht
- deze vorm van gebitskorrektie loont zich niet meer na je 80. levensjaar
- bevroren water
- rivier in Noord-Holland
- kaartspel dat veel mensen in competitieverband spelen
- bovenste deel van een stengel van gras of graan met bloemetjes of zaden
- hoeveel kinderen heeft het bruidspaar
- jongensnaam
- hoe voelt men zich na 200 km schaatsen
- Gekwalificeerde vleeshouwer
- een riviertje in de provincie Noord-Holland, dat uitmondt in de Amstel
- praktisch
- tekenstift
- op een slang lijkende vis
- meisjesnaam
- meisjesnaam
- hiervoor hebben jullie hard hebt moeten werken
19 Clues: praktisch • tekenstift • meisjesnaam • meisjesnaam • jongensnaam • bevroren water • rivier in Noord-Holland • op een slang lijkende vis • Gekwalificeerde vleeshouwer • plek waar je naar binnen kan • hoeveel kinderen heeft het bruidspaar • hoe voelt men zich na 200 km schaatsen • alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap • hiervoor hebben jullie hard hebt moeten werken • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa • ...
50 ans d'Yvan 2024-09-08
- Petit navire pour les Îles de Lérins
- stratégiquement performant sur cette zone géographique
- Volume à fond dans le 5008
- Boisson préférée de l'équipe du GR20
- Rituel pédestre afterwork de préparation au GR20
- Skipper des îles caraïbes
- Arrière grand-mère
- Rendez-vous mythique du jeudi midi
- Peintre chilien très aprécié
- Ils l'ont fait en 7 jours !
- Ville de naissance
- voyage
- vin
- Il y a rencontré Rablais ou sa belle
- voiture
- Délicieuse, toujours réussie
- Sommet gravit en octobre 2022
- Deuxième grand exploit à deux roues
18 Clues: vin • voyage • voiture • Ville de naissance • Arrière grand-mère • Skipper des îles caraïbes • Volume à fond dans le 5008 • Ils l'ont fait en 7 jours ! • Peintre chilien très aprécié • Délicieuse, toujours réussie • Sommet gravit en octobre 2022 • Rendez-vous mythique du jeudi midi • Deuxième grand exploit à deux roues • Petit navire pour les Îles de Lérins • ...
Fizikalna terapija-vježbe 2020-10-07
- primjena galvanske struje na manjim točkama
- direktna primjena električne energije u svrhu liječenja
- kupka u kojoj su uronjeni svi ekstremiteti
- indikacija
- 50 Hz
- 220V
- ekscitirajući/podražujući učinak
- kontraindikacija
- 1884. godina
- struje frekvencije do 1000 Hz
- postavlja se na mjesto terapijskog djelovanja
- niskofrekventna struja (50 Hz)
- Luigi Galvani
- unošenje lijeka u ionskom stanju u organizam
14 Clues: 220V • 50 Hz • indikacija • 1884. godina • Luigi Galvani • kontraindikacija • struje frekvencije do 1000 Hz • niskofrekventna struja (50 Hz) • ekscitirajući/podražujući učinak • kupka u kojoj su uronjeni svi ekstremiteti • primjena galvanske struje na manjim točkama • unošenje lijeka u ionskom stanju u organizam • postavlja se na mjesto terapijskog djelovanja • ...
Thanksgiving 2022-11-24
- cereal plant
- where it all started
- if you don't like ham or turkey
- what goes with gravy
- 50/50 wish
- literally the holiday itself
- sauce sauce made of berries
- infinite fruit, flowers, and grain
- the main thing
- who started it all
- the ultimate dessert
- if people don't like turkey
- who helped the pilgrims
- what goes on potatoes
14 Clues: 50/50 wish • cereal plant • the main thing • who started it all • the ultimate dessert • where it all started • what goes with gravy • what goes on potatoes • who helped the pilgrims • if people don't like turkey • sauce sauce made of berries • literally the holiday itself • if you don't like ham or turkey • infinite fruit, flowers, and grain
Day 50-2 2013-12-20
18 Clues: 존경 • 광채 • 확실한 • 배회하다 • 이해하다 • 도구/방법 • 상태, 처지 • 음식, 양식 • 보답, 보상 • 비길 데 없는 • 명백한, 뚜렷한 • 억압(학대)하다 • 날씬한; 연약한 • 만들다, 구성하다 • 무르익은, 성숙한 • 유명, 명성/표시하다 • 급속하게 진행하다, 서두르다 • 감동시키다/나아가다, 이동하다
Pyschology 50-58 2013-11-13
- In 1920 which behavioural psychologist performed an experiment with an 11-month-old boy and a white rat?
- Which psychologist conducted an experiment with a rat in a cage, demonstrating Operative Conditioning?
- Attention, Retention, Reproduction and Motivation are 4 processes crucial to (blank).
- What scientist was obsessed with the idea that horses could be taught as much a people?
- What is a learned reaction called?
- What is 1 fear Classical Conditioning experiments have tried to cure?
- What did Clever Hans wear, which prevented him from answering questions correctly?
- What are inborn patterns of behaviour that are characteristic of a species?
- Who discovered Classical Conditioning?
- What is an event, situation of condition that increases the likelihood that certain behaviour will recur?
- What is an automatic unlearned action called?
- What is the change in knowledge or behaviour as a result of experience?
- Negative Reinforcement is an event, situation or condition that (blank) the likelihood that certain behaviour with recur.
- Who is Observational Learning particularly important for?
- The results form Bandura's experiments imply that children who watch violent behaviour in their own homes, on television or in sports may be (blank) likely to act aggressively.
- Who conducted an experiment concerning imitating violence with adults, children and an inflatable clown?
- Which psychologist discovered how to use Classical Conditioning to reduce/unlearn fears in children?
- Ivan Pavlov's experiments involved measuring how much saliva (blank) produced when there were given food.
18 Clues: What is a learned reaction called? • Who discovered Classical Conditioning? • What is an automatic unlearned action called? • Who is Observational Learning particularly important for? • What is 1 fear Classical Conditioning experiments have tried to cure? • What is the change in knowledge or behaviour as a result of experience? • ...
50 jarig Jubileum 2015-04-02
- plek waar je naar binnen kan
- alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap
- hoeveel elfstedentochten zijn er door de jubilaris volbracht
- deze vorm van gebitskorrektie loont zich niet meer na je 80. levensjaar
- bevroren water
- rivier in Noord-Holland
- kaartspel dat veel mensen in competitieverband spelen
- bovenste deel van een stengel van gras of graan met bloemetjes of zaden
- hoeveel kinderen heeft het bruidspaar
- jongensnaam
- hoe voelt men zich na 200 km schaatsen
- Gekwalificeerde vleeshouwer
- een riviertje in de provincie Noord-Holland, dat uitmondt in de Amstel
- praktisch
- tekenstift
- op een slang lijkende vis
- meisjesnaam
- meisjesnaam
- hiervoor hebben jullie hard hebt moeten werken
19 Clues: praktisch • tekenstift • meisjesnaam • meisjesnaam • jongensnaam • bevroren water • rivier in Noord-Holland • op een slang lijkende vis • Gekwalificeerde vleeshouwer • plek waar je naar binnen kan • hoeveel kinderen heeft het bruidspaar • hoe voelt men zich na 200 km schaatsen • alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap • hiervoor hebben jullie hard hebt moeten werken • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Wat is de achternaam van de eerste buren van Piet en Louisa in Oost-Souburg
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- In welke straat in Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa • ...
123 2020-09-29
Fittest Cities in the United States 2020-09-08
- The capital of Wisconsin.
- "The Mile High City."
- Number 1 for 2020 is Arlington, found in what state that is also known to be for lovers?
- It could be all the quality coffee here that keeps the citzens in this city moving.
- The most populous city in Idaho.
- They are doing more than having tea parties in the 10th most fit city.
- "I left my heart(rate monitor) in______."
- Technically does not belong to any of the 50 states.
- One half of the "Twin Cities" with neighbor St. Paul.
- This CA city has also been named the Safest Big City by the FBI every year since 2005.
10 Clues: "The Mile High City." • The capital of Wisconsin. • The most populous city in Idaho. • "I left my heart(rate monitor) in______." • Technically does not belong to any of the 50 states. • One half of the "Twin Cities" with neighbor St. Paul. • They are doing more than having tea parties in the 10th most fit city. • ...
THE YEAR THAT WAS! 2022-04-05
- >50% YOY growth for ...... which makes a lot of sound
- Has emerged as the second largest brand by volume in Karnataka after Red Label
- The man with the Ghanam voice
- A state delivering high growth share aspirations not just in plan, but in real
- She came in during the bubble time & we had just launched bubble bubble
- 300 crores , 2 elephants, single state
- Kancheepuram Saree is not just for brides, for packs too
- 12Cr worth of love and ....
- Alia in 2 states had to get used to Parathas,but ....... has to learn about Sambaar
- The man in search of Paneer in a state which loves unique tastes
10 Clues: 12Cr worth of love and .... • The man with the Ghanam voice • 300 crores , 2 elephants, single state • >50% YOY growth for ...... which makes a lot of sound • Kancheepuram Saree is not just for brides, for packs too • The man in search of Paneer in a state which loves unique tastes • She came in during the bubble time & we had just launched bubble bubble • ...
Spanish Mathmatics 2022-01-13
The FFA Emblem & SAEs 2021-09-09
- This is the name of the organization.
- Without labor, neither knowledge nor wisdom can accomplish much and this is a great way to make that labor happen!
- This represents unity because corn is grown in all 50 states.
- This part of the emblem represents freedom.
- Agricultural classes are a great part of your ________.
- True or False: You HAVE to join FFA.
- This project is completed by students like you.
- This represents progress throughout each generation just like each new day brings a chance for progress.
- There are 5 types of this SAE type.
- This is the symbol of the FFA Advisor and represents wisdom.
10 Clues: There are 5 types of this SAE type. • True or False: You HAVE to join FFA. • This is the name of the organization. • This part of the emblem represents freedom. • This project is completed by students like you. • Agricultural classes are a great part of your ________. • This is the symbol of the FFA Advisor and represents wisdom. • ...
Cold War - Economic 2016-03-20
- Created in the treaty of Rome (1957)
- Gorbachev's policy regarding the USSR's economic system
- A period of the cold war which was a partial result from the economic cost of the Cold War
- In 1970 the USA had 50 times more of these than the USSR
- Economic aid sent from the USA to West Europe after WW2
- Leader of the USSR during the 1965 economic reform
- The new currency adopted by the GDR in 1948
- Created in the FRG to replace the reichsmark
- Type of economy which is controlled and distributed by the state
- Economic aid from the USSR to the satellite states is East Europe after WW2
10 Clues: Created in the treaty of Rome (1957) • The new currency adopted by the GDR in 1948 • Created in the FRG to replace the reichsmark • Leader of the USSR during the 1965 economic reform • Gorbachev's policy regarding the USSR's economic system • Economic aid sent from the USA to West Europe after WW2 • In 1970 the USA had 50 times more of these than the USSR • ...
Back To The Decades Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-29
- a popular singer with black slicked back hair
- another term for going roller skating
- said with a hand up when you've heard enough
- a black vinal
- popular style of pants in the 60's
- someone who is shy
- a 50's, 80's, and 90's term for something desirable
- popular way to say looking for trouble
- a popular colorful men's shirt
- another word for a hippie
- someone who listens to heavy metal
- a very popular dance routine in the 50's
- skirt, popular style of skirt from the 50's
- meaning relax or calm down
- popular boy band from England
- someone goofy
- where the girl asks the guys to dance
- another word or nickname for the popular English boy band
- another term for see you tomorrow
- someone who likes hanging out at the mall
- short for the real deal or the truth
- popular tv show of a family of eight
- white shoes with black decor in the middle
- a large portable music player
- a popular quote from Back To The Future
25 Clues: someone goofy • a black vinal • someone who is shy • another word for a hippie • meaning relax or calm down • popular boy band from England • a large portable music player • a popular colorful men's shirt • another term for see you tomorrow • popular style of pants in the 60's • someone who listens to heavy metal • short for the real deal or the truth • ...
Characters in Night 2025-03-03
- The person who shared bread with Elie, page 43
- This is Elie's fathers name, page 102
- The violinist who met talked to Elie on page 49
- The drummer, page 45
- The name of the lady who went crazy on the train, page 24
- One of the Czechoslovakia brothers page 50
- The Blockälteste who organized the soup, page 51
- Elie's forman who was a pole, page 49
- The rabbi who was looking for his son, page 91
- This is the person who is in first person, cover
- the other Czechoslovakia brother page 50
- Elie's dad's friend, page 102
- The person who got trampled to death on the run, page 86
- The Germans man full of wit who complained about not being able to play Beethoven, page 49
- the angel of death/person who told them where to go, page 31
- the name of the beadle in the temple, page 3
- Elies youngest sister, page 4
- Elies middle sister, page 4
- Elies oldest sister, page 4
- Elie's Kapo/ who Hans warned him about,page 50
20 Clues: The drummer, page 45 • Elies middle sister, page 4 • Elies oldest sister, page 4 • Elie's dad's friend, page 102 • Elies youngest sister, page 4 • This is Elie's fathers name, page 102 • Elie's forman who was a pole, page 49 • the other Czechoslovakia brother page 50 • One of the Czechoslovakia brothers page 50 • the name of the beadle in the temple, page 3 • ...
Government Final Crossword Project - Christopher Burrell 2022-01-11
- These people meet with members of government.
- This is our countries court system.
- A written document often referred when using basic Government knowledge.
- This is the vote of the people.
- This court is the highest in government.
- The head of the executive branch.
- There are only 50 people in this.
- Different countries can help in times of crisis.
- A document often used to legally search a person, or a persons home.
- A society based around religion.
- A society ruled by a few people.
- this party values equality and money spending
- This is the main United States system.
- A person running for government.
- Our people pay this everyday.
- These people have different interests in certain topics.
- 10 People right under the government.
- this party values money and cost saving
- These people make law.
- A society ruled by a generational bloodline.
- These people make decisions
- An agreement with another country.
- A society with no rules.
- A society ruled by people
- This policy is usually overseas.
25 Clues: These people make law. • A society with no rules. • A society ruled by people • These people make decisions • Our people pay this everyday. • This is the vote of the people. • A person running for government. • A society based around religion. • This policy is usually overseas. • A society ruled by a few people. • The head of the executive branch. • ...
Geological Puzzle 2022-02-28
- One of the first hominin fossils found
- Process where elements break down
- Used for short radioactive dating
- Information about an organism's life
- Formed when rocks lay on top of each other to form layers
- Age of reptiles
- Hard-shelled animals that lived in shallow seas
- Age of Fish
- The rate of radioactive decay
- Formed when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies
- A theory of the creation of the universe
- Formulated the theory of continental drift
- Formed when rocks are subjected to high heat and high pressure
- End of cretaceous, 65 MYA
- When 50% of the species die out in a relatively short period of time
- Age of mammals
- Single-celled organisms began
- Early fish didn't have them
- States that rocks on top are younger than rocks on the bottom
- Used for long radioactive dating
- First small dinosaurs appeared
- Where new rock meets up with much older rocks
- Only found on asteroids
- 260 million years ago
- 225 million years ago
25 Clues: Age of Fish • Age of mammals • Age of reptiles • 260 million years ago • 225 million years ago • Only found on asteroids • End of cretaceous, 65 MYA • Early fish didn't have them • Single-celled organisms began • The rate of radioactive decay • First small dinosaurs appeared • Used for long radioactive dating • Process where elements break down • Used for short radioactive dating • ...
Sams Great Depression Puzzle 2014-03-03
- A extremely famous actor during the silent film era
- A massive drought that happened in the mid west
- When workers stop working over a problem in the workforce
- A war fought to between the Allies and Axis
- A form of government opposite of the United States
- When a economy grows quite a bit
- A belief that all people put something in and get the same out
- A tax on a imported or exported good
- What regulates a countries quantity of money
- The only president to serve with polio
- A movement by the black community to restart their culture in America
- A major disease problem until the late 40's and 50's
- When a economy begins to shrink
- The primary way governments make their money
- Taking a loan based on previous and current financial reliability
- Referred to as the "The Great War"
- A government agency which regulates banks and financial matters
- A woman who's business was pleasure
- the concept of buying with cash from a broker
- A organization that protects workers rights
20 Clues: When a economy begins to shrink • When a economy grows quite a bit • Referred to as the "The Great War" • A woman who's business was pleasure • A tax on a imported or exported good • The only president to serve with polio • A war fought to between the Allies and Axis • A organization that protects workers rights • The primary way governments make their money • ...
Coffee Break Client Crossword 2023-03-17
- Moo!
- Bartholomew, Lei, and Patrick came from here before being given their furever home and names
- We serve one of the only US states that has an "Independent" Senator
- We have provided our location with broadcasting for over 50 years
- The front page of our website has a grizzly bear on it
- We carry out our mission through science, law and creative media
- Our current president graduated from two universities in Maryland
- Our president got married during the COVID pandemic.
- Founded during the FDR presidency
- We demand equal rights and equal treatment
- To us no situation is beyond hope.
- We working to address problems our society can’t afford to ignore
- A special camp was the precursor to this organization
- Our president is a dual citizen
- our phone number is 800-572-1717
- We have 28 locations nationwide
- We were originally founded by a John Hopkins graduate who was robbed.
- 89.1 FM
- You can donate your car to us
- A president's struggle with disease led to the founding of us
20 Clues: Moo! • 89.1 FM • You can donate your car to us • Our president is a dual citizen • We have 28 locations nationwide • our phone number is 800-572-1717 • Founded during the FDR presidency • To us no situation is beyond hope. • We demand equal rights and equal treatment • Our president got married during the COVID pandemic. • A special camp was the precursor to this organization • ...
40. 2021-03-19
- Police force heading west, and east, take great risks
- Cellphone info collected by the NSA, per the Snowden documents
- PALACE Nickname for the National Security Agency
- Security office array
- Bear from Orient taken out of Lake Ontario (5)
- Stud poker poets play out with the Northern Iraqi (4)
- Refugees from the East taken by 50 states (7)
- Old Northern Iraqi in Middle East taken in backing National Security Agency (8)
- Commander in NSA outfit taking time off in Asian city (8)
- Rifles National Security Agency kept in shelves (8)
- National security concern
- Swindler from East taken in by gossip (5)
- The headquarters of the US National Security Agency is located in Maryland's Fort ...
- Security agency trainee holds up no mere ritual act (10)
- NSA invasions
- Assault prompting inapt reaction in old northern street
- The FSB is this country's main security agency (6)
- Arizona, then some old Northern Isles, leaving North Dakota to climb height in Italy
- National Security Agency
- Security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954-91 (3)
20 Clues: NSA invasions • Security office array • National Security Agency • National security concern • Swindler from East taken in by gossip (5) • Refugees from the East taken by 50 states (7) • Bear from Orient taken out of Lake Ontario (5) • PALACE Nickname for the National Security Agency • The FSB is this country's main security agency (6) • ...
COSMOCROSS 2022-08-23
- The brand Gucci was founded in this country.
- Watches and chocolates are what this country is known for.
- This is where literally everything is made.
- What country is Vincent van Gough from?
- What country is River Thames in?
- Which country was the famous explorer, Vasco da Gama born in?
- Which country is the home of IKEA?
- The St Patrick's Day celebration comes from what country?
- Home (anticipated) of Satoshi Nakamoto.
- What country has 50 states?
- The president of this country has toilet made of gold.
- The land of Maple Syrup and Maple leaves.
- What country is Adidas from?
- The city of love is the capital of this country.
- Which country was formerly known as ‘Persia.’
- The brand ZARA is from this country.
- What country is Vincent van Gough from?
- Popular Netflix series, 'Squid Game' was originally directed in this country.
- What country is the Home of God Zeus?
- The world's tallest statue resides in this country.
- World's first telephone inventor was a resident of this country
- What country is Mount Everest in?
22 Clues: What country has 50 states? • What country is Adidas from? • What country is River Thames in? • What country is Mount Everest in? • Which country is the home of IKEA? • The brand ZARA is from this country. • What country is the Home of God Zeus? • What country is Vincent van Gough from? • What country is Vincent van Gough from? • Home (anticipated) of Satoshi Nakamoto. • ...
Lucas O'Brady Ch#14 Study Guide 2023-05-04
- Cotton gins made it so that workers can get a
- Cotton gins can do the work of?
- He was an African-American who resisted slavery
- invented a lightweight steel plow
- Great Britain sent them in 1850
- Opened a factory in Chicago that produced mechanical reapers.
- Made the Cotton Gin
- was the most difficult part of harvesting the crop
- improved the sewing machine?
- What were the states that was grew in the south?
- Cotton plantations was mostly in the?
- painted the sewing machine?
- bales of cotton were produced in 1800 (number)
- slaves in the U.S in 1850 (number)
- most arrived in 1850
- the southern cotton plantations were called
- made railroads faster and safer
- were in the U.S in 1800 (owned by people/how much?)
- were produced in U.S in 1800
- 287 and half a thousand
- made it possible to “win a large share of the world’s sea trade in 1840’s and 50’s
- Invented the telegraph and helped many businesses to thrive.
- increased demand
23 Clues: increased demand • Made the Cotton Gin • most arrived in 1850 • 287 and half a thousand • painted the sewing machine? • were produced in U.S in 1800 • improved the sewing machine? • Cotton gins can do the work of? • made railroads faster and safer • Great Britain sent them in 1850 • invented a lightweight steel plow • slaves in the U.S in 1850 (number) • ...
Drivers Education Puzzle 2022-09-13
- BAC can be tested by breath, urine and ___?
- falling ____ while driving is a distraction
- talking on a cell phone while driving is a _____?
- high risk behavior can be ____ Driving?
- Minnesota compulsory insurance law, makes sure every car is?
- when ____ rage happens, stay calm do not retaliate?
- failure to pay full ____ was a factor of 50% of all collisions
- when someone _____ on your shoulder that’s a moving violation?
- ____ is a moving violation
- driving _____ includes traffic,weather,road,vehicle and personal well being.
- States have the power to take away what?
- every state has implied ____ laws?
- license plates need to be what? Every 1-2 years
- your license will be ___ for 365 days
- 41 percent of deaths were related to what kind of crashes
- 1 out of 122 drivers are arrest for driving under the what?
- ____ and Wanton are legal terms in driving charges
- inattenion is the ____ cause of all crashes involving teenagers
- ____ drunk if BAC is .08
- driving when ____ is a high risk
- aggressive driving is a ____ risk behavior
21 Clues: ____ drunk if BAC is .08 • ____ is a moving violation • driving when ____ is a high risk • every state has implied ____ laws? • your license will be ___ for 365 days • high risk behavior can be ____ Driving? • States have the power to take away what? • aggressive driving is a ____ risk behavior • BAC can be tested by breath, urine and ___? • ...
Politics and Governance 2021-09-12
- indicator of good governance
- law-interpreting body
- organizations composed of states coming together for a single common purpose
- government; authorities
- have two or three tiers of political hierarchy
- social relations involving authority or power
- "to steer"
- small family group; 30 to 50 individuals
- testing and verifying
- people have no power; elite leaders handle the country
- political or social authority control
- country, state, or land
- governed by a chief or elderlies
- study of the history of every political reality
- indicator of good governance
- a body of fundamental principles or established precedents
- the Senate and House of the representatives
- elected head of the republic
- measuring and quantifying of data
- a supreme ruler, a monarch
- Romans or British
- law-enforcing body
- citizens create and vote for laws
- "gubernare"
- a system or a group of people governing a community
- concerned with the legal process
- controlled by a king or queen
- law-making body
- apathy or antipathy towards all political affiliations
- political science should not be separated from other social sciences
30 Clues: "to steer" • "gubernare" • law-making body • Romans or British • law-enforcing body • law-interpreting body • testing and verifying • government; authorities • country, state, or land • a supreme ruler, a monarch • elected head of the republic • indicator of good governance • indicator of good governance • controlled by a king or queen • concerned with the legal process • ...
All About HR 2023-03-10
- "Need to know" basis
- Missing more than 50% of your work shift
- Administers lawful immigration to the United States
- Acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes
- Being late
- Recruiting strategy that brings rewards
- Capable but unable to find work
- Acclimating one to a company/organization
- Hostile and/or offensive
- Be bold. Shape the future.
- Integration into a company/organization
- Separating an employee from a company/organization
- Harming someone by virtue of their membership in a protected class
- How many employees stay
- Revenue Service
- Evaluating efficiency
- Assessing performance
- Modification to a job task/environment
- Exchange for your labor
- Punch in
- How many employees leave
- Up to 12 weeks of paid/unpaid protected leave
- "I" quit
- "How to" do things
- We create a better everyday for everyone to build a better life for all
- Total compensation package
- Validating qualifications
- Wages and salaries paid to employees
- Organization's awareness
- Asking questions
- Purpose of filling vacancies
- Assesses equal pay
32 Clues: Punch in • "I" quit • Being late • Revenue Service • Asking questions • "How to" do things • Assesses equal pay • "Need to know" basis • Evaluating efficiency • Assessing performance • Exchange for your labor • How many employees stay • How many employees leave • Hostile and/or offensive • Organization's awareness • Validating qualifications • Be bold. Shape the future. • Total compensation package • ...
Geological Puzzle 2022-02-28
- Age of reptiles
- Formulated the theory of continental drift
- Age of Fish
- Formed when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies
- Used for long radioactive dating
- Age of mammals
- Process where elements break down
- States that rocks on top are younger than rocks on the bottom
- Used for short radioactive dating
- 260 million years ago
- Information about an organism's life
- Single-celled organisms began
- When 50% of the species die out in a relatively short period of time
- 225 million years ago
- Early fish didn't have them
- Hard-shelled animals that lived in shallow seas
- Only found on asteroids
- First small dinosaurs appeared
- Where new rock meets up with much older rocks
- Formed when rocks are subjected to high heat and high pressure
- The rate of radioactive decay
- A theory of the creation of the universe
- End of cretaceous, 65 MYA
- Formed when rocks lay on top of each other to form layers
- One of the first hominin fossils found
25 Clues: Age of Fish • Age of mammals • Age of reptiles • 225 million years ago • 260 million years ago • Only found on asteroids • End of cretaceous, 65 MYA • Early fish didn't have them • The rate of radioactive decay • Single-celled organisms began • First small dinosaurs appeared • Used for long radioactive dating • Process where elements break down • Used for short radioactive dating • ...
Chpt. 11 Review Crossword 2024-02-08
- Change in the way goods were produced during the 1800s
- The bringing of people and machines together under one roof
- Invention that harvests ripe grain quickly and efficiently
- Tax on imported goods that protects a nation's businesses from foreign competition
- Statement that said the Americas were closed to further colonization from other countries
- Plan to make the U.S. economically self-sufficient
- Machine that separates kernels of grain from husk
- Inventor of the steam powered locomotive
- Water route from New York City to Buffalo, New York
- Plan that kept the balance of power in the Senate between the slave and free states
- U.S. Representative who was a strong nationalist
- Englishman who built the first spinning mill
- mills where many women were employed to work
- Inventor of the telegraph
- Loyalty to the interests of a region or section of the country
- Made cleaning cotton faster 50 times faster
- Feeling of pride, protectiveness, and loyalty towards your nation
- Slave who started a rebellion in 1831
- Inventor of the steamboat
- Inventor of cotton gin and interchangeable parts
20 Clues: Inventor of the telegraph • Inventor of the steamboat • Slave who started a rebellion in 1831 • Inventor of the steam powered locomotive • Made cleaning cotton faster 50 times faster • Englishman who built the first spinning mill • mills where many women were employed to work • U.S. Representative who was a strong nationalist • ...
Beurspuzzel wk 50 2020-12-14
- failliete bioscoopketen
- ab inbev verkoopt dit
- bod door grootaandeelhouder
- cfo stapte op
- schommelt rond 50 dollar
- analist van Probeleggen
- bedrijf uit papendrecht
- meldde onlangs belang in Heijmans
- paardemiddel van Galapagos
- haalde slack van de beurs
- Belgische eigenaar van Carglass
- geeft weer nieuwe lockdowns
- deed net claimemissie
- door lockdown alle filialen weer dicht
- voornaam vrouwelijke ceo PostNL
- rijdt in een elektrische auto
- steeds meer vervanger van goud
- kleinste index van nederland
18 Clues: cfo stapte op • ab inbev verkoopt dit • deed net claimemissie • failliete bioscoopketen • analist van Probeleggen • bedrijf uit papendrecht • schommelt rond 50 dollar • haalde slack van de beurs • paardemiddel van Galapagos • geeft weer nieuwe lockdowns • bod door grootaandeelhouder • kleinste index van nederland • rijdt in een elektrische auto • steeds meer vervanger van goud • ...
Marian 50 jaar!!! 2015-01-21
- Daar hebben we er genoeg van
- Een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement
- Nakomeling van een poes van fam. Graat
- Daar is de club van 8 begonnen
- Die hebben we helaas niet meer
- Daarvan hebben we er twee
- De planeet waar je graag woont
- Voor jou studie, voor mij werk
- De vriendin waardoor we elkaar kennen
- Op fietsafstand van Wanroij
- Een leuke bezigheid op je vrijgezellendag
- Je moet het er maar mee doen
- Soms lief maar ook vaak lastig
- Een dorpje in Friesland met een onvindbaar huis
- Een mooie leeftijd
- Een gezamenlijke hobby
- Een goddelijke drank van druiven
- Zomaar een kleur
18 Clues: Zomaar een kleur • Een mooie leeftijd • Een gezamenlijke hobby • Daarvan hebben we er twee • Op fietsafstand van Wanroij • Daar hebben we er genoeg van • Je moet het er maar mee doen • Soms lief maar ook vaak lastig • Daar is de club van 8 begonnen • Die hebben we helaas niet meer • De planeet waar je graag woont • Voor jou studie, voor mij werk • Een goddelijke drank van druiven • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Wat heeft Louisa een paar jaar geleden op Texel gedaan
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Wat is de achternaam van de eerste buren van Piet en Louisa in Oost-Souburg
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven • ...
50 jaar getrouwd 2015-12-23
- Welke kleur heeft de stoomauto die Piet heeft gemaakt
- Waar woont de broer van Louisa
- Wat maakt Piet als hobby
- Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel
- Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag
- Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad
- Op welke torens hebben Piet en Louisa in 2001 gestaan
- Wat voor sprong heeft Louisa op Texel genomen
- Wat was het eerste huisdier van Piet en Louisa
- Waar is Louisa opgegroeid
- Waar heeft Louisa jarenlang les in gegeven
- Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa
- Welke reis maakten Piet en Louisa na hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest
- Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk
- In welke straat in Oost-Souburg hebben Piet en Louisa gewoond
- Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt
- Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa
- Waar hebben Piet en Louisa hun 25 jarig huwelijksfeest gevierd
18 Clues: Wat maakt Piet als hobby • Waar heeft Louisa gewerkt • Waar is Louisa opgegroeid • Waar woont de broer van Louisa • Waar doet Louisa vrijwilligerswerk • Waar wandelen Piet en Louisa graag • Aan welke stad heeft Piet een hekel • Waar heeft Piet zijn eerste baan gehad • Op welke verdieping wonen Piet en Louisa • Wat was de eerste auto van Piet en Louisa • ...
mama 50 jaar 2016-04-18
- Meisjesnaam
- Loofboom
- Naam die rijmt op appelsien
- vaandelzwaaier
- Gymnastiek
- Soort reptiel
- Synoniem voor onderricht
- Rosse kat
- School in Mechelen
- Synoniem voor plantenkas
- Grieks eiland
- (5 x 5) x 2
- Vaartuig dat zich verplaatst in de lucht
- Eten maken
- Gezelschapsspel
- Gemeente in Vlaams-Brabant
- Pond
- Voornaam van de partijleider van de PVV
18 Clues: Pond • Loofboom • Rosse kat • Eten maken • Gymnastiek • Meisjesnaam • (5 x 5) x 2 • Grieks eiland • Soort reptiel • vaandelzwaaier • Gezelschapsspel • School in Mechelen • Synoniem voor plantenkas • Synoniem voor onderricht • Gemeente in Vlaams-Brabant • Naam die rijmt op appelsien • Voornaam van de partijleider van de PVV • Vaartuig dat zich verplaatst in de lucht
능률보카 DAY 50 2022-06-08
- I am ________ about my new classmates. 나는 새 학급 친구들이 궁금하다.
- You can get 20% off with this _______. 너는 이 쿠폰으로 20%를 할인받을 수 있다.
- He put the juice in the __________. 그는 주스를 냉장고에 넣었다.
- Every _______ can have a free drink. 모든 방문객들은 무료 음료 한 잔을 마실 수 있다.
- The giraffe has a long _______. 기린은 긴 혀를 가지고 있다.
- The country is becoming ________. 그 나라는 영향력이 강해지고 있다.
- Aphrodite is the goddess of love and _______. 아프로디테는 사랑과 미의 여신이다.
- She _______ed to her home. 그녀는 집으로 돌아갔다.
- She took a warm _______. 그녀는 따뜻한 물로 샤워헀다.
- The lake _______ in the cold weather. 그 호수는 추운 날씨에 얼었다.
- That sign ______s "stop." 저 표지판은 "멈춤"을 의미한다.
- He ________ out the map on the desk. 그는 책상 위에 지도를 펼쳤다.
- They ______d me to their house. 그들은 나를 집에 초대했다.
- I started a company with my _______. 나는 동업자와 회사를 차렸다.
- A ________ asked me about the event. 한 기자가 내게 그 사건에 대해 물었다.
- The ______ number of people is 80. 전체 사람 수는 80명이다.
- The _______ is usually hot and dry. 사막은 보통 덥고 건조하다.
- We ________ arrived in our hometown. 우리는 마침매 고향에 도착했다.
18 Clues: She _______ed to her home. 그녀는 집으로 돌아갔다. • She took a warm _______. 그녀는 따뜻한 물로 샤워헀다. • That sign ______s "stop." 저 표지판은 "멈춤"을 의미한다. • They ______d me to their house. 그들은 나를 집에 초대했다. • The giraffe has a long _______. 기린은 긴 혀를 가지고 있다. • The ______ number of people is 80. 전체 사람 수는 80명이다. • The _______ is usually hot and dry. 사막은 보통 덥고 건조하다. • ...
crossword puzzle#50 2023-01-27
- House pet
- One skilled in woodwork
- Outer clothing
- Word with East or Ages
- Correctional institution
- Long pants
- What runners may run out of
- American sport
- One with specialised knowledge
- Amount paid
- Petula Clark hit
- Medical application
- Striped animal
- Recompense for service
- Any edible plant
- Long for something
- Cereal eater's implement
- Spiny plant, often in desert areas
18 Clues: House pet • Long pants • Amount paid • Striped animal • Outer clothing • American sport • Petula Clark hit • Any edible plant • Long for something • Medical application • Recompense for service • Word with East or Ages • One skilled in woodwork • Correctional institution • Cereal eater's implement • What runners may run out of • One with specialised knowledge • Spiny plant, often in desert areas
Kreuzwortraetsel zu Guidos Geburtstag 2014-04-07
- Vorname der Merkel
- Feier
- Rebsorte Weiss
- Guidos 1.Automodell
- dt.Schriftsteller
- Monat
- Zubereitungsart v. Speisen
- Prominenten-Wohngebiet in Tuebingen
- Vorname Tennisspielerin (Kurzf.)
- 8x8=
- Arbeitgeber; Nachlass
- weibl. Nachfahren
- Stadt am Neckar
- Anlass der Feiern
- Schulabschluss
- Farbe erstes Auto
- Vorname der Wood
- Hobby
- Rebsorte Rot
- Guidos 2. Vorname
- ...Hupf
- 50 Jahre
- Eingeladene Personen
- Lieblingsessen v. Guido
- donnerstaegl. Freizeitbeschaeftigung
- erlernter Beruf
- auf die ...
- maennl. Vorname
- ... to you
- Vater und Mutter
- Tinkspruch
- Mitbringsel
- Ortsteil von RT
- Intern.Suchm.
- roemisch: 50
- Guido`s Lieblingsfarbe
36 Clues: 8x8= • Hobby • Feier • Monat • ...Hupf • 50 Jahre • ... to you • Tinkspruch • auf die ... • Mitbringsel • Rebsorte Rot • roemisch: 50 • Intern.Suchm. • Rebsorte Weiss • Schulabschluss • erlernter Beruf • maennl. Vorname • Stadt am Neckar • Ortsteil von RT • Vater und Mutter • Vorname der Wood • Guidos 2. Vorname • dt.Schriftsteller • weibl. Nachfahren • Anlass der Feiern • Farbe erstes Auto • Vorname der Merkel • ...
50 2017-03-22
- defect, mistake, error
- young women usually like to have a ... to pay for everything they long for
- he wants a ..., hot chocolate
- you have a ... in your throat
- the man who calls the shots at La Picota
- a person who wants to buy the same things that others have bought
- we call the men in ... if there's a break-in
7 Clues: defect, mistake, error • you have a ... in your throat • he wants a ..., hot chocolate • the man who calls the shots at La Picota • we call the men in ... if there's a break-in • a person who wants to buy the same things that others have bought • young women usually like to have a ... to pay for everything they long for
Federalism 2014-04-02
- These types of grants are portions of money allocated to States to use for broader purposes and often are granted with fewer strings attached
- Powers that the Constitution does not grant to the National Government and does not, at the same time, deny to the States
- This clause provides that no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States
- These types of grants are made for some specific, closely defined purpose and there are usually conditions, or “strings,” attached to regulate the use of these funds
- Agreements between states or foreign states that are only approved by Congress
- Powers that are not expressly stated in the Constitution, but are reasonably suggested
- Powers belong to the National Government because it is the government of a sovereign state within the world community
- These grants are provided to States, localities, and sometimes private agencies that apply for them
- Powers that both the National Government and the States possess and exercise
- This clause states that the Constitution establishes the Constitution and United States laws as the “supreme Law of the Land”
- The idea that the federal and state governments work together towards a common goal
- The founding fathers purpose for federalism
- A system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government on a territorial basis between a central, or national, government and several regional governments, usually called states or provinces
- The first step for Congress to admit a new state
- grants of federal money or other resources to the States and/or their cities, counties, and other local units
- This clause ensures that States recognize the laws and, documents, and court proceedings of the other States
- Powers found directly in the constitution
- The legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one State is returned to that State
- Declares that the States are governments of reserved powers
- Powers that can be exercised by the National Government alone
- The second step for Congress to admit a new state
21 Clues: Powers found directly in the constitution • The founding fathers purpose for federalism • The first step for Congress to admit a new state • The second step for Congress to admit a new state • Declares that the States are governments of reserved powers • Powers that can be exercised by the National Government alone • ...
Minny 2021-12-14
Spanish Mathmatics 2022-01-13
Fun Fact Friday 2024-03-28
- Two statues of this animal located at entry way of New York Public Library's main branch, and is also our 'mascot'.
- Originally named "A Week with Willi the Worm" by Author, _________,soon changed the name to A Very Hungry Caterpillar at his Editor's request.
- The First book written on a Typewriter is "The Adventures of ____ _______"
- This former President, releases his annual end of year list of his favorite reads.
- _________ Public Library, founded in 1848, was the first publicly supported municipal library in the United States.
- Written by Dr. Seuss on a bet that he couldn't write a book using only 50 different words.
- Small insects that consume paper and bindings, sometimes used metaphorically to describe avid readers.
- Developed in 1876, this classification system is the most widely used in Libraries across the world.
- Some libraries, including ours have this service to help you travel the world!
- This Ancient Egyptian repository of knowledge, destroyed in antiquity, renowned for its vast collection of scrolls and manuscripts.
- The first of these was launched in 1857 to spread world literature via horse drawn carriage.
- "When in doubt, go to the ______" - Hermoine Granger
- Between 1883 and 1929, Philanthropist Andrew ________ created 2,509 libraries in the United States.
- Library of ________ is World's Largest library in terms of catalog depth
- U.S. State the Largest Book was Published
- In 1971, the Declaration of Independance was digitized, becoming the first ______.
16 Clues: U.S. State the Largest Book was Published • "When in doubt, go to the ______" - Hermoine Granger • Library of ________ is World's Largest library in terms of catalog depth • The First book written on a Typewriter is "The Adventures of ____ _______" • Some libraries, including ours have this service to help you travel the world! • ...
The Athenian Empire 2024-01-19
- One structure on the Acropolis was the _________.
- each group sent 50 __________ a year to the council of 500.
- pericles guided Athens through a ________, a period of great cultural achievement.(two words)
- Pericels used the league's money to biuld Athens _________ ____. (two words)
- Who organized citizens into four classes based on wealth.
- Athens and the other city-states formed an anti-Persian _______.
- Athens now had a __________, in which citizens gathered together to vote on laws and politics. (two words)
- who is one of athens greatest leaders.
- The Spartans were not happy that the Athenians were gaining so much ______.
- Athens was still in ruins from the Persian ____.
10 Clues: who is one of athens greatest leaders. • Athens was still in ruins from the Persian ____. • One structure on the Acropolis was the _________. • Who organized citizens into four classes based on wealth. • each group sent 50 __________ a year to the council of 500. • Athens and the other city-states formed an anti-Persian _______. • ...
WWII Blunders 2024-05-13
- A city in southwest Russia, where Operation Barbarossa was turned around
- A military campaign of World War 2, in which the Royal Air Force defended the UK against attacks by the Luftwaffe.
- A country with 50 states in North America
- A plan for military operations and movements during a war or battle
- A German submarine
- The V1 and V2 rockets, jet aircraft, and massive tanks.
- A stupid or careless mistake
- A Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target
- Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge
- A German Operation where they invaded the USSR
10 Clues: A German submarine • A stupid or careless mistake • A country with 50 states in North America • A German Operation where they invaded the USSR • The V1 and V2 rockets, jet aircraft, and massive tanks. • A plan for military operations and movements during a war or battle • A city in southwest Russia, where Operation Barbarossa was turned around • ...
US states 2022-03-29
14 Clues: not DC • cheese country • Hollywood state • touching Canada • "show me state" • the shrimp state • the cotton state • a Polynesian state • the smallest state • has a northern twin • has a southern twin • light LIGHT LIGHT!!! • shares a city with Missouri • it's the ya'll state touching Mexico
U.S. states 2023-04-28
14 Clues: capital is Dover • capital is Jackson • capital is Raleigh • capital is Atlanta • capital is Richmond • capital is Columbia • capital is Annapolis • capital is Nashville • capital is Frankfort • capital is Charleston • capital is Montgomery • capital is Tallahassee • capital is Baton Rouge • capital is Little Rock
Summary of the 50s 2023-12-01
9 Clues: the same • watch movies • listen to music • shows of the 50's • most famous actress • popular genre of music • revolutionized in the 50 • rapid growth in the 50's • Best baseball team of the 50s
Civil War Terms 2022-05-09
- - An army of citizens used during emergencies.
- - When a person is murdered for political reasons.
- - A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War, many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
- Proclamation - An executive order from President Abraham Lincoln stating that slaves in the Confederate states were to be set free.
- - A term used to describe people who supported the Union.
- - A long blade or knife attached to the end of a musket. Soldiers would use it like a spear in close combat.
- - Crackers eaten by Civil War soldiers were made from flour, water, and salt.
- - A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- - A nickname for United States paper money that was first used in 1862. It got its name from the green ink used in printing.
- - A warship that is fully covered and protected by iron cladding.
- - A nickname for the Confederate States of America or the Confederacy.
- - A northerner who moved to the South during the reconstruction in order to become rich.
- Scott decision - A decision made by the Supreme Court that said Congress could not outlaw slavery and that people of African descent were not necessarily U.S. citizens.
- - Putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire country.
- - A nickname given to people in the South supporting the Confederate States.
- - Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
- - The rebuilding of war-torn southern states so they could be readmitted into the Union after the Civil War.
- - A commutation was when a person could pay a fee rather than be drafted into the army. This angered poorer people who could not pay the fee and had no choice but to fight.
- - The name given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government. Also called the North.
- - A long gun with a smooth bore that soldiers shot from the shoulder.
- - Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars.
- - A soldier that is wounded or killed during a battle. (wounded + killed = casualties)
- Slave Law - A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped slaves in free states had to be returned to their owners.
- - When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country.
- - A nickname for southern whites who supported the Republican Party.
- - A nickname for northerners who were against the Civil War.
- - The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
- - putting the nation ahead of all other nations and to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
- Line - A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
- - Another name for the Confederate States of America or the South. The Confederacy was a group of states that left the United States to form their own country.
- - A nickname for the South.
- states - These states were slave states that did not leave the Union, but largely supported the cause of the Confederates. They included Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.
- - A canvas bag that many Civil War soldiers used to carry their food.
- - An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- - A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
35 Clues: - A nickname for the South. • - Soldiers that fight and travel by foot. • - An army of citizens used during emergencies. • - When a person is murdered for political reasons. • - Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars. • - A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery. • - A term used to describe people who supported the Union. • ...
Le mots croisés 2023-08-30
ගණිතය 3 සැකසුම - ගයාන් කුමාර 2023-10-27
Soyvivor S3: Crossed Paths 2 2024-11-30
- Loves raping people
- A type of skirt
- Is a Monster
- Winner of S1
- Known for 💋
- A morning drink
- A name for a smurf
- Has only gotten 8th Place in Soyvivor
- 50% Chocolate, 50% Cracker
- 5th Last Season
- A person who plays games
- First Boot this Season
- Runner-Up of S1
- Who has the worse overall ranking?
- Circus's Last Words
- True or False; is Donny a Duck
- Said a Slur
- Name for the Ballsdex Bot
- Who has the best overall ranking?
- The Host!
- Rhymes with Fella
- Winner of S2
- Mice love to eat
- From Teen Titans
24 Clues: The Host! • Said a Slur • Known for 💋 • Is a Monster • Winner of S1 • Winner of S2 • Runner-Up of S1 • A type of skirt • A morning drink • 5th Last Season • Mice love to eat • From Teen Titans • Rhymes with Fella • A name for a smurf • Loves raping people • Circus's Last Words • First Boot this Season • A person who plays games • Name for the Ballsdex Bot • 50% Chocolate, 50% Cracker • ...
Los Numeros- Lacey 2020-11-05
- Number of letters in the alphabet
- The number of chromebooks in Mrs. Hill’s room
- The number of people in the eighth grade.
- Number of trimesters there are in a school year
- 50 minus 20
- The number of states there are in the USA
- Number of keys there are on a chromebook
- The number of class periods in a day
- The number of seconds in a minute
- 2 times 16
- Number of Number of consonants there are in the alphabet
- Abraham was ____ years old when Isaac was born.
- Number of desks in Mrs. room (except for Mrs. Hill’s)
- The number of inches in a foot
- 4 plus 24
- The number of continents on the earth
- The number of books in the bible
- The number of people in seventh grade that are in Pre-Algebra
- 40 minus 7
- The number of days in a year
- The number of school days there are in a week
- We have ____ sun.
- The number of posters on Mrs. Hill’s desk.
- Number of days in November.
- 12 minus 2
25 Clues: 4 plus 24 • 40 minus 7 • 2 times 16 • 12 minus 2 • 50 minus 20 • We have ____ sun. • Number of days in November. • The number of days in a year • The number of inches in a foot • The number of books in the bible • Number of letters in the alphabet • The number of seconds in a minute • The number of class periods in a day • The number of continents on the earth • ...
Government Final Crossword Project - Christopher Burrell 2022-01-11
- These people make law.
- 10 People right under the government.
- A person running for government.
- The people can vote on this every 4 years.
- This is our countries court system.
- This court is the highest in government.
- A society ruled by a few people.
- These people meet with members of government.
- An agreement with another country.
- A written document often referred when using basic Government knowledge.
- A society with no rules.
- This is the vote of the people.
- These people make decisions
- There are only 50 people in this.
- this party values money and cost saving
- A society based around religion.
- A society ruled by people
- this party values equality and money spending
- Our people pay this everyday.
- These people have different interests in certain topics.
- This policy is usually overseas.
- A document often used to legally search a person, or a persons home.
- This is the main United States system.
- The head of the executive branch.
- A society ruled by a generational bloodline.
- Different countries can help in times of crisis.
26 Clues: These people make law. • A society with no rules. • A society ruled by people • These people make decisions • Our people pay this everyday. • This is the vote of the people. • A person running for government. • A society based around religion. • A society ruled by a few people. • This policy is usually overseas. • There are only 50 people in this. • ...
Which President... 2017-04-30
- nickname was "Old Rough and Ready"
- had Ph.D.
- collects Spider man comic books
- was a peanut farmer
- was a violinist
- had a pet goat
- nickname was 'Elegant Arthur"
- got us at five to practice the piano
- was the first Catholic president
- was a tailor
- was the first to visit all 50 states
- was afraid of electricity
- was the oldest president
- was the first to use a phone
- spoke Chinese
- was born on the 4th of July
- was a good athlete in high school
- weighed 332 lbs
- was shot at Ford's theater
- got a speeding ticket on a horse
- spoke six different languages
- was a bachelor
- was the shortest and lightest president
- did not represent a political party
- had bad asthma(but later overcame it)
- served during both World War 1 and World War 2
- was the first president to live in the white house
- was the first president to speak over the radio
- was a cheerleader in high school
- had an artificial jaw
30 Clues: had Ph.D. • was a tailor • spoke Chinese • was a bachelor • had a pet goat • was a violinist • weighed 332 lbs • was a peanut farmer • had an artificial jaw • was the oldest president • was afraid of electricity • was shot at Ford's theater • was born on the 4th of July • was the first to use a phone • spoke six different languages • nickname was 'Elegant Arthur" • ...
Ap Statistics 2022-05-11
- Information gathered from observations.
- A numerical measurement describing some characteristic of a population.
- The likelihood that a particular event will
- can be drawn.
- The datum which occurs the most in a set of
- Range of the middle 50% of the values; Q3-Q1 75th percentile - 25th percentile.
- A relationship between two sets of data or two datum which states the outcome of one has no effect on the outcome of the other.
- Data identified by something other than numbers
- Displays the 5-number summary as a central box with whiskers that extend to the non-outlying data values.
- The measure of a relationship between two variables or sets of data.
- A descriptive feature in which describes the
- Graphs a dot for each against a single axis
- of the data graphically.
- Data or datum being numerically defined.
- A measurement describing some characteristic of a sample.
- Items selected and used to test hypotheses
- accurate statistical evidence.
- The act of conducting a controlled test or investigation.
- The entire aggregation of items from which
- The act of repeating an experiment to get
20 Clues: can be drawn. • of the data graphically. • accurate statistical evidence. • Information gathered from observations. • Data or datum being numerically defined. • The act of repeating an experiment to get • Items selected and used to test hypotheses • The entire aggregation of items from which • Graphs a dot for each against a single axis • ...
Time Expressions Vocabulary 2021-09-29
- hour/time
- 12:00 AM
- use "y" to ___ minutes to the hour
- 11:50 son las doce menos ____.
- early
- very early A.M. de la ____
- 3:00 son las tres en ___.
- almost
- ¿___ hora es? / what time is it?
- 2:50 son las dos y ____.
- Hay ____ minutos en una media hora.
- P.M. afternoon de la ____
- :15
- 2:10 ___ ___ dos y diez.
- clock
- :30
- A.M. de la ____
- 1:30 ___ ___ una y media.
- 1:55 son las dos ___ cinco.
- late
- 12:00 PM
- use "menos" to ____ minutes from the next hour
- P.M. evening/night de la ___
- Hay ___ minutos en un cuarto de hora.
- hour
25 Clues: :15 • :30 • late • hour • clock • early • almost • 12:00 AM • 12:00 PM • hour/time • A.M. de la ____ • 2:10 ___ ___ dos y diez. • 2:50 son las dos y ____. • 1:30 ___ ___ una y media. • 3:00 son las tres en ___. • P.M. afternoon de la ____ • very early A.M. de la ____ • 1:55 son las dos ___ cinco. • P.M. evening/night de la ___ • 11:50 son las doce menos ____. • ¿___ hora es? / what time is it? • ...
- PSALM 9:10
- PSALM 37:5
- PSALM 17:7
- PSALM 5:11
- 1 TIMOTHY 4:10B
- ISAIAH 50:10B
- JOB 13:15
- PSALM 4:5
- PSALM 91:4B
- PSALM 56:11
- PSALM 25:2
- 1 TIMOTHY 4:10
- PSALM 18:30
- PSALM 17:7B
- RUTH 2:12
- PSALM 143:8
- PSALM 118:8
- 2 SAMUEL 22:3B
- PSALM 25:2
- PSALM 143:8B
- PSALM 91:4
- PSALM 20:7
- PALM 18:2
- 2 SAMUEL 22:3
- 2 SAMUEL 22:31
- PSALM 18:2B
- ISAIAH 50:10
29 Clues: RUTH 2:12 • PALM 18:2 • JOB 13:15 • PSALM 4:5 • PSALM 9:10 • PSALM 37:5 • PSALM 25:2 • PSALM 17:7 • PSALM 5:11 • PSALM 91:4 • PSALM 20:7 • PSALM 25:2 • PSALM 143:8 • PSALM 118:8 • PSALM 18:2B • PSALM 91:4B • PSALM 56:11 • PSALM 18:30 • PSALM 17:7B • PSALM 143:8B • ISAIAH 50:10 • PROVERBS 3:5 • ISAIAH 50:10B • PROVERBS 30:5 • 2 SAMUEL 22:3 • 2 SAMUEL 22:3B • 2 SAMUEL 22:31 • 1 TIMOTHY 4:10 • 1 TIMOTHY 4:10B
hw 2014-07-03
- He wrote The Jungle Book
- He was also known as Gurudev.
- He had left India in 1945 and became a naturalised United States citizen in 1966.
- He is an Indian born American and British structural biologist.He was also known as Venki.
- He has published more than 30 books bboth of fiction and non fiction over some 50 years
- Her real name was Gonxhe Bojaxhiu.
- An Indian Born American biochemist who shared his Nobel Prize with Marshall.W.Nirenberg and Robert.W.Holley in 1968.
- She got the Nobel Prize for literature in 2013.
- He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.
- He was born in Kolkata in 1933.
10 Clues: He wrote The Jungle Book • He was also known as Gurudev. • He was born in Kolkata in 1933. • Her real name was Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. • She got the Nobel Prize for literature in 2013. • He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. • He had left India in 1945 and became a naturalised United States citizen in 1966. • ...
Essentials 4.8 2015-04-30
- The __ makes rules for all of the states and has the largest military.
- When you vote, you elect a __ to represent you in Washington DC.
- Not being from the St. Louis__, the New Yorker couldn't really understand Ferguson.
- If you have a smoking habit, you need to __ it.
- The US has 50 __, but how many does Germany have?
- Molina will __ the Cardinals when he plays in the All-Star Game.
- The lioness __ her cub from the hyena.
- The St. Louis Cardinals was __ in 1882.
- Your driver's license is a __ you must bring every time you drive.
- The __ of a US Senator is six years.
10 Clues: The __ of a US Senator is six years. • The lioness __ her cub from the hyena. • The St. Louis Cardinals was __ in 1882. • If you have a smoking habit, you need to __ it. • The US has 50 __, but how many does Germany have? • Molina will __ the Cardinals when he plays in the All-Star Game. • When you vote, you elect a __ to represent you in Washington DC. • ...
chapitre 2 juliette 2022-09-29
- movement combined a concern for general social ills with religious sentiment and practical health considerations in a way that was appealing to many middle-class reformers
- 3rd president of the united states
- Upheld constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
- first president of the united states
- .Reasserted federal judicial authority over state courts
- a meeting of supporters or members of a specific political party or movement
- the powers specifically mentioned in the Constitution
- to withdraw from an organization
- a formal act whereby a state proclaims its sovereignty over territory hitherto outside its domain
- doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness
- Protected contracts from legislative interference
- Court can accept appeals of state court decisions and review state decisions that involve federal statutes or treaties
- 7th president of the united states
- the constitutional theory that individual states can invalidate federal laws or judicial decisions they deem unconstitutional
- the political policy of promoting or protecting the interests of native or indigenous inhabitants over those of immigrants, including the support of immigration-restriction measures
- Declared congressional act unconstitutional
- a distinct article or provision in a contract, treaty, will, or other formal or legal written documents
- 4th president of the united states
- a league of persons, parties, or states
- 5th president of the united states
- 8th president of the united states
- 9th president of the united states
- .withdrawal of 11 slave states from the Union during 1860–61 following the election of Abraham Lincoln as president
- second president of the united states
- Revoked an existing state monopoly
- the movement to end slavery
26 Clues: the movement to end slavery • to withdraw from an organization • 7th president of the united states • 3rd president of the united states • 4th president of the united states • 5th president of the united states • 8th president of the united states • 9th president of the united states • Revoked an existing state monopoly • first president of the united states • ...
Which President... 2017-04-30
- spoke six different languages
- was the first to use a phone
- was the first president to speak over the radio
- nickname was 'Elegant Arthur"
- was shot at Ford's theater
- had bad asthma(but later overcame it)
- had Ph.D.
- got a speeding ticket on a horse
- was a tailor
- served during both World War 1 and World War 2
- was a peanut farmer
- had a pet goat
- was a cheerleader in high school
- was a good athlete in high school
- was the first Catholic president
- was the first to visit all 50 states
- did not represent a political party
- was the shortest and lightest president
- spoke Chinese
- collects Spider man comic books
- had an artificial jaw
- was afraid of electricity
- was born on the 4th of July
- was the oldest president
- nickname was "Old Rough and Ready"
- was a bachelor
- got us at five to practice the piano
- was the first president to live in the white house
- weighed 332 lbs
- was a violinist
30 Clues: had Ph.D. • was a tailor • spoke Chinese • was a bachelor • had a pet goat • weighed 332 lbs • was a violinist • was a peanut farmer • had an artificial jaw • was the oldest president • was afraid of electricity • was shot at Ford's theater • was born on the 4th of July • was the first to use a phone • spoke six different languages • nickname was 'Elegant Arthur" • ...
Who's Who #2 2022-08-07
- Choir director at junior high and high school.
- Has two pet frogs at home that are about 20 years old. Eddy and Freddy were in the video.
- Teaches 6th grade PE and Health.
- Enjoys jogging.
- Teaches Social Studies and coaches the speech team.
- Works in Ms. Asbury’s room.
- In-school suspension and alternative school director.
- Secretary in front office. Always here to help.
- Teacher’s assistant.
- Treasurer for GJHS and coaches track and volleyball.
- Wants to visit all 50 states.
- School Resource Officer.
- Teaches Band.
- Doesn’t have a birth certificate
- Teacher’s assistant and is now an ELA interventionist.
- Teaches Special Education.
- Works with Ms. Reisman in 8th grade.
- Teaches 7th and 8th grade math.
- Librarian.
- Huge Marvel superheroes nerd.
- Likes to make music and read.
- Assistant Principal.
- Enjoys watching Colts, Pacers, and Indy 11 with her kids.
- Coaches high school football - defensive backs.
- Band teacher.
- Likes to play video games
- Teaches Engineering and Technology. Class is dull and boring. Can’t wait to have you in class.
- Teaching assistant.
28 Clues: Librarian. • Band teacher. • Teaches Band. • Enjoys jogging. • Teaching assistant. • Assistant Principal. • Teacher’s assistant. • School Resource Officer. • Likes to play video games • Teaches Special Education. • Works in Ms. Asbury’s room. • Huge Marvel superheroes nerd. • Likes to make music and read. • Wants to visit all 50 states. • Teaches 7th and 8th grade math. • ...
CROSSWORD Xander 2023-06-14
- Where was the Effiel Tower originally intended to be put?
- What country has the most natural lakes?
- Which letter does not appear in all of the 50 states of USA (6,1)
- Famous Daid Goggins quote (4,4,4,2,3)
- What body part do lobsters use to taste?
- What is the official currency of the United Kingdom?(5,8)
- Where is the driest place on earth? (7,6)
- What is the capital of Mexico? (6,4)
- NRL player with the most games played. (7,5)
- What is the capital of Canada?
- What is the capital of Senegal?
- What is the capital of the American State of California?
- How many time zones exist in Russia?
- What present-day Italian city does Mt. Vesuvius overlook?
- Which planet other then Earth has earthquakes?
- What country does the Rhine River run through?
- What is the name of the tallest mountain in Canada? (5,5)
- How many hearts do octopus have?
- Who carries the boat and the log?(5,7)
- What is the name of the smallest country in the world? (7,4)
20 Clues: What is the capital of Canada? • What is the capital of Senegal? • How many hearts do octopus have? • How many time zones exist in Russia? • What is the capital of Mexico? (6,4) • Famous Daid Goggins quote (4,4,4,2,3) • Who carries the boat and the log?(5,7) • What country has the most natural lakes? • What body part do lobsters use to taste? • ...
Civics crossword 2024-05-09
- a system of law based on precedents and customs
- Defendant pleas neither guilty nor not gulity
- who was the president with 15 children
- A minor crime, usually punished by a ticket and not jail time.
- A formal charge by a grand jury
- a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case.
- who was the first president to visit all 50 states
- who comes next in office if the president dies until next election.
- A set of voluntary promises, enforceable by the law between two or more parties.
- who was the oldest president
- US President who was an actor
- who was the first president
- First step in a civil case
- a person or party filing a lawsuit.
- wrongful acts for which an injured party has the right to sue
- most criminal cases begin with this
- How many justices that are on the supreme court
- how many senators are there
- Before trial lawyers from both sides try this to resolve the case.
- What branch holds the president.
20 Clues: First step in a civil case • who was the first president • how many senators are there • who was the oldest president • US President who was an actor • A formal charge by a grand jury • What branch holds the president. • a person or party filing a lawsuit. • most criminal cases begin with this • who was the president with 15 children • ...
50 2017-03-22
7 Clues: viejo cachón • violador cacorrón • repunte, incrmento • concentrarse en algo • echarse una cana al aire • entendido, en lenguaje de los militares • una fiesta de puros manes, con poquitas mujeres
CMS Just Right Government 2022-10-20
- The chamber of Congress where each state gets two votes
- The Constitution says laws passed by Congress are ____ to state laws.
- Under the Virginia Plan, these states would have more power
- Under the New Jersey plan, these states would have more power
- The Articles of Confederation were America's first plan for ________.
- The Articles of Confederation created a government that only had one of these
- States send these to Congress
- The document that replaced the Articles of Confederation
- Branch that interprets laws
- Early Americans had something in common with this fictional character!
- These were the "individuals" in the "confederation" created by the Articles
- States must treat their own citizens and other states' citizens this way
- In the House of Representatives, the number of votes a state gets depends on this
- One of the things people were afraid the states might lose if national government was too powerful.
- The Articles did not allow Congress to create one of these, they had to ask the states
- Under the Articles, America did not have one of these
- Under the Articles, congress could not do this to laws, so states could just ignore laws
- Fraction of states that must agree to change the Constitution
- Branch that makes laws
- A group of individuals unites together for a common purpose
- Branch that carries out laws
21 Clues: Branch that makes laws • Branch that interprets laws • Branch that carries out laws • States send these to Congress • Under the Articles, America did not have one of these • The chamber of Congress where each state gets two votes • The document that replaced the Articles of Confederation • Under the Virginia Plan, these states would have more power • ...
Kate Kudlawiec (Chapter 3 test review) 2020-11-17
- system that gives each branch of government the power to change or cancel acts
- determines whether the actions of the legislative and executive branches are constitutional
- arrengements or compacts with leaders
- inability to govern effectively due to separation of power
- body of 538 people elected from the 50 states of the District of Columbia
- legislative branches by way of the presidents power
- government gets it authority from the people
- involves 3/5,2,3, or 3/4
- violate a part of the constitution
- principle that the powers and functions of the government are restricted
- everyone must obey the law and is never above it
- powers of government distributed between national and state government
- cancel or revoke a law by a legislative act
- group of advisers consisting of the heads of the executive departments
- organized group that seeks to win elections
- duties of government are divided among 3 branches
- the supreme law of the land
17 Clues: involves 3/5,2,3, or 3/4 • the supreme law of the land • violate a part of the constitution • arrengements or compacts with leaders • cancel or revoke a law by a legislative act • organized group that seeks to win elections • government gets it authority from the people • everyone must obey the law and is never above it • duties of government are divided among 3 branches • ...
The Bill of Rights 2019-08-31
- All 50 states are __ by the Constitution
- The second amendment give you the right to
- What are the first 10 amendments called
- People must be given a __ punishment
- You have the right to be defended by __
- This person helped write the Bill of Rights
- The first amendments gives people the right to freedom of __
- This amendment number changed the voting age to 18
- The 15th amendment gave African Americans what right at age 21
- The __states that these rights can not be taken away
- You have the right to a trial by __
- The third amendment says a __ is not allowed to stay in your house without your permission
- The 13th amendment gave freedom to whom
- The 19th amendment gave the right to vote to __
- Police aren't allowed to go into your house without __
- You don't have to __ during your own trial
- The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth amendment protects people accused of a ___
17 Clues: You have the right to a trial by __ • People must be given a __ punishment • The 13th amendment gave freedom to whom • What are the first 10 amendments called • You have the right to be defended by __ • All 50 states are __ by the Constitution • The second amendment give you the right to • You don't have to __ during your own trial • ...
The Bill of Rights 2019-08-31
- You have the right to a trial by __
- You don't have to __ during your own trial
- The 19th amendment gave the right to vote to __
- The 13th amendment gave freedom to whom
- The 15th amendment gave African Americans what right at age 21
- Police aren't allowed to go into your house without __
- The __states that these rights can not be taken away
- People must be given a __ punishment
- All 50 states are __ by the Constitution
- This person helped write the Bill of Rights
- The third amendment says a __ is not allowed to stay in your house without your permission
- The first amendments gives people the right to freedom of __
- This amendment number changed the voting age to 18
- What are the first 10 amendments called
- You have the right to be defended by __
- The second amendment give you the right to
- The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth amendment protects people accused of a ___
17 Clues: You have the right to a trial by __ • People must be given a __ punishment • What are the first 10 amendments called • You have the right to be defended by __ • The 13th amendment gave freedom to whom • All 50 states are __ by the Constitution • You don't have to __ during your own trial • The second amendment give you the right to • ...
Odain puzzle 2023-04-27
Civil War Vocab 2021-03-23
- Part of a country leaves
- To print something from a flat surface, the first photos
- Court house where surrender was signed
- A group working against something (violent)
- The South during the Civil war
- Reporting and the news
- Sumper First battle of the War, Confederate Victory
- When you get pooled to go to war
- Ending Slavery
- President of the Confederate States of America
- illegal war materials, stolen
- Address Speech given by Lincoln, turning point in the War
- states Slave states that stayed connected with the free states
- Carolina First state to secede from the Union
- To free
- President of the United States
- The North (United States) during the Civil war
- The differences between the Northern & Southern states that pushed them to war
- Proclamation - War tactic by Lincoln "military necessity"
- Morse code texting over lines
20 Clues: To free • Ending Slavery • Reporting and the news • Part of a country leaves • Morse code texting over lines • illegal war materials, stolen • President of the United States • The South during the Civil war • When you get pooled to go to war • Court house where surrender was signed • A group working against something (violent) • Carolina First state to secede from the Union • ...
Vocab unit. 7 2022-01-07
- to stop or put an end to
- - to block off a place so that goods can not get through
- - tax
- war - a war between citizens of the same country
- Republicans - northern political party who fought agains slavery
- - the state of being owned by another person
- – income
- law - military government
- - to leave a group of states
- district - military is responsible for overseeing a certain area
- Amendment - gave citizenship to all people born or naturalized n the United States 15th Amendment - gave former slaves and African Americans the right to vote naturalized - given citizenship
- – to withdraw, including the withdrawal of states from the Union
- - a large farm that grows crops to sell (cash crops)
- Amendment - abolished slavery
- - the United States or northern states during the Civlil War
- –concern for regional needs and interests
- relating to the national or central government of a country.
- States of America - the souther states that seceded
- rights - Governmental rights granted to individual states in a country by a federal constitution sovereignty - supreme power or authority
- - people held in slavery
- - to change the Constitution
- - get rid of something
22 Clues: - tax • – income • - get rid of something • to stop or put an end to • - people held in slavery • law - military government • - to change the Constitution • - to leave a group of states • Amendment - abolished slavery • –concern for regional needs and interests • - the state of being owned by another person • war - a war between citizens of the same country • ...
Unit 7 2022-01-07
- northern political party who fought agains slavery
- rights - Governmental rights granted to individual states in a country by a federal constitution sovereignty - supreme power or authority
- relating to the national or central government of a country.
- States of America - the souther states that seceded
- tax
- income
- to withdraw, including the withdrawal of states from the Union
- gave former slaves and African Americans the right to vote naturalized - given citizenship
- war - a war between citizens of the same country
- people held in slavery
- to stop or put an end to
- abolished slavery
- gave citizenship to all people born or naturalized n the United States
- a large farm that grows crops to sell (cash crops)
- to change the Constitution
- the United States or northern states during the Civlil War
- military is responsible for overseeing a certain area
- the state of being owned by another person
- to leave a group of states
- –concern for regional needs and interests
- law - military government
- get rid of something
- to block off a place so that goods can not get through
23 Clues: tax • income • abolished slavery • get rid of something • people held in slavery • to stop or put an end to • law - military government • to change the Constitution • to leave a group of states • –concern for regional needs and interests • the state of being owned by another person • war - a war between citizens of the same country • a large farm that grows crops to sell (cash crops) • ...
U.S. States 2022-06-18
- the largest potato producer in America
- the least fiscally responsible state
- the state with the smallest population
- the state with the largest population
- where America got its independence
- a state which every county voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020
- a nice rural, quiet, beautiful state
- a state on a peninsula that gets many tourists
- borders 4 of the 5 Great Lakes
- the largest state by area
- the smallest state by area
- the Rocky Mountain high
- land of 10,000 lakes
- a liberal, expensive state near DC
14 Clues: land of 10,000 lakes • the Rocky Mountain high • the largest state by area • the smallest state by area • borders 4 of the 5 Great Lakes • where America got its independence • a liberal, expensive state near DC • the least fiscally responsible state • a nice rural, quiet, beautiful state • the state with the largest population • the largest potato producer in America • ...
Mexican States 2022-09-02
- Popular for its many Mayan ruins and its beautiful peninsula of beaches
- Known for its port and popular for its seafood
- Known for the cartel and banda
- Popular of its many Spanish colonial towns and its pueblos mágicos
- Popular for its coasts and the city of Tijuana
- The birthplace of mariachi and tequila
- Tepic is its capital and known for its nice beaches
- The capital of Mexico
- Cities like Saltillo and Torreón are from this state
- The Grito de Dolores was said here and popular for its many cathedrals
- Popular for its dog breeds and the Chepe train
- Known as Mexico's biggest exporter of cocoa and popular for the city of Villahermosa
- The country where chiles and futbol live
- The place where nortenos and the Tigres UANL are from
14 Clues: The capital of Mexico • Known for the cartel and banda • The birthplace of mariachi and tequila • The country where chiles and futbol live • Known for its port and popular for its seafood • Popular for its dog breeds and the Chepe train • Popular for its coasts and the city of Tijuana • Tepic is its capital and known for its nice beaches • ...
U.S. states 2023-04-28
14 Clues: capital is Dover • capital is Raleigh • capital is Jackson • capital is Atlanta • capital is Richmond • capital is Columbia • capital is Nashville • capital is Frankfort • capital is Annapolis • capital is Charleston • capital is Montgomery • capital is Baton Rouge • capital is Little Rock • capital is Tallahassee
American States 2023-11-20
14 Clues: - York • - Peach State • - Old Dominion • - Sunshine State • - Rocky Mountains • - Land of Lincoln • - Big Sky Country • - Lone Star State • - Pacific paradise • - The Last Frontier • - Great Lakes state • - Grand Canyon state • - Hollywood and beaches • - Jazz and Creole cuisine
Spelling Unit 8 2013-11-06
10 Clues: 50+50 • 2, 4, 6, 8, ? • a series of items • opposite of sooner • up to a point in time • to get on your feet yesterday • something that everyone drinks • there are 50 of them in the USA • what you say in response to a question • what you say when something is done really well