among%20us Crossword Puzzles

Religion Among the Chinese 2023-05-08

Religion Among the Chinese crossword puzzle
  1. A Buddhist idea to be reborn
  2. Based on morality, family, and the idea of a good ruler
  3. 2nd largest country in Asia
  4. A line of hereditary rulers in a country
  5. Based on the teachings of Buddha
  1. Believed in being one with nature
  2. Founded Taoism
  3. Another word for god
  4. Founded Buddhism
  5. The idea that all actions have consequences
  6. Founded Confucianism

11 Clues: Founded TaoismFounded BuddhismAnother word for godFounded Confucianism2nd largest country in AsiaA Buddhist idea to be rebornBased on the teachings of BuddhaBelieved in being one with natureA line of hereditary rulers in a countryThe idea that all actions have consequencesBased on morality, family, and the idea of a good ruler

A god among animators 2023-03-18

A god among animators crossword puzzle
  1. a synonym for calm
  2. the same as a writer
  3. säpsähtää
  4. ylittää
  5. public relations manager
  1. someone who eats meat
  2. same as genuine
  3. a negative attitude towards the future
  4. to live in somewhere
  5. the same as a fairy tale
  6. parrasvalot

11 Clues: ylittääsäpsähtääparrasvalotsame as genuinea synonym for calmthe same as a writerto live in somewheresomeone who eats meatthe same as a fairy talepublic relations managera negative attitude towards the future

The Among Us Crossword 2024-02-13

The Among Us Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A map that is a spaceship in space
  2. A role that allows a crewmate(s) to shield alive players from being killed
  3. A map that is a ship that came from the Henry Stickman Series
  4. A map that is a planet
  5. A map that is a island filled with fungus
  1. A role that completes tasks and try to vote out the Impostor
  2. A role that allows a crewmate(s) to check vitals anywhere
  3. A role that allows a crewmate(s) to use the vents
  4. A map that is a building that is a skyscraper that reaches high into what is most likely the atmosphere of the Crewmates' home planet, and pierces the clouds
  5. A role that allows the impostor(s) to turn into other players
  6. A role that kills the crewmates

11 Clues: A map that is a planetA role that kills the crewmatesA map that is a spaceship in spaceA map that is a island filled with fungusA role that allows a crewmate(s) to use the ventsA role that allows a crewmate(s) to check vitals anywhereA role that completes tasks and try to vote out the Impostor...

Chapter 12 Vocab 2017-03-13

Chapter 12 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. true/real
  2. among/between
  3. captive
  4. help
  5. foul
  6. water
  7. strengthen
  1. welcome
  2. near_nearby/nearly
  3. around/round_about
  4. plan
  5. soon
  6. breath_life_soul
  7. spirit_life_soul

14 Clues: planhelpsoonfoulwaterwelcomecaptivetrue/realstrengthenamong/betweenbreath_life_soulspirit_life_soulnear_nearby/nearlyaround/round_about

AVID Crossword Puzzle 2016-itz_john 2016-11-16

AVID Crossword Puzzle 2016-itz_john crossword puzzle
  1. Not
  2. Again
  3. Uplift
  4. Increase
  5. Intensity of Feeling
  6. Waver
  7. Threatening
  8. Coax
  9. Self
  10. Disagree
  11. Believe
  12. Against
  13. Pleasing
  14. Feeling
  1. Become Absorbed in thought
  2. Notably Polite
  3. Among
  4. Without
  5. Very Friendly
  6. Grieve
  7. Firmness
  8. Long for
  9. Sit
  10. Puzzle
  11. New

25 Clues: NotSitNewCoaxSelfAgainAmongWaverUpliftGrievePuzzleWithoutBelieveAgainstFeelingIncreaseFirmnessLong forDisagreePleasingThreateningVery FriendlyNotably PoliteIntensity of FeelingBecome Absorbed in thought

Being a Superhero 2019-09-04

Being a Superhero crossword puzzle
  1. ändamål
  2. medhjälpare
  3. visad
  4. serietidningar
  5. självständig
  6. styrkor
  7. stolt
  8. avancerad
  9. superskurkar
  10. hela tiden
  11. utveckla
  12. vuxen
  1. kvinna
  2. barndom
  3. under dagen
  4. tonåring
  5. drag
  6. förmögenhet
  7. bland
  8. motståndare
  9. undermedvetna
  10. bevisa
  11. lika rättigheter
  12. ond
  13. förmågor
  14. dök upp
  15. delvis

27 Clues: onddragvisadblandstoltvuxenkvinnabevisadelvisändamålbarndomstyrkordök upptonåringförmågorutvecklaavanceradhela tidenmedhjälpareunder dagenförmögenhetmotståndaresjälvständigsuperskurkarundermedvetnaserietidningarlika rättigheter

set 7 2022-03-10

set 7 crossword puzzle
  1. under, below
  2. backward, behind
  3. below
  4. bad, painful, difficult
  5. large
  6. above, upon
  7. beside, near
  8. short
  9. outside, outward
  10. within, inside
  11. small
  12. outside
  1. slow
  2. before, in front of
  3. between, among
  4. above, beyond
  5. fast
  6. around
  7. behind, after
  8. under, below
  9. new
  10. within, inner

22 Clues: newslowfastbelowlargeshortsmallaroundoutsideabove, uponunder, belowbeside, nearunder, belowabove, beyondbehind, afterwithin, innerbetween, amongwithin, insidebackward, behindoutside, outwardbefore, in front ofbad, painful, difficult

Root words review week 9-12 2023-01-27

Root words review week 9-12 crossword puzzle
  1. to turn
  2. life
  3. good
  4. to cut
  5. between/among
  6. heat
  7. bad
  8. one
  9. to see
  10. time
  11. beyond
  12. voice
  1. to bend/curve
  2. within
  3. apart
  4. two
  5. empty
  6. straight
  7. half
  8. likeness
  9. people
  10. book
  11. not
  12. take/seize

24 Clues: twobadonenotlifegoodhalfheatbooktimeapartemptyvoicewithinto cutpeopleto seebeyondto turnstraightlikenesstake/seizeto bend/curvebetween/among

St. 14 Vocabulary 2023-03-27

St. 14 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. and
  2. lady
  3. king
  4. astonished
  5. although
  6. when, where
  7. faithful, loyal
  8. necessary
  9. to not want
  10. to want
  11. to be able to
  1. palace
  2. gift
  3. husband
  4. something
  5. every day
  6. among, at the house of
  7. difficult
  8. god
  9. to destroy
  10. diligently, carefully

21 Clues: andgodladygiftkingpalacehusbandto wantalthoughsomethingevery daydifficultnecessaryastonishedto destroywhen, whereto not wantto be able tofaithful, loyaldiligently, carefullyamong, at the house of

Lord of the Flies, Chapters 7-12 2023-12-19

Lord of the Flies, Chapters 7-12 crossword puzzle
  1. holiness
  2. reluctantly agree
  3. brief; momentary
  4. spread among
  5. generally incompetent
  6. excessively large
  7. adjust
  8. emotional; passionate
  9. expressing sorrow or regret
  10. expel from a group
  1. questioning
  2. slow down
  3. strong belief
  4. move clumsily
  5. having profound knowledge
  6. swagger
  7. soaked
  8. not affecting
  9. sincere; truthful
  10. scrambling

20 Clues: soakedadjustswaggerholinessslow downscramblingquestioningspread amongstrong beliefmove clumsilynot affectingbrief; momentaryreluctantly agreeexcessively largesincere; truthfulexpel from a groupgenerally incompetentemotional; passionatehaving profound knowledgeexpressing sorrow or regret

Challenge B Latin S2Wk10 2024-03-20

Challenge B Latin S2Wk10 crossword puzzle
  1. very much
  2. distinguish
  3. emperor
  4. call upon
  5. among
  6. uncertain
  7. barbarian
  8. ally
  9. to what place?
  10. vice
  11. from what place?
  12. secretly
  13. lead across
  1. am strong
  2. suddenly
  3. Why did he come?
  4. Where were you?
  5. radio
  6. name
  7. certain
  8. who?
  9. show

22 Clues: namewho?allyshowviceradioamongemperorcertainsuddenlysecretlyam strongvery muchcall uponuncertainbarbariandistinguishlead acrossto what place?Where were you?Why did he come?from what place?

стр 126-127 2022-12-12

стр 126-127 crossword puzzle
  1. - шоссе
  2. - теленок
  3. - мусор
  4. -гид
  5. - расстраивать
  6. - клубника
  1. - сельское хоз-во
  2. - пеликан
  3. - солнечный свет
  4. - старомодный
  5. - честный
  6. - огромный
  7. - кит
  8. - среди

14 Clues: -гид- кит- шоссе- мусор- среди- пеликан- теленок- честный- огромный- клубника- старомодный- расстраивать- солнечный свет- сельское хоз-во


  1. to break into a conversation between people
  2. between or among the nations of the world
  3. to throw a remark into a conversation between two or more people
  4. to get in between two people when it is not your problem or issue
  1. the worldwide computer system that allows communication and information among people
  2. involving people playing among themselves
  3. between people, usually describing social activities
  4. the break between parts of a play, opera, or concert
  5. between the states

9 Clues: between the statesinvolving people playing among themselvesbetween or among the nations of the worldto break into a conversation between peoplebetween people, usually describing social activitiesthe break between parts of a play, opera, or concertto throw a remark into a conversation between two or more people...

Nombre____________ Prepositions- No Spaces/No "De" 2023-03-12

Nombre____________   Prepositions- No Spaces/No "De" crossword puzzle
  1. on top of
  2. below
  3. behind
  4. far from
  5. on, over
  6. with you
  7. in
  8. to the left
  9. with
  10. over there
  1. to the right
  2. between, among
  3. next to
  4. in front of
  5. with me
  6. near
  7. without
  8. here
  9. there

19 Clues: innearherewithbelowtherebehindnext towith mewithoutfar fromon, overwith youon top ofover therein front ofto the leftto the rightbetween, among

Unit 1 Where is this? 2023-08-06

Unit 1 Where is this? crossword puzzle
  1. among
  2. adult
  3. any
  4. along
  1. around
  2. afternoon
  3. arm

7 Clues: armanyamongadultalongaroundafternoon

one hero wins a war crossword 2022-10-26

one hero wins a war crossword crossword puzzle
  1. against
  2. king
  3. to fight
  4. conquerer
  5. fight, battle
  6. triplet
  1. to receive
  2. for
  3. war
  4. between, among
  5. to kill
  6. soldier
  7. wound
  8. to please
  9. to rule

15 Clues: forwarkingwoundagainstto killsoldiertripletto ruleto fightconquererto pleaseto receivefight, battlebetween, among

PRS Prefix Inter- 2023-09-07

PRS Prefix Inter- crossword puzzle
  1. the break between parts of a play, opera, or concert
  2. the worldwide computer system that allows communication and information sharing among people
  3. a person who helps translate the languages between different people
  4. between people (usually describing social activities)
  5. between or among the nations of the world
  1. to get in between two people when it is not your problem or issue
  2. to throw a remark into a conversation between two or more people
  3. to break into a conversation between people
  4. involving people playing among themselves; an exchange of activity or information between people or people and a computer
  5. between the states

10 Clues: between the statesbetween or among the nations of the worldto break into a conversation between peoplethe break between parts of a play, opera, or concertbetween people (usually describing social activities)to throw a remark into a conversation between two or more peopleto get in between two people when it is not your problem or issue...

International Organizations 2014-05-19

International Organizations crossword puzzle
  1. The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
  2. A movement that centers around the principle of cooperation among nations, for the promotion of their common good.
  3. Nations An international organization formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.
  4. An organization that encourages international peace and universal respect for human rights by promoting collaboration among nations.
  5. The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.
  6. Policies Policies by a country in its dealings with other countries, designed to achieve national objectives.
  7. Matter of commercial or public interest or concern; the transactions of public or private business or finance.
  1. A group of persons organized for some end or work.
  2. Human Beings as a collective group.
  3. Mental nourishment of a human being to acquire information and knowledge.
  4. An epidemic that affects many people over a large geographical area.
  5. Between or among nations.
  6. A specialized organization of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health.
  7. Worldwide; Universal.
  8. The state of a person's mental or physical condition.

15 Clues: Worldwide; Universal.Between or among nations.Human Beings as a collective group.A group of persons organized for some end or work.The state of a person's mental or physical condition.An epidemic that affects many people over a large geographical area.Mental nourishment of a human being to acquire information and knowledge....

7843 2021-10-06

7843 crossword puzzle
  1. закон
  2. голый, обнаженный
  3. поведение
  4. большинство
  5. проблема/выдавать
  6. тревожный
  1. боль
  2. угроза, угрожать
  3. уровень, ставка
  4. среди
  5. гнобить, унижать
  6. случай
  7. расстаться
  8. тревога
  9. через, с помощью
  10. голый, обнаженный

16 Clues: бользаконсредислучайтревогаповедениетревожныйрасстатьсябольшинствоуровень, ставкаугроза, угрожатьгнобить, унижатьчерез, с помощьюголый, обнаженныйпроблема/выдаватьголый, обнаженный

International Organizations 2014-05-16

International Organizations crossword puzzle
  1. Nations An international organization formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.
  2. Human Beings as a collective group.
  3. A movement that centers around the principle of cooperation among nations, for the promotion of their common good.
  4. An organization that encourages international peace and universal respect for human rights by promoting collaboration among nations.
  5. The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.
  6. A specialized organization of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health.
  7. Between or among nations.
  1. Mental nourishment of a human being to acquire information and knowledge.
  2. The state of a person's mental or physical condition.
  3. An epidemic that affects many people over a large geographical area.
  4. A group of persons organized for some end or work.
  5. Worldwide; Universal.
  6. Policies Policies by a country in its dealings with other countries, designed to achieve national objectives.
  7. Matter of commercial or public interest or concern; the transactions of public or private business or finance.

14 Clues: Worldwide; Universal.Between or among nations.Human Beings as a collective group.A group of persons organized for some end or work.The state of a person's mental or physical condition.An epidemic that affects many people over a large geographical area.Mental nourishment of a human being to acquire information and knowledge....

5.02 Vocabulary 4 2018-04-23

5.02 Vocabulary 4 crossword puzzle
  1. A federal regulation intended to prevent specific business actions that might prohibit competition (e.g., tying agreements and exclusive agreements)
  2. Act A federal regulation intended to protect competitors from takeovers that would limit competition
  3. An illegal agreement that forbids customers from buying goods and services from competitors
  4. A type of market structure in which a lot of businesses sell similar products that have only a few differences
  5. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that involves factors other than price (e.g., customer services, modern facilities, trained personnel, and variety of products)
  6. Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage
  1. The type of market, or environment, in which businesses operate
  2. A federal regulation that established a regulatory agency, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), to monitor business activities in order to prevent unfair competition
  3. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services
  4. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services
  5. A type of market structure in which a market is controlled by one supplier, and there are no substitute goods or services readily available
  6. The rivalry among two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars

12 Clues: Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantageThe type of market, or environment, in which businesses operateRivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or servicesThe rivalry among two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollarsRivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services...

B Theme Words 2022-02-09

B Theme Words crossword puzzle
  1. kasteel
  2. dorp
  3. tussen/onder
  4. wolkenkrabber
  5. onder
  6. over/boven
  7. gebouw
  8. tussen
  1. plattelandshuisje
  2. buurt/wijk
  3. grote stad
  4. recht tegenover
  5. (door) heen
  6. ver
  7. to naast

15 Clues: verdorpondergebouwtussenkasteelto naastbuurt/wijkgrote stadover/boven(door) heentussen/onderwolkenkrabberrecht tegenoverplattelandshuisje

Preposition 2021-08-06

Preposition crossword puzzle
  1. 25
  2. 20
  3. 5
  4. 11
  5. 24
  6. 2
  7. 21
  8. 9
  9. 15
  10. 8
  11. 27
  12. 19
  13. 3
  1. 16
  2. 14
  3. 6
  4. 17
  5. 7
  6. 10
  7. 12
  8. 23
  9. 4
  10. 13
  11. 18
  12. 22
  13. 1
  14. 26

27 Clues: 675429813161425201710121123241318211522271926

The Among Us Crossword 2024-02-13

The Among Us Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A map that is a spaceship in space
  2. A role that allows a crewmate(s) to shield alive players from being killed
  3. A map that is a ship that came from the Henry Stickman Series
  4. A map that is a planet
  5. A map that is a island filled with fungus
  1. A role that completes tasks and try to vote out the Impostor
  2. A role that allows a crewmate(s) to check vitals anywhere
  3. A role that allows a crewmate(s) to use the vents
  4. A map that is a building that is a skyscraper that reaches high into what is most likely the atmosphere of the Crewmates' home planet, and pierces the clouds
  5. A role that allows the impostor(s) to turn into other players
  6. A role that kills the crewmates

11 Clues: A map that is a planetA role that kills the crewmatesA map that is a spaceship in spaceA map that is a island filled with fungusA role that allows a crewmate(s) to use the ventsA role that allows a crewmate(s) to check vitals anywhereA role that completes tasks and try to vote out the Impostor...

matthew 5/6s 2022-02-24

matthew 5/6s crossword puzzle
  1. hopeful
  2. never give up
  3. us sus
  4. casual
  5. friendly
  6. grit
  7. smile
  8. handy
  9. appreciation
  1. kind
  2. sympathy
  3. showing care
  4. do the right thing
  5. give
  6. gets things done
  7. kind
  8. pbl

17 Clues: pblkindgivekindgritsmilehandycasualhopefulsympathyfriendlyus susshowing careappreciationnever give upgets things donedo the right thing

El Encierro 2023-12-05

El Encierro crossword puzzle
  1. they see
  2. I run
  3. red
  4. through
  5. they go
  6. white
  7. they wear
  8. between/among
  9. horns
  1. in front
  2. bull
  3. they run
  4. they are
  5. streets
  6. violent
  7. there is/are

16 Clues: redbullI runwhitehornsthroughstreetsthey goviolentthey seein frontthey runthey arethey wearthere is/arebetween/among

Crossword #3 2013-02-26

Crossword #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Apple
  2. rain
  3. to rain
  4. Eye
  5. To Come
  6. umbrella
  7. maybe
  8. Baby
  9. umbrella
  10. key
  11. cheap
  12. between, among
  13. thirsty
  1. hair
  2. to arrive
  3. Butter
  4. to cry
  5. new
  6. Grandson
  7. To Follow, Continue
  8. to call
  9. expensive
  10. poor
  11. rich, delicious
  12. before
  13. hair

26 Clues: newEyekeyhairrainBabypoorhairApplemaybecheapButterto crybeforeto rainTo Cometo callthirstyGrandsonumbrellaumbrellato arriveexpensivebetween, amongrich, deliciousTo Follow, Continue

14.02 2021-02-06

14.02 crossword puzzle
  1. персона
  2. цветы
  3. покровитель
  4. праздновать
  5. означает
  6. обрезки
  7. фестиваль
  8. широко
  9. любить
  10. милый
  11. национальный
  12. праздник
  13. день
  14. офисы
  15. банки
  1. коробки-ввиде-серда
  2. специальный
  3. поздравительная-открытка
  4. приходить
  5. февраль
  6. молодые
  7. легальный
  8. любимый
  9. среди
  10. свеча

25 Clues: деньцветымилыйсредиофисысвечабанкишироколюбитьперсонаобрезкифевральмолодыелюбимыйозначаетпраздникфестивальприходитьлегальныйспециальныйпокровительпраздноватьнациональныйкоробки-ввиде-сердапоздравительная-открытка

Prefixes and Greek Roots 2022-03-09

Prefixes and Greek Roots crossword puzzle
  1. before
  2. circle, ring
  3. letter, written
  4. before
  5. across
  6. between, among
  7. light
  8. love
  9. shape
  10. straight
  11. too little, below
  12. time
  1. book
  2. heat
  3. measure
  4. write
  5. above, beyond
  6. against
  7. not, opposite of
  8. forward, in front
  9. too much
  10. disease, feeling
  11. not, opposite of
  12. bad

24 Clues: badbookheatlovetimewritelightshapebeforebeforeacrossmeasureagainsttoo muchstraightcircle, ringabove, beyondbetween, amongletter, writtennot, opposite ofdisease, feelingnot, opposite offorward, in fronttoo little, below

ILE_3_U2 2022-10-04

ILE_3_U2 crossword puzzle
  1. eramaja
  2. kõrvalmajas/korteris
  3. kolima
  4. metsik
  5. põhi
  6. kalamees
  7. erutatud, põnevil
  8. onu
  9. toimuma
  10. jäine
  11. lõhe(kala)
  12. kelgukoer
  1. jõekallas
  2. töö
  3. ettevõte
  4. lubama
  5. suitsetama
  6. tulevik
  7. mäenõlv
  8. tädi
  9. kohvik, kohvipood
  10. eelmine, varasem
  11. hulgas, seas
  12. postiljon
  13. kuivatama

25 Clues: tööonupõhitädijäinekolimametsiklubamaeramajatulevikmäenõlvtoimumaettevõtekalameesjõekallaspostiljonkuivatamakelgukoersuitsetamalõhe(kala)hulgas, seaseelmine, varasemerutatud, põnevilkohvik, kohvipoodkõrvalmajas/korteris

Aneta 2020-05-21

Aneta crossword puzzle
  1. wdzięczny
  2. it ...... to be... - wydaje się być...
  3. ławka
  4. dziki
  5. ... effect - efekt cieplarniany
  6. czekać
  7. oboje, obie, obaj
  8. wkrótce
  9. bezpieczny
  10. uchwycić
  11. zachód słońca
  1. żałosny
  2. bezpieczeństwo
  3. pośród
  4. cieplarnia, szklarnia
  5. samolubny
  6. szyć
  7. .... people - ludzie starsi
  8. ... usually - jak zwykle
  9. nieobecny myślami, rozkojarzony
  10. wschód słońca

21 Clues: szyćławkadzikipośródczekaćżałosnywkrótceuchwycićwdzięcznysamolubnybezpiecznywschód słońcabezpieczeństwooboje, obie, obajzachód słońcacieplarnia, szklarnia... usually - jak zwykle.... people - ludzie starsi... effect - efekt cieplarnianynieobecny myślami, rozkojarzonyit ...... to be... - wydaje się być...

vocab man 2024-02-06

vocab man crossword puzzle
  1. photographer(male/female)
  2. club,clubs
  3. theinterest
  4. tobowl
  5. (the)hockey
  6. malecheerleader,femalecheerleader
  7. (the)chess
  8. meeting,meetings
  9. opportunity,opportunities
  10. theyoungpeople
  11. thepastime,thehobby
  1. theathleticclub
  2. todogymnastics
  3. thephotography
  4. theteam
  5. thepractice
  6. member,tobeamember
  7. themartialarts
  8. between,among
  9. (the)swimming

20 Clues: tobowltheteamclub,clubs(the)chesstheinterestthepractice(the)hockeybetween,among(the)swimmingtodogymnasticsthephotographythemartialartstheyoungpeopletheathleticclubmeeting,meetingsmember,tobeamemberthepastime,thehobbyphotographer(male/female)opportunity,opportunitiesmalecheerleader,femalecheerleader

spelling 2024-01-31

spelling crossword puzzle
  1. to
  2. excuse
  3. 1v1
  4. time
  5. time
  6. d________________________
  7. song
  8. rides on you
  9. high school
  10. legal
  11. good
  12. backspace
  13. start
  1. planner
  2. under
  3. scary
  4. 3
  5. hand
  6. idk
  7. 2
  8. get on the boat
  9. my choice
  10. greatness
  11. ÷
  12. us
  13. karaté

26 Clues: 32÷tous1v1idkhandtimetimesonggoodunderscarylegalstartexcusekaratéplannermy choicegreatnessbackspacehigh schoolrides on youget on the boatd________________________

vocabulary 2019-01-27

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. taux
  2. incitation
  3. cueillir
  4. enclos
  5. avoir droit
  6. balai
  7. souffle
  8. appartenir
  9. effacer
  10. tailler
  11. beau/belle
  1. fléau
  2. prêtre
  3. livrer
  4. enfance
  5. problème
  6. reculer en rampant
  7. pas
  8. salir
  9. prêt
  10. couper en deux
  11. évêque
  12. parmi
  13. éclat
  14. supplémentaire

25 Clues: pastauxprêtfléausalirbalaiparmiéclatprêtrelivrerenclosévêqueenfancesouffleeffacertaillerproblèmecueillirincitationappartenirbeau/belleavoir droitcouper en deuxsupplémentairereculer en rampant

espanol 2023-09-21

espanol crossword puzzle
  1. to the right of
  2. behind
  3. on top of
  4. ride
  5. with
  6. on;over
  7. to the left of
  8. north
  9. south
  10. straight
  1. in front of
  2. next to;besides
  3. east
  4. inside of
  5. near
  6. in;on
  7. below
  8. west
  9. between;among
  10. without

20 Clues: eastnearridewithwestin;onbelownorthsouthbehindon;overwithoutstraightinside ofon top ofin front ofbetween;amongto the left ofto the right ofnext to;besides

Unit 1A & 1B Crossword 2023-08-30

Unit 1A & 1B Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. stapler
  2. to take lessons
  3. to pay attention
  4. to attend
  5. young people
  6. project
  1. word
  2. pastime
  3. locker
  4. to win
  5. someone, anyone
  6. among, between
  7. to record
  8. to know
  9. chess
  10. scissors
  11. to explain
  12. to turn in

18 Clues: wordchesslockerto winpastimeto knowstaplerprojectscissorsto recordto attendto explainto turn inyoung peopleamong, betweensomeone, anyoneto take lessonsto pay attention

English crossword 2021-08-31

English crossword crossword puzzle
  1. bijeenkomst
  2. zich verspreiden
  3. druk, levendig
  4. vrije tijd
  5. vormgeven
  6. doel
  7. bijwonen
  1. tussen
  2. verduidelijken
  3. bedoelen
  4. zich ontwikkelen
  5. richten op
  6. organiseren
  7. bedoelen
  8. benadrukken

15 Clues: doeltussenbedoelenbedoelenbijwonenvormgevenrichten opvrije tijdbijeenkomstorganiserenbenadrukkenverduidelijkendruk, levendigzich ontwikkelenzich verspreiden

school read alouds 2023-06-16

school read alouds crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. hipnosis
  3. among the
  4. mistery
  5. dressed up
  6. daddys money
  7. Afghanistan
  1. suitcase
  2. dog
  3. Stanly
  4. saves lives
  5. backwards
  6. luke
  7. mr.sir
  8. goverment gun

15 Clues: dogbooklukeStanlymr.sirmisterysuitcasehipnosisbackwardsamong thedressed upsaves livesAfghanistandaddys moneygoverment gun

Can you remember? 2019-12-27

Can you remember? crossword puzzle
  1. จะงอยปาก
  2. หัวล้าน
  3. บรรลุ, สำเร็จ
  4. จัดเตรียม
  5. ตู้ปลา
  6. ท่อน, แท่ง
  7. ไปที่อื่น ไปจาก
  8. วงดนตรี
  9. ประสบความสำเร็จ
  10. สถาปนิก
  11. นิทาน
  12. การมาถึง
  13. ความสนุกสนาน
  14. เรือสำราญ
  1. กำจัด
  2. การต่อสู้
  3. ยี่ห้อ
  4. การกระทำ
  5. นักบัลเล่ต์
  6. ต่อต้าน
  7. สม่ำเสมอ
  8. เครื่องบิน
  9. การโฆษณา
  10. ดาราศาสตร์
  11. ท่ามกลาง
  12. ตามทาง
  13. การขึ้นครองราชย์
  14. ไม้ตีลูกบอล

29 Clues: กำจัดนิทานยี่ห้อตู้ปลาตามทางหัวล้านต่อต้านวงดนตรีสถาปนิกจะงอยปากการกระทำสม่ำเสมอการโฆษณาการมาถึงท่ามกลางการต่อสู้จัดเตรียมเรือสำราญเครื่องบินท่อน, แท่งดาราศาสตร์นักบัลเล่ต์ไม้ตีลูกบอลความสนุกสนานบรรลุ, สำเร็จไปที่อื่น ไปจากประสบความสำเร็จการขึ้นครองราชย์

Challenge 3 2022-03-31

Challenge 3 crossword puzzle
  1. espèce
  2. vénérer
  3. mener une campagne
  4. habitat
  5. sacré
  6. the king of the savannah
  7. grandir
  8. menacé
  9. bénédiction
  10. liberté
  11. synonym of "god"
  12. croire
  1. croyance
  2. à parts égales
  3. animal de trait
  4. en liberté
  5. élevé
  6. Life Of...
  7. parmi
  8. mentalités
  9. privé
  10. en sécurité

22 Clues: élevéparmisacréprivéespècemenacécroirevénérerhabitatgrandirlibertécroyanceen libertéLife Of...mentalitésbénédictionen sécuritéà parts égalesanimal de traitsynonym of "god"mener une campagnethe king of the savannah

Lesson 6. p. 132 (~14) 2023-08-15

Lesson 6. p. 132 (~14) crossword puzzle
  1. 퍼지다
  2. 뿌리
  3. ~쪽으로, ~을 향하여
  4. 행동하다
  5. 나타나다, 출현하다
  6. 특이한
  7. 과학적인
  8. 창조하다
  9. 가득찬
  10. 신화, 전설
  11. ~사이에
  12. 나뭇가지
  13. 우아한, 품위있는
  1. 신비로운, 불가사의한, 수수께끼의
  2. 궁금해하다, 경이로움
  3. 현대의
  4. 질투, 시기
  5. ~라고 불리는
  6. 설명
  7. 독특한
  8. 이상한
  9. 식물
  10. 거대한
  11. 방식

24 Clues: 뿌리설명식물방식퍼지다현대의특이한독특한이상한가득찬거대한행동하다과학적인창조하다~사이에나뭇가지질투, 시기신화, 전설~라고 불리는우아한, 품위있는나타나다, 출현하다궁금해하다, 경이로움~쪽으로, ~을 향하여신비로운, 불가사의한, 수수께끼의

Ch. 1B vocabulary 2023-11-30

Ch. 1B vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the song
  2. martial arts
  3. voice
  4. the orchestra
  5. dancer
  6. the photography
  7. the hockey
  8. to record
  1. interest
  2. to take lessons
  3. to rehearsal
  4. chorus
  5. to win
  6. to be online
  7. to do gymnastics
  8. the cheerleader
  9. swimming
  10. opportunity
  11. the club
  12. among

20 Clues: voiceamongchorusto windancerinterestthe songswimmingthe clubto recordthe hockeyopportunityto rehearsalmartial artsto be onlinethe orchestrato take lessonsthe cheerleaderthe photographyto do gymnastics

Unit.2 2023-09-21

Unit.2 crossword puzzle
  1. kohvikut pidama
  2. jõeäärne ala
  3. eramaja
  4. töö
  5. kelgukoer
  6. suitsetama
  7. esimesel korrusel
  8. jõe ääres
  9. eratatud
  10. kohv
  11. seas
  1. künkanõlval
  2. era
  3. künkanõlv
  4. kalafirma
  5. kohvik
  6. liikuma
  7. ärevaks muutuma
  8. minu
  9. metsik
  10. põhja poolne ilmakaar
  11. ettevõte
  12. kuiv
  13. lubama
  14. kalur
  15. korrus

26 Clues: eratööminukuivkohvseaskalurkohvikmetsiklubamakorruseramajaliikumaettevõteeratatudkünkanõlvkalafirmakelgukoerjõe ääressuitsetamakünkanõlvaljõeäärne alakohvikut pidamaärevaks muutumaesimesel korruselpõhja poolne ilmakaar

vocab. study 2023-10-14

vocab. study crossword puzzle
  1. old
  2. sharp corner
  3. place
  4. near the actual
  5. get somewhere
  6. person against something
  7. kill
  8. lack of interest
  9. funny act
  1. tool
  2. close to
  3. tell
  4. highest point
  5. forever
  6. change
  7. dangerous bacterial infection
  8. to be in horror
  9. with
  10. bother
  11. number of something

20 Clues: oldtooltellwithkillplacechangebotherforeverclose tofunny actsharp cornerhighest pointget somewherenear the actualto be in horrorlack of interestnumber of somethingperson against somethingdangerous bacterial infection

Greek/Latin Roots 2023-12-07

Greek/Latin Roots crossword puzzle
  1. hear
  2. towards
  3. again
  4. Beleive
  5. underneath/lower
  6. far off/covering distance
  7. among/between
  8. capable/suited for
  9. sound/voice
  10. together/same
  11. on/in/not
  1. come together/one
  2. write
  3. one hundred
  4. from/off
  5. destruction/reversal/completion
  6. cut
  7. two
  8. cross/beyond/change
  9. one

20 Clues: cuttwoonehearwriteagaintowardsBeleivefrom/offon/in/notone hundredsound/voiceamong/betweentogether/sameunderneath/lowercome together/onecapable/suited forcross/beyond/changefar off/covering distancedestruction/reversal/completion

ROOFTOPPERS 2024-02-01

ROOFTOPPERS crossword puzzle
  1. SØKK
  2. CELLO
  5. MYSTE
  7. RØTER
  4. FLYT
  7. BRØL
  10. DYTTA
  11. BLEIK
  12. BLANT


Dona 33 The Cunning Customer 2023-10-01

Dona 33 The Cunning Customer crossword puzzle
  1. faithful
  2. occur
  3. reliable
  4. choosy, careful
  5. question
  6. regard, pay attention
  7. picky
  1. occasionally
  2. need, require
  3. help
  4. strained, stressed
  5. rant
  6. busy
  7. Among

14 Clues: helprantbusyoccurAmongpickyfaithfulreliablequestionoccasionallyneed, requirechoosy, carefulstrained, stressedregard, pay attention

Colective Identity, sense of belonging and social cohesion 2024-02-12

Colective Identity, sense of belonging and social cohesion crossword puzzle
  1. are iconic representations like flags and anthems, embodying a nation's cultural identity and fostering patriotism among its citizens.
  2. is the shared sense of belonging, values, and history within a group, shaping social cohesion and cultural expression in societies.
  3. is a state of harmony characterized by the absence of conflict and violence, fostering stability, prosperity, and mutual respect among individuals and nations.
  1. entails unity and support among individuals or groups, often shown through shared values and cooperative actions, particularly during challenging times.
  2. is the feeling of connection and acceptance within a group, providing identity and emotional support.
  3. involves excessive focus on defeating others, leading to negative consequences such as sabotage and diminished cooperation.
  4. is the collective sense of belonging and shared characteristics, values, and history that define a nation, fostering a sense of unity and pride among its citizens.
  5. refers to the degree of unity, cooperation, and harmony within a society, marked by shared values, mutual trust, and respect among its members.
  6. involves individuals or groups collaborating and coordinating efforts toward a shared objective, promoting synergy and collective achievement.
  7. involves individuals or groups working together, pooling resources and efforts toward shared goals.

10 Clues: involves individuals or groups working together, pooling resources and efforts toward shared the feeling of connection and acceptance within a group, providing identity and emotional support.involves excessive focus on defeating others, leading to negative consequences such as sabotage and diminished cooperation....

For malarkey 2022-10-02

For malarkey crossword puzzle
  1. most common street name in america
  2. archaic word synonymous with a word used by snobs
  3. gay game about gay children
  4. what a meth lord is
  5. a self-given title by malarkey
  6. an unabbreviated version of a tone indicator
  7. an unabbreviated version of a word describing malarkey
  8. these is an impostor among us
  9. malarkey's favorite word
  1. first name of gay character in breaking bad
  2. see down 12
  3. something a particular vegan is strangely obsessed with
  4. malarkeys not so secret fetish uwu
  5. something desired by the most astute among us
  6. the minimum required age for playing a certain game

15 Clues: see down 12what a meth lord ismalarkey's favorite wordgay game about gay childrenthese is an impostor among usa self-given title by malarkeymost common street name in americamalarkeys not so secret fetish uwufirst name of gay character in breaking badan unabbreviated version of a tone indicatorsomething desired by the most astute among us...

Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens 2015-11-19

Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens crossword puzzle
  1. Abusing prescription drugs can cause a person to ______ which can ultimately lead to death.
  2. When abused, opioids can cause drowsiness, ______, and depressed breathing.
  3. This drug is typically prescribed to treat ADHD and is commonly thought of as a "learning aid" when students abuse it.
  4. Prescription drug abuse is the use of a ___________ in a way not intended by the prescribing doctor.
  5. Typically, _____ don't see prescription drugs as harmful to their children as they do illegal drugs.
  6. _________ from friends and social groups can cause a teen to abuse prescription drugs.
  1. How many adolescents abuse drugs for the first time every day according to the Foundation of a Drug Free World?
  2. What is the earliest age that adolescents start abusing prescription drugs?
  3. Taking prescription medications can ultimately lead to ________.
  4. Teens will often ______ or share medications with friends or family.
  5. ______ are one of the most commonly abused types of prescription drugs.
  6. Prescription opioid abuse can lead to _______ abuse because they have similar effects when abused.
  7. ______ percent of adolescents (12 years or older) use pain relievers non-medically from a friend or relative.
  8. Prescription narcotics kill more people than all _______ combined.
  9. What percentage of parents admitted to willingly giving their teen a prescription medication?

15 Clues: Taking prescription medications can ultimately lead to ________.Prescription narcotics kill more people than all _______ combined.Teens will often ______ or share medications with friends or family.______ are one of the most commonly abused types of prescription drugs.What is the earliest age that adolescents start abusing prescription drugs?...

Among The Hidden - Vocabulary Crossword 2017-04-28

Among The Hidden - Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Make someone unable to think or feel properly.
  2. Having a dejected or guilty appearance (shamefaced).
  3. Based on or calculated through theory rather than experience or practice.
  4. A member of the lowest order of the British nobility.
  5. Refrain from killing, injuring, or distressing.
  6. In a very serious, gloomy, or depressing manner.
  7. A material consisting of a canvas backing thickly coated with a preparation of linseed oil and powdered cork, used especially as a floor covering.
  1. To implore urgently.
  2. The supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.
  3. (clothing)fitting the body snugly, so that its shape is clearly visible.
  4. In a way that lacks confidence (hesitantly).
  5. Occasionally or at irregular intervals.
  6. Laugh in a loud or boisterous way.
  7. Give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of or in anticipation of pain or distress.
  8. Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings.

15 Clues: To implore urgently.Laugh in a loud or boisterous way.Occasionally or at irregular intervals.In a way that lacks confidence (hesitantly).Make someone unable to think or feel properly.Refrain from killing, injuring, or distressing.In a very serious, gloomy, or depressing manner.Having a dejected or guilty appearance (shamefaced)....

Taxonomy 2024-01-10

Taxonomy crossword puzzle
  1. The highest taxonomic rank, grouping organisms into broad categories based on fundamental characteristics
  2. A taxonomic unit below the kingdom, grouping organisms based on body plan and structural characteristics
  3. A method of classification based on evolutionary relationships and shared ancestry
  4. A rank in the taxonomic hierarchy below class, grouping organisms with similar characteristics and evolutionary relationships
  5. The science of classification, organizing and naming living organisms
  6. Any unit of biological classification, including species, genus, family, and so on
  7. The fundamental unit of taxonomy, consisting of individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  8. A taxonomic rank below family, grouping species with similar characteristics and genetic relatedness
  1. A diagram representing the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms
  2. A taxonomic unit below order, classifying organisms based on more specific shared characteristics
  3. A taxonomic rank below phylum, categorizing organisms based on shared traits
  4. The system of naming organisms or the rules and conventions for naming species
  5. The study of the form and structure of organisms
  6. The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms
  7. The study of the diversity of life and the evolutionary relationships among organisms

15 Clues: The study of the form and structure of organismsThe study of evolutionary relationships among organismsThe science of classification, organizing and naming living organismsA taxonomic rank below phylum, categorizing organisms based on shared traitsThe system of naming organisms or the rules and conventions for naming species...

Stop the Vape "Bro" 2022-04-05

Stop the Vape "Bro" crossword puzzle
  1. The legal nicotine consumption age in the United States.
  2. Flavor/________ are among the 2 most commonly reported reasons for e-cigarette use among teenagers
  3. A highly addictive substance in any form and is commonly vaped.
  4. Almost half a million people ____ each year in the U.S. because of tobacco use through cigarettes making it this nations greatest cause of preventable death.
  5. During adolescence while the _____ is developing, nicotine can result in addiction and harmful consequences such as behavioral and cognitive impairments, memory issues, inattention, and executive function impairments.
  1. Appealing flavorings are on the market to attract adolescents, disguise harsh tobacco, and facilitate nicotine _________.
  2. These products appear to replicate the appearance of an extended flash drive or stick and are popular among adolescents and young adults
  3. Everyday children aged 18 years or younger ______ their first Vape.
  4. The vaping culture of using non–cigarette tobacco and electronic nicotine devices is the latest ______ among adolescents and young adults.
  5. Only 10% of the adolescent research participants stated they were using e-cigarettes in an attempt to ______ smoking regular cigarettes.
  6. ________ is the use of high-tech, advanced electronic devices such as electronic cigarettes.
  7. 58.8% of _____ school students in 2015 reported using e-cigarettes and additionally combustible tobacco products.

12 Clues: The legal nicotine consumption age in the United States.A highly addictive substance in any form and is commonly vaped.Everyday children aged 18 years or younger ______ their first Vape.________ is the use of high-tech, advanced electronic devices such as electronic cigarettes....

Common Prefixes 2022-05-17

Common Prefixes crossword puzzle
  1. between; among
  2. not
  3. wrongly
  4. against
  5. cause to
  6. not; opposite of
  7. under
  8. before
  9. opposite
  10. over; too much
  11. again
  12. in
  1. not; opposite of
  2. half; partly; not fully
  3. across
  4. middle
  5. above; beyond
  6. under; too little
  7. not

19 Clues: innotnotunderagainacrossmiddlebeforewronglyagainstcause tooppositeabove; beyondbetween; amongover; too muchnot; opposite ofnot; opposite ofunder; too littlehalf; partly; not fully

Dona 33 The Cunning Customer 2023-10-01

Dona 33 The Cunning Customer crossword puzzle
  1. faithful
  2. occur
  3. reliable
  4. choosy, careful
  5. question
  6. regard, pay attention
  7. picky
  1. occasionally
  2. need, require
  3. help
  4. strained, stressed
  5. rant
  6. busy
  7. Among

14 Clues: helprantbusyoccurAmongpickyfaithfulreliablequestionoccasionallyneed, requirechoosy, carefulstrained, stressedregard, pay attention

among the hidden vocab 1-11 2022-02-03

among the hidden vocab 1-11 crossword puzzle
  1. raised the shoulders to show doubt or indifference
  2. cutting, threshing, and cleaning machines used in farming
  3. pleadingly; a manner of begging
  4. not fully worked out or agreed on; uncertainly; hesitantly
  5. lurched or swerved while in motion
  6. mocked; treated someone in a way to provoke them to react
  7. gruff; rude
  8. of imposing height; very tall
  9. laughed out loud
  10. nervous; jittery
  11. massive; gigantic
  12. argued against
  13. wobbling; unsteady or unbalanced
  14. enthusiasm; great energy
  1. attracted because of an inviting or enticing appearance
  2. decorated with a raised design
  3. stunned; shocked
  4. with firm determination; firmly determined
  5. housing or residence; a dwelling place
  6. disorder; confusion
  7. in a disbelieving or skeptical way
  8. equipment or machinery used for a particular task
  9. fully enjoyed
  10. cleared the throat good-naturedly, sometimes expressing doubt or surprise
  11. shamefaced or guilty appearance; downcast
  12. treat someone in a scornful way; reject
  13. burp

27 Clues: burpgruff; rudefully enjoyedargued againststunned; shockedlaughed out loudnervous; jitterymassive; giganticdisorder; confusionenthusiasm; great energyof imposing height; very talldecorated with a raised designpleadingly; a manner of beggingwobbling; unsteady or unbalancedin a disbelieving or skeptical waylurched or swerved while in motion...

Everyday Life among the Turkmen Nomads 2022-11-22

Everyday Life among the Turkmen Nomads crossword puzzle
  1. - the strongest and largest tribe in the mid-nineteenth century.
  2. - the third son or tripod(for Turkmen)
  3. - pure Turkmen ancestry.
  4. - Muslim mystics who promoted the expansion of Islam among nomadic peoples of the steppe in Central Asia.
  5. - Sunni Islam emerge in this region, lies beyond the river (Earlier Greek version: Transoxania (Modern Baghdad)
  6. - Qipchaq Turks
  7. - the era of pre-islamic Persia or the Persian Renaissance.
  8. - Turkmen who led a settled existence.
  9. - Routes travelled by Soghdians, Indian, Chinese, European to mainly trade valuable commodities.
  10. - the second largest tribe inhabited two main regions: the Gurgan and Balkhan regions.
  11. - the descendants of Persian and Turkmen (inferior).
  12. - Oghuz Turks
  1. - a portable, round tent covered with skins of felt by nomadic Turkmen in Turkic language.
  2. - the merchants in Sasanian era which was famous with its highly active commercial culture.
  3. - a portable, round tent covered with skins of felt in Mongolian language.
  4. - these villagers were kidnapped from the bordering areas on Turkmenistan and sell them as slave markets of Khiva and Bukhara.
  5. - those who migrated with their flocks.
  6. - the collapse of ______ or Soviet Union in 1991 has resulted unclear marks marked borders among Central Asian countries, and complex demographic profiles.
  7. - separation period after a wedding in Turkmen tradition.
  8. - first Islamic Iranian dynasty
  9. - a branch of anthropology and the systematic study of individual cultures.
  10. - the popular celebration of the ancient Zoroastrian holiday.
  11. - residential neighborhood in Uzbek.
  12. - the first Persian dynasty, which was centered in the southern Fars province (Pars in Greek is Persia) which is now the modern Iran.
  13. - the battle of Arab troops against Sasanians which eliminated the Sasanian empire.
  14. - Uzbeks who held high positions to serve European’s interests.
  15. - Turks turns against the Sasanians in favor of this empire (the Roman Empire in the east).

27 Clues: - Oghuz Turks- Qipchaq Turks- pure Turkmen ancestry.- first Islamic Iranian dynasty- residential neighborhood in Uzbek.- the third son or tripod(for Turkmen)- Turkmen who led a settled existence.- those who migrated with their flocks.- the descendants of Persian and Turkmen (inferior).- separation period after a wedding in Turkmen tradition....

Common Prefixes 2022-05-17

Common Prefixes crossword puzzle
  1. between; among
  2. not
  3. wrongly
  4. against
  5. cause to
  6. not; opposite of
  7. under
  8. before
  9. opposite
  10. over; too much
  11. again
  12. in
  1. not; opposite of
  2. half; partly; not fully
  3. across
  4. middle
  5. above; beyond
  6. under; too little
  7. not

19 Clues: innotnotunderagainacrossmiddlebeforewronglyagainstcause tooppositeabove; beyondbetween; amongover; too muchnot; opposite ofnot; opposite ofunder; too littlehalf; partly; not fully

AIC Act One Part 4 2015-03-15

AIC Act One Part 4 crossword puzzle
  1. méchant
  2. interrompre
  3. membre de la famille
  4. gâcher
  5. perplexe
  6. entrepôt
  7. bouleversé
  8. dénoncer
  1. regard
  2. parmi
  3. au chômage
  4. regarder (fixement)
  5. régler
  6. sanglot
  7. enquête

15 Clues: parmiregardréglergâcherméchantsanglotenquêteperplexeentrepôtdénoncerau chômagebouleverséinterrompreregarder (fixement)membre de la famille

Religion II Quarter 3 2016-03-06

Religion II Quarter 3 crossword puzzle
  1. the greatest bond of unity in the Church
  2. a non-Jewish person
  3. God's gift that makes the Church holy
  4. a community of believers under the leadership of a bishop
  5. a change of heart
  6. one God in three Divine Persons
  7. a religious painting traditional among Eastern Churches
  8. the People of God
  9. all members of the Church except those who are ordained
  1. these elements lead to the invisible elements of the Church
  2. the mark of the Church that signifies her unity
  3. the descent of the Holy Spirit
  4. the Church is intended for them
  5. the official teaching authority of the Church
  6. the movement to restore unity among Christians
  7. the Church's official public worship

16 Clues: a change of heartthe People of Goda non-Jewish personthe descent of the Holy Spiritthe Church is intended for themone God in three Divine Personsthe Church's official public worshipGod's gift that makes the Church holythe greatest bond of unity in the Churchthe official teaching authority of the Churchthe movement to restore unity among Christians...

Taxonomy 2024-01-10

Taxonomy crossword puzzle
  1. taxonomic rank below phylum
  2. taxonomic rank below family
  3. taxonomic unit below order
  4. Key tool used for identification that presents pairs of contrasting characteristics leading to identification of organism
  5. Nomenclature system of naming species using two-part scientific name
  6. science of classification
  7. study of evolutionary relationships among organisms
  8. taxonomic unit below kingdom
  9. any unit of biological classification
  10. taxonomic rank below class
  1. fundamental unit of taxonomy, organisms that can interbreed
  2. study of diversity of life and evolutionary relationships among organisms
  3. method of classification based on evolutionary relationships and shared ancestry
  4. rules and conventions for naming species
  5. highest taxonomic rank
  6. study of form and structure of organisms
  7. classification process of categorizing and naming living organisms based on shared characteristics

17 Clues: highest taxonomic rankscience of classificationtaxonomic unit below ordertaxonomic rank below classtaxonomic rank below phylumtaxonomic rank below familytaxonomic unit below kingdomany unit of biological classificationrules and conventions for naming speciesstudy of form and structure of organismsstudy of evolutionary relationships among organisms...

SS Vocabulary Set #3 2022-10-04

SS Vocabulary Set #3 crossword puzzle
  1. A partner
  2. A religious teacher sent out by a church to spread its religion
  3. Differences among people
  4. Acceptance of religious differences
  5. Fairness
  1. The division of powers among the three branches of the national government.
  2. Shipping routes that connected England, the English colonies, and Africa.
  3. an official statement
  4. A change
  5. A safe place

10 Clues: A changeFairnessA partnerA safe placean official statementDifferences among peopleAcceptance of religious differencesA religious teacher sent out by a church to spread its religionShipping routes that connected England, the English colonies, and Africa.The division of powers among the three branches of the national government.

Chapter 1 Review 2012-12-05

Chapter 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. a leader in mi'kmaq society
  2. what is a grandfather
  3. one of the seven districts of the mi'kmaq nation
  4. moccasins
  5. a region for hunting
  6. female leaders of clan in haudenosaunee cociety
  7. a leader of the anishabe
  8. the six nations
  9. a clan of the anishinabe
  1. shell beads woven into belts or strings used to record treaties and other agreements among different nations
  2. lacrosse
  3. agreement by everyone
  4. the man who made the great law of peace
  5. a haudenosaunee leader
  6. a basic princilpe held in common group
  7. a group of respected people the chose and advisesd mi'kmaq leaders
  8. a council for all seven districts of the mi'kmaq nation
  9. a gethering of first nations people to celebrate thier cultures
  10. an adreement among a group of nations to act together to support each other's interests

19 Clues: lacrossemoccasinsthe six nationsa region for huntingwhat is a grandfatheragreement by everyonea haudenosaunee leadera leader of the anishabea clan of the anishinabea leader in mi'kmaq societya basic princilpe held in common groupthe man who made the great law of peacefemale leaders of clan in haudenosaunee cociety...

Interim Review 2023-11-30

Interim Review crossword puzzle
  1. Ordinance Established a government for the northwest territory
  2. Against the constitution
  3. an action to begin a riot
  4. she aided Lewis and Clark
  5. declared war on Britain due to impressment
  6. Battle of january 8, 1815
  7. A Vote to confirm
  8. right to job but the job was void
  9. Land agreement between France and the United States
  10. The first constitution of the united states/ agreement among the 13 states
  11. First 10 amendments
  1. failed bombardment
  2. The movement of American farmers who protested against high taxes
  3. An agreement made among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention
  4. The “Federalist Papers” are a series of essays supporting the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
  5. national anthem of the United States
  6. A gathering to address the weak laws of AOF
  7. force american sailors to fight
  8. How to determine its constitutional

19 Clues: A Vote to confirmfailed bombardmentFirst 10 amendmentsAgainst the constitutionan action to begin a riotshe aided Lewis and ClarkBattle of january 8, 1815force american sailors to fightright to job but the job was voidHow to determine its constitutionalnational anthem of the United Statesdeclared war on Britain due to impressment...

Common Prefixes 2021-10-12

Common Prefixes crossword puzzle
  1. across
  2. middle
  3. over; too much
  4. between; among
  5. cause to
  6. wrongly
  7. in
  8. not; opposite of
  9. above; beyond
  1. before
  2. half; partly; not fully
  3. against
  4. before; front of
  5. opposite
  6. not; opposite of
  7. again
  8. not
  9. not
  10. under; too little
  11. under

20 Clues: innotnotagainunderbeforeacrossmiddleagainstwronglyoppositecause toabove; beyondover; too muchbetween; amongbefore; front ofnot; opposite ofnot; opposite ofunder; too littlehalf; partly; not fully

Morphemic Analysis Crossword 2023-02-15

Morphemic Analysis Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the most fast
  2. writing inclined to be about life
  3. able to be liked
  4. the noun form of say before or earlier
  5. past tense or adjective of form down or away from
  6. the past tense of watch back or again
  7. the noun form of throw between or among
  8. the noun form of burst or break between or among
  1. opposite of happy
  2. able to carry across or between
  3. the past tense of throw in
  4. to see small or minute
  5. third person singular or more than one brush
  6. the action or process of pull back or agin
  7. the action or process of do again

15 Clues: the most fastable to be likedopposite of happyto see small or minutethe past tense of throw inable to carry across or betweenwriting inclined to be about lifethe action or process of do againthe past tense of watch back or againthe noun form of say before or earlierthe noun form of throw between or amongthe action or process of pull back or agin...

Indigenous Peoples 2019-12-06

Indigenous Peoples crossword puzzle
  1. A collective of indigenous peoples in a mountain range comprising of one-sixth of the total land area of Luzon Island
  2. Is a loyal concept of people and territory among the Cordillera peoples
  3. It is a code frowns upon co-ownership
  4. Another term for peace pact
  5. Together with another dam was dislocates hundreds of indigenous ibaloi families
  6. Distinct from the civil code concept of co-ownership and the corporation law's notion of corporate ownership
  7. Refers to the corporate property among the bontok kankanaeyd
  8. Is also called as swidden farms
  9. It possesses sole authority toclassify land uses and to determine the alienability of land
  1. This person holds the authority to classify and declassify land.
  2. A mountain range comprising one-sixth of the total land area of Luzon Island, is home to around 1.3 milion indigenous people collectively known as Igorots
  3. This can be sold and bought, used for inheritance purposes, and can be used as collateral in the event of debt.
  4. This term literally means peace pact
  5. these refer to the land and resources commonly owned bu the tribe or ili
  6. This is the traditional council of elders who govern the ili
  7. Together with another dam wasdislocates hundreds of indigenous ibaloi families
  8. Refers to privately held woodlots among the ifugao’s tuali subground
  9. Physical location of the center of governance in the matters and affairs are decided
  10. Rice fields

19 Clues: Rice fieldsAnother term for peace pactIs also called as swidden farmsThis term literally means peace pactIt is a code frowns upon co-ownershipThis is the traditional council of elders who govern the iliRefers to the corporate property among the bontok kankanaeydThis person holds the authority to classify and declassify land....

WTWC 2023-04-27

WTWC crossword puzzle
  1. It started so it has
  2. I will you
  3. I am his enemy I am him
  4. I will you
  1. this is your one free word the word is debate
  2. I am under I am
  3. when you play among us there is an imposter you
  4. I will do division I will
  5. once a time
  6. I agree I
  7. I got one
  8. I am hot 'cuz something is high

12 Clues: I agree Ionce a timeI am under I amI will youI got oneI will youIt started so it hasI will do division I willI am his enemy I am himI am hot 'cuz something is highthis is your one free word the word is debatewhen you play among us there is an imposter you

Religion II Quarter 3 2016-03-06

Religion II Quarter 3 crossword puzzle
  1. a non-Jewish person
  2. a change of heart
  3. all members of the Church except those who are ordained
  4. these elements lead to the invisible elements of the Church
  5. one God in three Divine Persons
  6. the descent of the Holy Spirit
  7. the People of God
  8. the greatest bond of unity in the Church
  1. God's gift that makes the Church holy
  2. the official teaching authority of the Church
  3. the mark of the Church that signifies her unity
  4. the movement to restore unity among Christians
  5. the Church's official public worship
  6. a community of believers under the leadership of a bishop
  7. a religious painting traditional among Eastern Churches
  8. the Church is intended for them

16 Clues: a change of heartthe People of Goda non-Jewish personthe descent of the Holy Spiritone God in three Divine Personsthe Church is intended for themthe Church's official public worshipGod's gift that makes the Church holythe greatest bond of unity in the Churchthe official teaching authority of the Churchthe movement to restore unity among Christians...

Homework 2018-10-15

Homework crossword puzzle
  1. Surrounded by
  2. Past tense of swing
  3. Be the property of
  4. Moving in one constant direction
  5. Black and white flightless bird, with flippers for swimming
  1. Attach a picture or painting to a hook
  2. In need of food
  3. Hung over the fireplace at Christmas
  4. Present tense of brought
  5. Surrounded by (another word for among)

10 Clues: Surrounded byIn need of foodBe the property ofPast tense of swingPresent tense of broughtMoving in one constant directionHung over the fireplace at ChristmasAttach a picture or painting to a hookSurrounded by (another word for among)Black and white flightless bird, with flippers for swimming

CLC Stage 13-16 2021-10-27

CLC Stage 13-16 crossword puzzle
  1. Surely?
  2. When you struggle, you need ___
  3. This translates to among
  4. “I am married to a man, he is my ____’
  5. This translates to among, at the house of
  6. 4 legged creatures which people like to ride
  7. Infinitive for holding
  1. What do you give someone for their birthday?
  2. This masculine noun protects things
  3. What is Julian’s status in the monarchy?
  4. You got a new one of these back in March
  5. She sells __ shells on the ___ shore
  6. The famous Lion King Song goes ‘Circle of __’
  7. When you get a bad grade in a test, you are..
  8. This infinitive can be used in coversation

15 Clues: Surely?Infinitive for holdingThis translates to amongWhen you struggle, you need ___This masculine noun protects thingsShe sells __ shells on the ___ shore“I am married to a man, he is my ____’What is Julian’s status in the monarchy?You got a new one of these back in MarchThis translates to among, at the house of...

For malarkey 2022-10-02

For malarkey crossword puzzle
  1. there is an impostor among us
  2. an unabbreviated version of a tone indicator
  3. something a particular vegan is strangely obsessed with
  4. what a meth lord is
  5. malarkey's favorite word
  6. see down 12
  1. an unabbreviated version of a word describing malarkey
  2. archaic word synonymous with a word used by snobs
  3. something desired by the most astute among us
  4. the minimum required age for playing a certain game
  5. first name of gay character in breaking bad
  6. a self-given title by malarkey
  7. gay game about gay children
  8. malarkeys not so secret fetish uwu
  9. most common street name in america

15 Clues: see down 12what a meth lord ismalarkey's favorite wordgay game about gay childrenthere is an impostor among usa self-given title by malarkeymalarkeys not so secret fetish uwumost common street name in americafirst name of gay character in breaking badan unabbreviated version of a tone indicatorsomething desired by the most astute among us...

American election 2016-09-22

American election crossword puzzle
  1. primær
  2. virkelig
  3. Indbygger
  4. Krav
  5. Blandt
  6. Kandidatur
  7. Kongres
  1. deltage
  2. uafhængig
  3. samle
  4. størstedel
  5. sværge

12 Clues: KravsamleprimærBlandtsværgedeltageKongresvirkeliguafhængigIndbyggerstørstedelKandidatur

crossword 1 2019-01-11

crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. life
  2. creator
  3. beginning
  4. was with
  5. son
  6. God
  7. Jesus
  1. true
  2. all things
  3. word
  4. light
  5. among us
  6. world

13 Clues: sonGodtruewordlifelightworldJesuscreatorwas withamong usbeginningall things

Sprout 2 A3 L3 2023-05-02

Sprout 2 A3 L3 crossword puzzle
  1. Weaver ants _____ nests with tree leaves.
  2. make nests with tree ________.
  3. Zebras get into a ____________.
  4. Its always easier to work _______.
  5. ______ ants (what kind)
  6. The _______ or young stay in the center.
  7. When ______ is near, zebras get into a semicircle.
  8. Others glue the leaves with sticky ______.
  9. There are two main reasons for cooperation among those animals: ________ and shelter.
  1. ______ make great meals for many African predators.
  2. There are two main reasons for cooperation among those animals: protection and _________.
  3. weaver ants can build a large ______.
  4. Zebras ______ ___ ____ to protect them.
  5. Others ______ the leaves with sticky silk.
  6. Zebras cooperate to ________ against these dangerous animals.
  7. People _________ to achieve goals.
  8. Some team up amd pull leaf _____ back to the stem.

17 Clues: ______ ants (what kind)make nests with tree ________.Zebras get into a ____________.People _________ to achieve goals.Its always easier to work _______.weaver ants can build a large ______.Zebras ______ ___ ____ to protect them.The _______ or young stay in the center.Weaver ants _____ nests with tree leaves....

Sprout 2 A3 L3 2023-05-02

Sprout 2 A3 L3 crossword puzzle
  1. Weaver ants _____ nests with tree leaves.
  2. make nests with tree ________.
  3. Zebras get into a ____________.
  4. Its always easier to work _______.
  5. ______ ants (what kind)
  6. The _______ or young stay in the center.
  7. When ______ is near, zebras get into a semicircle.
  8. Others glue the leaves with sticky ______.
  9. There are two main reasons for cooperation among those animals: ________ and shelter.
  1. ______ make great meals for many African predators.
  2. There are two main reasons for cooperation among those animals: protection and _________.
  3. weaver ants can build a large ______.
  4. Zebras ______ ___ ____ to protect them.
  5. Others ______ the leaves with sticky silk.
  6. Zebras cooperate to ________ against these dangerous animals.
  7. People _________ to achieve goals.
  8. Some team up amd pull leaf _____ back to the stem.

17 Clues: ______ ants (what kind)make nests with tree ________.Zebras get into a ____________.People _________ to achieve goals.Its always easier to work _______.weaver ants can build a large ______.Zebras ______ ___ ____ to protect them.The _______ or young stay in the center.Weaver ants _____ nests with tree leaves....

week 3 2023-02-10

week 3 crossword puzzle
  1. right
  2. ok
  3. stop something
  4. normal
  5. took high
  6. done
  7. walk across
  1. with
  2. floor
  3. not much
  4. hint
  5. granted
  6. something other than
  7. to go away
  8. something true

15 Clues: okwithhintdonerightfloornormalgrantednot muchtook highto go awaywalk acrossstop somethingsomething truesomething other than

Practice 2023-09-12

Practice crossword puzzle
  1. white
  2. blue
  3. inflammation
  4. study of
  5. abnormal softening
  6. within, inside
  7. decreased
  8. tissue death
  9. abnormal narrowing
  10. excessive or increased
  1. surgical repair
  2. enlargement, large
  3. abnormal hardening
  4. gray
  5. flow, or discharge
  6. surgically created opening
  7. red
  8. between, among

18 Clues: redbluegraywhitestudy ofdecreasedinflammationtissue deathwithin, insidebetween, amongsurgical repairenlargement, largeabnormal hardeningabnormal softeningflow, or dischargeabnormal narrowingexcessive or increasedsurgically created opening

Suburani Chapter 13 2023-02-24

Suburani Chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. I had lived
  2. highest (masc. )
  3. I prepared
  4. after
  5. to understand
  6. its own
  7. among
  8. began
  9. how?
  10. name (gen. pl)
  1. although
  2. who (masc. nom)
  3. wall (abl. pl)
  4. however
  5. I eat
  6. always
  7. prize (gen. pl.)
  8. labor________m.
  9. long (feminine)

19 Clues: how?afterI eatamongbeganalwayshoweverits ownalthoughI preparedI had livedto understandwall (abl. pl)name (gen. pl)who (masc. nom)labor________m.long (feminine)highest (masc. )prize (gen. pl.)


SPANISH CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. the band
  2. young people
  3. to do gymnastics
  4. the meeting
  5. photography
  6. the chess
  7. to bowl
  8. to be acquainted with
  9. the voice
  1. to know
  2. the hockey
  3. to rehearse
  4. interest
  5. the swimming
  6. the photographer
  7. the club
  8. practice
  9. choir
  10. among

19 Clues: choiramongto knowto bowlthe bandinterestthe clubpracticethe chessthe voicethe hockeyto rehearsethe meetingphotographyyoung peoplethe swimmingto do gymnasticsthe photographerto be acquainted with

Prepositions of place 2021-04-12

Prepositions of place crossword puzzle
  1. за
  2. между
  3. среди
  4. перед
  5. через
  1. рядом
  2. под
  3. вокруг
  4. у
  5. в
  6. на
  7. сквозь

12 Clues: увзанаподрядоммеждусредипередчерезвокругсквозь

Among the hidden crossword puzzle 2021-10-05

Among the hidden crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. stay in a place longer than necessary
  2. clumsy
  3. gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something
  4. hurried
  5. be rude
  6. a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger
  7. copied of something or a fake
  8. make a gesture with the hand, arm or head
  1. an action when you get scared
  2. having no purpose
  3. filled with wonder
  4. large group of people
  5. moaned in a angry way
  6. make a small hole in something with a sharp point
  7. to skip something

15 Clues: clumsyhurriedbe rudehaving no purposeto skip somethingfilled with wonderlarge group of peoplemoaned in a angry wayan action when you get scaredcopied of something or a fakestay in a place longer than necessarymake a gesture with the hand, arm or heada deep loud roar, typically in pain or angermake a small hole in something with a sharp point...

2among us lol 2020-12-04

2among us lol crossword puzzle
  1. another word for suspicious that is used by many among us players
  2. they mostly do this on lights
  3. this guy does tasks
  1. a guy that will kill others
  2. a planet from among us that is popular for its unbalanced weather
  3. the most popular place in among us. many players use this for base gameplay
  4. a huge tower that is in among us

7 Clues: this guy does tasksa guy that will kill othersthey mostly do this on lightsa huge tower that is in among usa planet from among us that is popular for its unbalanced weatheranother word for suspicious that is used by many among us playersthe most popular place in among us. many players use this for base gameplay

Lasse's lille lækre krydsord 2016-09-19

Lasse's lille lækre krydsord crossword puzzle
  1. Deltog
  2. Debat
  3. kampange
  4. Blandt
  5. Samtale
  6. adskille
  1. Flertal
  2. Stemme
  3. Hold
  4. Uafhængig
  5. kandidat
  6. Samle

12 Clues: HoldDebatSamleStemmeDeltogBlandtFlertalSamtalekampangekandidatadskilleUafhængig

election 2016-09-22

election crossword puzzle
  1. nuværende
  2. magtfuld
  3. iblandt
  4. uafhængig
  5. krav
  6. muligt
  1. kompliceret
  2. periode
  3. stemme
  4. erklære
  5. kongres
  6. teoretisk

12 Clues: kravstemmemuligtperiodeiblandterklærekongresmagtfuldnuværendeteoretiskuafhængigkompliceret

Preposition of Place 2024-06-03

Preposition of Place crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 7
  3. 1
  4. 4
  5. 12
  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 9
  5. 11
  6. 6
  7. 5

12 Clues: 283971654101112

ADB UNIT I - Revision 2021-07-09

ADB UNIT I - Revision crossword puzzle
  1. constraint, Specifies restriction on attributes
  2. key, Superiority of keys
  3. One type of database
  4. It is also called as information hiding
  5. Another term used for degree of relation
  6. key, Key which is used to distinguish among tuples
  7. Total number of attributed in the table
  1. Database which stores data in the form of tables
  2. Term used in object oriented database
  3. One type of schema constraints
  4. Systematic collection of data
  5. Total number of tuples in the table
  6. It is used to delete/update record from parent as well as from child table
  7. key, It shown relationship among two tables
  8. Object oriented database concept

15 Clues: One type of databasekey, Superiority of keysSystematic collection of dataOne type of schema constraintsObject oriented database conceptTotal number of tuples in the tableTerm used in object oriented databaseIt is also called as information hidingTotal number of attributed in the tableAnother term used for degree of relation...

Englisch Jo 2019-11-28

Englisch Jo crossword puzzle
  1. klar
  2. reagieren
  3. irgendetwas
  4. Natur
  5. frech
  6. wahrscheinlich
  1. Tochter
  2. in letzter Zeit
  3. schwer
  4. Sohn
  5. Held
  6. retten drown ertrinken
  7. ertrinken
  8. zwischen dem schlafen

14 Clues: klarSohnHeldNaturfrechschwerTochterreagierenertrinkenirgendetwaswahrscheinlichin letzter Zeitzwischen dem schlafenretten drown ertrinken

Biodiversity & Classfication 2022-03-03

Biodiversity & Classfication crossword puzzle
  1. trait that arose in the most recent common ancestor of a lineage
  2. diagram showing patterns of shared characteristics among species
  3. study of evolutionary relationships among organisms
  4. largest, most inclusive taxonomic category
  5. closely related orders
  6. a group of similar species
  1. groups of living things that have biological meaning
  2. a two-part naming system
  3. closely related classes
  4. evolutionary branch of a cladogram that includes a single ancestor and all its descendants
  5. closely related families
  6. closely related genera
  7. a system of naming and classifying organisms based on shared characteristics
  8. taxonomic category that is even larger than a kingdom

14 Clues: closely related generaclosely related ordersclosely related classesa two-part naming systemclosely related familiesa group of similar specieslargest, most inclusive taxonomic categorystudy of evolutionary relationships among organismsgroups of living things that have biological meaningtaxonomic category that is even larger than a kingdom...

Disco Crossword 2023-12-12

Disco Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Disco was popularized during the _____
  2. Another popular Disco group
  3. The DJ uses this to blend the tracks
  4. A disc that music could be played from
  5. The person who blended the tracks
  6. Disco is about making a good time last _____
  7. An extended version of the record that could play longer tracks
  8. Another popular Disco group
  1. A popular Disco group
  2. Disco became popular here
  3. One of the few music genres to last for less than _____
  4. Underground club or dance music
  5. Disco was popular among this group of people too
  6. Disco was popular among _____ people
  7. Disco _____ Night; The night that Disco "died"

15 Clues: A popular Disco groupDisco became popular hereAnother popular Disco groupAnother popular Disco groupUnderground club or dance musicThe person who blended the tracksDisco was popular among _____ peopleThe DJ uses this to blend the tracksDisco was popularized during the _____A disc that music could be played from...

ECC Crossword 2017-01-11

ECC Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Limited access to healthcare is an example of a..
  2. ECC can be ____ by providing oral healthcare education.
  3. ECC is also common among _____ children
  4. Single most prevalent disease of childhood
  5. A risk factor that includes lack of water
  6. ECC is a _____ disease
  7. Another term for Early Childhood Caries
  8. If a baby sleeps with a bottle chances of decay are ____.
  9. Tooth decay that is just beginning to form
  10. ECC is common among ____ families
  1. Children with ECC may find this hard to do in school.
  2. Another name for ECC
  3. Untreated tooth decay results in this.
  4. Decay that develops rapidly
  5. ECC may affect the child's ability to do this
  6. Symptom of ECC
  7. Infectious disease of tooth decay
  8. For severe cases, children must be..
  9. Children aged 2 to 5 years of low income families are ___ times higher than high income families to develop tooth decay
  10. ECC affects ____ of preschool children.

20 Clues: Symptom of ECCAnother name for ECCECC is a _____ diseaseDecay that develops rapidlyInfectious disease of tooth decayECC is common among ____ familiesFor severe cases, children must be..Untreated tooth decay results in this.ECC is also common among _____ childrenAnother term for Early Childhood CariesECC affects ____ of preschool children....

Shay 2020-09-16

Shay crossword puzzle
  1. fair treatment through the normal judicial system
  2. upper chamber of congress
  3. being enlightened
  4. kings and queens share power with the people
  5. human rights
  6. supreme power held by the people
  7. the great charter
  8. small group of rulers
  9. to build again
  10. dividing powers among the nation
  11. established in western Europe
  1. the Jewish religion
  2. controls the people
  3. revival of art and literature
  4. people decide the representatives
  5. religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus
  6. English law
  7. keeping world peace
  8. legislative body of government
  9. kings and queens
  10. agreement among society for benefits
  11. states the rights of the people
  12. vesting different powers of government to different parts
  13. the religion of Muslims
  14. God's words to the people on how to live
  15. revolution of 1688
  16. the king is subject to no earthly authority
  17. elected representatives
  18. highest class in society

29 Clues: English lawhuman rightsto build againkings and queensbeing enlightenedthe great charterrevolution of 1688the Jewish religioncontrols the peoplekeeping world peacesmall group of rulersthe religion of Muslimselected representativeshighest class in societyupper chamber of congressrevival of art and literatureestablished in western Europe...

Resolving Disputes In Your Group 2014-04-06

Resolving Disputes In Your Group crossword puzzle
  1. style/ the manner in which a group member typically engages in disputes with others
  2. behaviour/ using intimidating behaviour to get ones way in a dispute
  3. controversy/ a third name for conceptual conflict
  4. conflict/ beneficial conflict that critiques ideas not people
  5. conflict style of one who withdraws or avoids conflict
  6. conflict style of one who forces others to do his will
  7. conflict/ an interpersonal dispute arising from unequal distribution or resources
  1. an interpersonal dispute between or among members of a group
  2. conflict style of one who compromises to resolve differences
  3. person who is conflict with another person
  4. person/ one who lacks sufficient self-respect to defend his or her rights in a dispute and withdraws from conflict
  5. behaviour / facing up to and dealing reasonably with others in a dispute
  6. a person who intervees between or among disputants in order to help them reach an argreement
  7. communication/ communication between and among disputing group members in which self- respect, together with respect for others, aids in conflict
  8. bear/ conflict style of one who smoothes things over to maintain harmony
  9. conflict style of one who confronts in order to achieve win-win solutions

16 Clues: person who is conflict with another personcontroversy/ a third name for conceptual conflictconflict style of one who withdraws or avoids conflictconflict style of one who forces others to do his willan interpersonal dispute between or among members of a groupconflict style of one who compromises to resolve differences...

Poole 1 2022-01-31

Poole 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a hypothesis that is taken for granted
  2. a prescribed number
  3. a series of actions tending toward a particular end
  4. a conventional or formulaic conception or image
  5. incorporating a racial or religious group into a community
  6. a difficult problem
  7. walk leisurely and with no apparent aim
  1. surrender under agreed conditions
  2. a union of interests or purposes among members of a group
  3. an integrated course of academic studies
  4. witty language used to convey insults or scorn
  5. stop the flow of a liquid
  6. occurring among or involving several people
  7. notify of danger in advance or beforehand

14 Clues: a prescribed numbera difficult problemstop the flow of a liquidsurrender under agreed conditionsa hypothesis that is taken for grantedwalk leisurely and with no apparent aiman integrated course of academic studiesnotify of danger in advance or beforehandoccurring among or involving several peoplewitty language used to convey insults or scorn...

6ab base jumper 2022-11-30

6ab base jumper crossword puzzle
  1. trygt
  2. våghals
  3. blant
  4. romkapsel
  5. avhengig
  1. trukket opp
  2. basehopper
  3. stupe
  4. fritt fall
  5. kallenavn
  6. stratosfære
  7. himmel
  8. fallskjerm
  9. fallskjermhopping

14 Clues: trygtstupeblanthimmelvåghalsavhengigkallenavnromkapselbasehopperfritt fallfallskjermtrukket oppstratosfærefallskjermhopping

January Crossword 2023-01-07

January Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Author of one of the Gospels
  2. A party or caste among the Jews consisting of old high-priestly families
  3. John the _____; Apostle to Jesus
  4. Angel that visited Mary
  5. Father of
  6. Jewish tax collector; called to be an Apostle
  1. Hometown of Jesus Christ
  2. Gentile physician who traveled with the Apostle Paul
  3. A religious party among the Jews focused on observance of the law
  4. Mother of
  5. John the _____; cousin to Jesus
  6. Means "good news"

12 Clues: Mother ofFather ofMeans "good news"Angel that visited MaryHometown of Jesus ChristAuthor of one of the GospelsJohn the _____; cousin to JesusJohn the _____; Apostle to JesusJewish tax collector; called to be an ApostleGentile physician who traveled with the Apostle PaulA religious party among the Jews focused on observance of the law...

Unit 2 Spelling #2 2024-01-25

Unit 2 Spelling #2 crossword puzzle
  1. not based on reason or facts
  2. not able to read
  3. something that's done between or among people
  4. to stop and take something in between
  5. not capable of being duplicated or exchanged for another item
  6. to try to help settle an argument between people
  1. between or among countries
  2. does not make sense
  3. not trusted to do what is right
  4. the place where parts come together
  5. not allowed by law
  6. not normal or usual

12 Clues: not able to readnot allowed by lawdoes not make sensenot normal or usualbetween or among countriesnot based on reason or factsnot trusted to do what is rightthe place where parts come togetherto stop and take something in betweensomething that's done between or among peopleto try to help settle an argument between people...

St. 16 Vocabulary 2023-05-02

St. 16 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. good
  2. on the next day
  3. among
  4. to build
  5. to put
  6. to turn
  7. then
  8. highest
  9. to perish
  1. flower
  2. help
  3. to escape
  4. to lift up
  5. as soon as
  6. to agree
  7. to sail
  8. plan
  9. general
  10. in this way

19 Clues: helpgoodplanthenamongflowerto putto sailgeneralto turnhighestto agreeto buildto escapeto perishto lift upas soon asin this wayon the next day

Cross word L&K 2023-11-02

Cross word L&K crossword puzzle
  1. other things also
  2. respond
  3. career
  4. laws
  5. misconstrue
  6. havoc
  7. terms
  8. tiny
  9. evolution
  1. agency
  2. handy
  3. the meantime meanwhile
  4. avert
  5. trend
  6. discord
  7. a careful study of something to learn about its parts what they do ect.
  8. progress
  9. feel
  10. demur

19 Clues: lawsfeeltinyhandyaverttrenddemurhavoctermsagencycareerresponddiscordprogressevolutionmisconstrueother things alsothe meantime meanwhilea careful study of something to learn about its parts what they do ect.

Bai Project(Crossword) 2019-04-11

Bai Project(Crossword) crossword puzzle
  1. What is one of the extraocular muscles? (No spacing)
  2. What causes presbyopia?
  3. What causes binocular vision?
  4. What is a specialized type of tissue containing?
  5. What is Myopia?
  6. What is the main function of the cornea?
  1. Against the rule is common among _____?
  2. What does the tear film contain?
  3. What is Hyperopia?
  4. What is one symptom of Astigmatism?
  5. What position are the eyes when the principal(horizontal) retina plane is coplanar? (No spacing)
  6. What does the visual pathway contain? (No spacing)
  7. With the rule astigmatism is common among ____?
  8. How does the retina help you see? (No spacing)

14 Clues: What is Myopia?What is Hyperopia?What causes presbyopia?What causes binocular vision?What does the tear film contain?What is one symptom of Astigmatism?Against the rule is common among _____?What is the main function of the cornea?How does the retina help you see? (No spacing)With the rule astigmatism is common among ____?...