biology Crossword Puzzles

yes 2024-04-12

yes crossword puzzle
  1. BlockGame
  2. BestColor
  3. Immigration
  4. ChildhoodShowThatIsStillGood
  5. SeanCantBeatME
  6. OurGloriosKing
  1. BaddieSister
  2. OurSchool
  3. ZestySportThatWeStillPlay
  4. ByeByeBaby
  5. OurFlexPeriod
  6. HatedClass
  7. SeanNolan
  8. Mikuni
  9. Fatperson
  10. Nassali

16 Clues: MikuniNassaliOurSchoolBlockGameBestColorSeanNolanFatpersonByeByeBabyHatedClassImmigrationBaddieSisterOurFlexPeriodSeanCantBeatMEOurGloriosKingZestySportThatWeStillPlayChildhoodShowThatIsStillGood

2-A Tú día en la escuela 2013-03-19

2-A Tú día en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. spanish
  2. physics
  3. computer science
  4. science
  5. geology
  6. biology
  7. music
  8. chemistry
  9. english
  10. languages
  1. home economics
  2. physical education
  3. health
  4. calculus
  5. social studies
  6. mathematics
  7. french
  8. geometry
  9. history
  10. algebra
  11. band

21 Clues: bandmusichealthfrenchspanishphysicssciencehistoryalgebrageologybiologyenglishcalculusgeometrychemistrylanguagesmathematicshome economicssocial studiescomputer sciencephysical education

Die Schulfächer 2021-10-19

Die Schulfächer crossword puzzle
  1. Art
  2. Religious Education
  3. Natural Sciences
  4. German
  5. Biology
  6. Class
  7. Period
  8. Recess
  9. Spanish
  10. Math
  11. Social Studies
  1. Computer Science
  2. History
  3. French
  4. English
  5. Physics
  6. Schedule
  7. PE/Gym
  8. Geography
  9. Chemistry
  10. Music

21 Clues: ArtMathClassMusicFrenchGermanPE/GymPeriodRecessHistoryEnglishPhysicsBiologySpanishScheduleGeographyChemistrySocial StudiesComputer ScienceNatural SciencesReligious Education

France 2022-05-09

France crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. computer science
  3. physics
  4. science
  5. history
  6. languages
  7. biology
  8. German
  9. intelligent
  10. plastiques art
  1. chemistry
  2. hard
  3. math
  4. music
  5. funny
  6. easy
  7. english
  8. interesting
  9. spanish
  10. energetic
  11. school subjects

21 Clues: hardmatheasymusicfunnyFrenchGermanenglishspanishphysicssciencehistorybiologychemistryenergeticlanguagesinterestingintelligentplastiques artschool subjectscomputer science

Spanish school supplies 2021-04-15

Spanish school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. book
  3. spanish
  4. test
  5. male teacher
  6. biology
  7. math
  8. library
  9. physics
  10. stadium
  1. female teacher
  2. history
  3. desk
  4. window
  5. male/female student
  6. english
  7. science
  8. computer science
  9. music
  10. art

20 Clues: artbookdesktestmathmusicwindowhistoryspanishenglishbiologysciencelibraryphysicsstadiumbackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

En La Clase Crossword Puzzle 2024-08-06

En La Clase Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics
  2. desk
  3. computer science
  4. litterature
  5. schedule
  6. biology
  7. English
  8. art
  9. semester
  10. calculator
  11. Spanish
  12. window
  1. home
  2. journalism
  3. stadium
  4. whiteboard
  5. sciences
  6. eraser
  7. book
  8. library
  9. geography
  10. pen
  11. homework

23 Clues: artpenhomedeskbookeraserwindowstadiumlibrarybiologyEnglishSpanishsciencesschedulesemesterhomeworkeconomicsgeographyjournalismwhiteboardcalculatorlitteraturecomputer science

Vocabulario 2B - clases y ropa 2024-10-17

Vocabulario 2B - clases y ropa crossword puzzle
  1. shirt
  2. high school
  3. English
  4. T-shirt
  5. history
  6. sweatshirt
  7. blouse
  8. jeans
  9. sock
  10. shorts
  11. shoe
  12. music
  1. biology
  2. pants
  3. art
  4. computer science
  5. math
  6. Spanish
  7. skirt
  8. science
  9. school
  10. clothing

22 Clues: artmathsockshoeshirtpantsskirtjeansmusicblouseschoolshortsbiologyEnglishSpanishT-shirthistoryscienceclothingsweatshirthigh schoolcomputer science

School 2022-05-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. wf
  2. korytarz
  3. geografia
  4. sala gimnastyczna
  5. biblioteka
  6. historia
  7. plastyka
  8. mundurek
  9. stołówka
  1. język angielski
  2. sala lekcyjna
  3. biologia
  4. boisko
  5. matematyka
  6. informatyka
  7. przerwa
  8. semestr
  9. muzyka

18 Clues: wfboiskomuzykaprzerwasemestrkorytarzbiologiahistoriaplastykamundurekstołówkageografiamatematykabibliotekainformatykasala lekcyjnajęzyk angielskisala gimnastyczna

Ariel Soto-Ramos 2023-03-02

Ariel Soto-Ramos crossword puzzle
  1. A plant rest or grows very little.
  2. a plant that completes its life cycle in one year.
  3. the branch of science that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life processes.
  4. plant is swollen or filled with moisture.
  5. retains (keeps) leaves and remains green year-round.
  6. Plant hormones that work with auxins to stimulate cell division.
  7. Plant hormones that speeds up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement.
  8. The science and practice of growing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
  1. the part of biology that deals with plants.
  2. a plant that lives more than two years.
  3. a plant that completes its life cycle in two years.
  4. plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture.
  5. Plant hormones that stimulate growth in stem and leaf by cell elongation.
  6. loses leaves during the dormant season.
  7. Plant hormones that quicken fruit ripening, and prevent seed germination and stem elongation.
  8. the part of biology that deals with animals.

16 Clues: A plant rest or grows very little.a plant that lives more than two years.loses leaves during the dormant season.plant is swollen or filled with moisture.the part of biology that deals with plants.the part of biology that deals with animals.a plant that completes its life cycle in one year.a plant that completes its life cycle in two years....

Vocab Words- final project 2021-12-09

Vocab Words- final project crossword puzzle
  1. of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge.
  2. a pause or break in activity.
  3. antagonist
  4. many gods
  5. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  6. a qualification
  7. a foot paerated throttle
  8. ruler
  9. stroll
  10. differs strikingly.
  11. car
  1. a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form.
  2. a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.
  3. nerve cell
  4. move
  5. come together
  6. many
  7. superior to all others
  8. declare publically
  9. by means of scientific methods and principles.
  10. same
  11. study of life
  12. a shy, reticent person.
  13. the study of the mind and behavior

24 Clues: carmovemanysamerulerstrollmany godsnerve cellantagonistcome togetherstudy of lifea qualificationdeclare publicallydiffers strikingly.superior to all othersa shy, reticent person.a foot paerated throttlea pause or break in activity.the study of the mind and behaviorof, by, or appropriate to a court or judge....

las clases 2022-03-21

las clases crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. chemistry
  3. biology
  4. Spanish
  5. shop
  6. Physics
  7. Physical Education
  8. I have
  9. French
  10. Orchestra
  1. computer science
  2. science
  3. Lunch
  4. art
  5. history
  6. math
  7. English
  8. recess

18 Clues: artshopmathmusicLunchI haverecessFrenchsciencebiologySpanishhistoryPhysicsEnglishchemistryOrchestracomputer sciencePhysical Education

Les Matieres 2017-10-10

Les Matieres crossword puzzle
  1. Plastiques Art
  2. Biology
  3. History
  4. Irish
  5. Geography
  6. Civique CSPE
  7. Maths
  8. Music
  9. Technology
  10. Chemistry
  1. Spanish
  2. German
  3. Religion
  4. French
  5. Computer Studies
  6. Business
  7. PE
  8. English

18 Clues: PEIrishMathsMusicGermanFrenchSpanishBiologyHistoryEnglishReligionBusinessGeographyChemistryTechnologyCivique CSPEPlastiques ArtComputer Studies

Biology 2022-12-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. British naturalist
  2. tiny organisms
  3. a living thing
  4. the young of a particular organism
  5. the study of organisms
  1. studied aboard the hms beagle
  2. scientist who specializes in microbiology
  3. American biologist, determined structure of DNA
  4. combined DNA molecules from two organisms
  5. someone who studies plants and/or animals
  6. scientist who specializes in biology
  7. the study of microbes

12 Clues: tiny organismsa living thingBritish naturalistthe study of microbesthe study of organismsstudied aboard the hms beaglethe young of a particular organismscientist who specializes in biologyscientist who specializes in microbiologycombined DNA molecules from two organismssomeone who studies plants and/or animals...

Roots 2021-09-23

Roots crossword puzzle
  1. scend
  2. biblio
  3. hydr
  4. nav
  5. trans
  6. ology
  7. aqua
  8. phon
  1. sphere
  2. ject
  3. vis
  4. photo
  5. port
  6. graph
  7. voc
  8. pan

16 Clues: visvocnavpanjectporthydraquaphonscendphotographtransologyspherebiblio

Español 1 2022-10-25

Español 1 crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. pencil
  3. thing
  4. bus
  5. class
  6. map
  7. eraser
  1. school
  2. test
  3. library
  4. girl
  5. book
  6. youth
  7. biology
  8. notebook
  9. day

16 Clues: busmapdaytestgirlbookyouththingclassschoolpencileraserlibrarybiologybackpacknotebook

french school subjects 2022-10-25

french school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. English
  3. sport
  4. art
  5. physics
  6. German
  7. biology
  8. mandarin
  9. drama
  1. languages
  2. geography
  3. history
  4. chemistry
  5. Spanish
  6. computing
  7. music

16 Clues: artsportmusicdramaFrenchGermanEnglishhistoryphysicsSpanishbiologymandarinlanguagesgeographychemistrycomputing

Academic subjects 2024-09-27

Academic subjects crossword puzzle
  1. justice
  2. buildings
  3. school
  4. molecules
  5. mind
  6. paintings
  7. machines
  8. past
  1. acting
  2. numbers
  3. money
  4. research
  5. life
  6. computers
  7. health
  8. healing

16 Clues: lifemindpastmoneyactingschoolhealthnumbersjusticehealingresearchmachinesbuildingsmoleculescomputerspaintings

12345 2017-06-27

12345 crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. astronomy
  3. biology
  4. geology
  5. chemistry
  1. archaeology
  2. zoology
  3. medicine

8 Clues: zoologyphysicsbiologygeologymedicineastronomychemistryarchaeology

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. kémia
  2. informatika
  3. szünet
  4. történelem
  5. hittan
  6. gyűlés
  7. biológia
  8. testnevelés
  9. francia
  10. osztály
  11. állampolgári ismeretek
  12. ebéd
  1. természettudomány
  2. regisztráció
  3. and Design rajz és technika
  4. órarend
  5. angol
  6. fizika
  7. ének-zene
  8. félév

20 Clues: ebédkémiaangolfélévszünethittangyűlésfizikaórarendfranciaosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. kémia
  2. informatika
  3. szünet
  4. történelem
  5. hittan
  6. gyűlés
  7. biológia
  8. testnevelés
  9. francia
  10. osztály
  11. állampolgári ismeretek
  12. ebéd
  1. természettudomány
  2. regisztráció
  3. and Design rajz és technika
  4. órarend
  5. angol
  6. fizika
  7. ének-zene
  8. félév

20 Clues: ebédkémiaangolfélévszünethittangyűlésfizikaórarendfranciaosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. regisztráció
  2. francia
  3. órarend
  4. kémia
  5. állampolgári ismeretek
  6. ének-zene
  7. fizika
  8. biológia
  1. informatika
  2. ebéd
  3. testnevelés
  4. hittan
  5. angol
  6. szünet
  7. félév
  8. and Design rajz és technika
  9. természettudomány
  10. gyűlés
  11. osztály
  12. történelem

20 Clues: ebédangolfélévkémiahittanszünetgyűlésfizikafranciaórarendosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

Classes & School Supplies 2021-04-15

Classes & School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. male teacher
  3. window
  4. art
  5. homework
  6. science
  7. female teacher
  8. backpack
  9. male student
  10. physics
  11. book
  1. english
  2. desk
  3. stadium
  4. math
  5. music
  6. library
  7. female student
  8. test
  9. biology
  10. spanish

21 Clues: artdeskmathtestbookmusicwindowenglishhistorystadiumlibrarysciencebiologyspanishphysicshomeworkbackpackmale teachermale studentfemale studentfemale teacher

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. math
  3. library
  4. book
  5. window
  6. test
  7. art
  8. computer science
  9. history
  10. physics
  11. desk
  12. music
  1. backpack
  2. english
  3. biology
  4. spanish
  5. science
  6. male teacher
  7. schedule
  8. stadium
  9. male/female student

21 Clues: artmathbooktestdeskmusicwindowenglishbiologylibraryspanishsciencestadiumhistoryphysicsbackpackhomeworkschedulemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Para tener éxito 2022-04-28

Para tener éxito crossword puzzle
  1. seat
  2. someone
  3. to turn in
  4. discuss
  5. rule
  6. on time
  7. explain
  8. locker
  9. answer
  10. to know(someone)
  1. biology
  2. algebra
  3. project
  4. to respect
  5. nobody
  6. history
  7. scissors
  8. to repeat
  9. physics
  10. report

20 Clues: seatrulenobodyreportlockeranswerbiologyalgebraprojectsomeonehistorydiscusson timephysicsexplainscissorsto repeatto respectto turn into know(someone)

School 2023-09-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. книга
  3. история
  4. музыка
  5. шк. предмет
  6. линейка
  7. кабинет
  8. карандаш
  9. расписание
  10. доска
  1. блокнот
  2. биология
  3. наука
  4. атлас
  5. ластик
  6. парта
  7. ИЗО
  8. английский
  9. школьная сумка
  10. понедельник
  11. ручка
  12. среда

22 Clues: ИЗОнаукакнигаатласпартаручкасредадоскаластикмузыкаблокнотисториялинейкакабинетбиологиякарандашматематикаанглийскийрасписаниешк. предметпонедельникшкольная сумка

School 2023-09-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. ручка
  2. ИЗО
  3. книга
  4. парта
  5. среда
  6. биология
  7. карандаш
  8. доска
  9. расписание
  10. линейка
  1. блокнот
  2. понедельник
  3. шк. предмет
  4. история
  5. школьная сумка
  6. наука
  7. кабинет
  8. ластик
  9. музыка
  10. английский
  11. математика
  12. атлас

22 Clues: ИЗОручкакнигапартасреданаукаатласдоскаластикмузыкаблокнотисториякабинетлинейкабиологиякарандашанглийскийматематикарасписаниепонедельникшк. предметшкольная сумка

School and studies 2024-01-03

School and studies crossword puzzle
  1. Biologie
  2. Elèves (primaire)
  3. Carte (géographie)
  4. Arts plastiques
  5. Globe
  6. Calculs
  7. Hier
  8. Bureau
  9. L’an dernier
  10. Histoire
  1. La nuit dernière
  2. Chiffres, nombres
  3. Théatre
  4. Sport
  5. Bâton
  6. Camarades
  7. Horloge
  8. Informatique
  9. Mathématiques
  10. semaine

20 Clues: HierSportBâtonGlobeBureauThéatreCalculsHorlogesemaineBiologieHistoireCamaradesInformatiqueL’an dernierMathématiquesArts plastiquesLa nuit dernièreElèves (primaire)Chiffres, nombresCarte (géographie)

vocab 4 2023-10-11

vocab 4 crossword puzzle
  1. lung
  2. liver
  3. removal
  4. record
  5. vessel
  6. stomach
  7. disease
  8. brain
  9. pain
  10. Brain
  11. speech
  12. hearing
  13. examine
  1. kidney
  2. lung
  3. blood
  4. join
  5. nerve
  6. finger
  7. skull
  8. swelling
  9. bone
  10. heart
  11. the study of (biology)

24 Clues: lunglungjoinpainboneliverbloodnervebrainskullBrainheartkidneyrecordvesselfingerspeechremovalstomachdiseasehearingexamineswellingthe study of (biology)

SP2 Las asignaturas 2024-09-09

SP2 Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. drawing
  2. orchestra
  3. English
  4. break
  5. calculus
  6. schedule
  7. statistics
  8. math
  9. trigonometry
  1. lab
  2. science
  3. geography
  4. recess
  5. lunch
  6. calculus
  7. physics
  8. biology
  9. algebra
  10. chemistry
  11. dance
  12. literature
  13. essay
  14. Health
  15. exam

24 Clues: labmathexamlunchbreakdanceessayrecessHealthdrawingsciencephysicsbiologyalgebraEnglishcalculuscalculusschedulegeographyorchestrachemistryliteraturestatisticstrigonometry

Subjects 2019-02-01

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. muusika
  2. kunst
  3. prantsusekeel
  4. kehalinekasvatus
  5. venekeel
  6. loodusõpetus
  7. füüsika
  8. geograafia
  9. ajalugu
  1. käsitöö
  2. inglisekeel
  3. matemaatika
  4. saksakeel
  5. keemia
  6. eestikeel
  7. bioloogia

16 Clues: kunstkeemiakäsitöömuusikafüüsikaajaluguvenekeelsaksakeeleestikeelbioloogiageograafiainglisekeelmatemaatikaloodusõpetusprantsusekeelkehalinekasvatus

Las asignaturas - school subjects 2014-04-23

Las asignaturas - school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. spanish
  2. art
  3. science
  4. ICT
  5. technology
  6. music
  7. biology
  8. maths
  1. drama
  2. RE
  3. geography
  4. PE
  5. history
  6. french
  7. Business
  8. english

16 Clues: REPEartICTdramamusicmathsfrenchspanishsciencehistorybiologyenglishBusinessgeographytechnology

Les matières scolaires 2023-12-12

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  3. PE
  6. MUSIC
  1. ART
  3. IRISH
  5. MATHS


Crossword 2024-02-09

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bi
  2. Poly
  3. Bino
  4. Mono
  5. Tri
  6. Moto
  7. gual
  1. Dup
  2. Div
  3. Uni
  4. Bo
  5. As
  6. lti
  7. boo
  8. Cyc
  9. lo

16 Clues: BiBoAsloDupDivUniltibooTriCycPolyBinoMonoMotogual

Vocab 2024-01-19

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. happy
  3. field
  4. folder
  5. long
  6. band
  7. weak
  8. gym
  9. pen
  1. fast
  2. map
  3. pencil
  4. kind
  5. large
  6. biology
  7. book

16 Clues: mapgympenfastkindlongbandweakbookclasshappyfieldlargepencilfolderbiology

Vocab 2024-01-19

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. happy
  3. field
  4. folder
  5. long
  6. band
  7. weak
  8. gym
  9. pen
  1. fast
  2. map
  3. pencil
  4. kind
  5. large
  6. biology
  7. book

16 Clues: mapgympenfastkindlongbandweakbookclasshappyfieldlargepencilfolderbiology

Español 1 2022-10-25

Español 1 crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. class
  3. backpack
  4. pencil
  5. test
  6. thing
  7. day
  8. eraser
  1. biology
  2. school
  3. girl
  4. map
  5. book
  6. notebook
  7. youth
  8. bus

16 Clues: mapdaybusgirlbooktestclassthingyouthschoolpencileraserbiologylibrarybackpacknotebook

Clases/Carreras 2023-09-18

Clases/Carreras crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. Theater
  3. Orchestra
  4. Dance
  5. Algebra
  6. Education
  7. Medicine
  8. Spanish
  1. Pharmacy
  2. Geometry
  3. Biology
  4. History
  5. Business
  6. Chemistry
  7. Band
  8. English

16 Clues: BandDanceFrenchBiologyTheaterHistoryAlgebraEnglishSpanishPharmacyGeometryBusinessMedicineOrchestraChemistryEducation

English Words 2020-12-07

English Words crossword puzzle
  1. Haus
  2. gehen
  3. Auto
  4. Mond
  5. Wald
  6. Pilz
  7. Sonnenbrille
  8. Hund
  1. Sonne
  2. Katze
  3. Biologie
  4. Gras
  5. Kleider
  6. Minuten
  7. Spinne
  8. Schule

16 Clues: HausGrasAutoMondWaldPilzHundSonneKatzegehenSpinneSchuleKleiderMinutenBiologieSonnenbrille

classesand school supplies 2021-04-15

classesand school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. female teacher
  3. male student
  4. history
  5. computer science
  6. English
  7. science
  8. backpack
  9. desk
  10. male teacher
  1. library
  2. book
  3. math
  4. physics
  5. music
  6. window
  7. biology
  8. art

18 Clues: artbookmathdeskmusicwindowlibrarySpanishphysicshistorybiologyEnglishsciencebackpackmale studentmale teacherfemale teachercomputer science

SUBJECTS 2019-09-18

SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. музыка
  2. искусство, рисование
  3. английский
  4. история
  5. говорить
  6. немецкий
  7. наука
  8. рисовать
  9. слушать
  10. читать
  1. ученик
  2. учитель
  3. урок
  4. русский
  5. биология
  6. писать
  7. изучать, учиться

17 Clues: урокнаукаученикмузыкаписатьчитатьучительисториярусскийслушатьговоритьнемецкийбиологиярисоватьанглийскийизучать, учитьсяискусство, рисование

Les Matières Scolaires 2023-08-15

Les Matières Scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. dance
  2. French
  3. geography
  4. drama
  5. history
  6. computer sciences
  7. philosophy
  1. maths
  2. music
  3. English
  4. sport
  5. chemistry
  6. biology
  7. physics
  8. art
  9. digital technologies
  10. science

17 Clues: artmathsdancemusicsportdramaFrenchEnglishbiologyhistoryphysicssciencegeographychemistryphilosophycomputer sciencesdigital technologies

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. gyűlés
  2. angol
  3. természettudomány
  4. órarend
  5. osztály
  6. testnevelés
  7. történelem
  8. fizika
  9. and Design rajz és technika
  10. biológia
  1. regisztráció
  2. szünet
  3. francia
  4. kémia
  5. ének-zene
  6. informatika
  7. állampolgári ismeretek
  8. hittan
  9. ebéd
  10. félév

20 Clues: ebédkémiaangolfélévszünetgyűléshittanfizikafranciaórarendosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. window
  3. history
  4. art
  5. backpack
  6. desk
  7. male/female student
  8. physics
  9. male teacher
  10. stadium
  11. biology
  1. test
  2. math
  3. female teacher
  4. music
  5. science
  6. computer science
  7. Spanish
  8. book
  9. English

20 Clues: arttestmathdeskbookmusicwindowlibraryhistorysciencephysicsSpanishEnglishstadiumbiologybackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

classes and school supplies in spanish 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies in spanish crossword puzzle
  1. window
  2. math
  3. english
  4. history
  5. biology
  6. female teacher
  7. physics
  8. book
  9. desk
  10. science
  1. test
  2. male/female student
  3. stadium
  4. spanish
  5. computer science
  6. backpack
  7. library
  8. music
  9. male teacher
  10. art

20 Clues: arttestmathbookdeskmusicwindowstadiumenglishspanishhistorylibrarybiologyphysicssciencebackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Subjects 2021-09-30

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. lapiseira
  2. livro
  3. química
  4. lápis
  5. educação física
  6. biologia
  7. arte
  8. caneta
  9. tesoura
  10. regua
  11. boletim
  1. estojo
  2. apontador
  3. cola
  4. geografia
  5. inglês
  6. física
  7. mochila
  8. caderno
  9. borracha
  10. história
  11. portugues
  12. matemática

23 Clues: colaartelivrolápisreguaestojoinglêsfísicacanetamochilaquímicacadernotesouraboletimborrachahistóriabiologiaapontadorlapiseirageografiaportuguesmatemáticaeducação física

Spanish 2 Asi se dice 1-6 U1 2022-04-14

Spanish 2 Asi se dice 1-6 U1 crossword puzzle
  1. coach
  2. bye
  3. physics
  4. dear
  5. demanding
  6. first
  7. to grade
  8. nice
  9. distant
  10. fourth
  11. regards
  1. literature
  2. to train
  3. nurse
  4. biology
  5. sincerely
  6. eighth
  7. review
  8. act
  9. unfair
  10. kisses
  11. dance

22 Clues: byeactdearnicecoachnursefirstdanceeighthreviewunfairkissesfourthbiologyphysicsdistantregardsto trainto gradesincerelydemandingliterature

Vocab a 2013-03-08

Vocab a crossword puzzle
  1. broodje
  2. techniek
  3. tonijn
  4. hongerig zijn
  5. economie
  6. kunst,ckv
  7. frans
  8. meestal
  9. kaas
  10. salade
  1. biologie
  2. geschiedenis
  3. wiskunde
  4. vegetarische
  5. maaltijd
  6. sinaasappel
  7. natuur/scheikunde
  8. aardrijkskunde
  9. patat,friet
  10. boterham
  11. duits

21 Clues: kaasfransduitstonijnsaladebroodjemeestalbiologiewiskundetechniekmaaltijdeconomieboterhamkunst,ckvsinaasappelpatat,frietgeschiedenisvegetarischehongerig zijnaardrijkskundenatuur/scheikunde

2-A Tú día en la escuela 2013-03-19

2-A Tú día en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. geology
  2. home economics
  3. english
  4. biology
  5. physics
  6. mathematics
  7. band
  8. chemistry
  9. calculus
  10. music
  11. health
  12. languages
  13. algebra
  1. spanish
  2. history
  3. geometry
  4. science
  5. physical education
  6. social studies
  7. computer science
  8. french

21 Clues: bandmusicfrenchhealthspanishhistorygeologyscienceenglishbiologyphysicsalgebrageometrycalculuschemistrylanguagesmathematicshome economicssocial studiescomputer sciencephysical education

verbs 2015-09-22

verbs crossword puzzle
  1. never
  2. my sister
  3. to teach
  4. late
  5. my friends
  6. toask
  7. my dad
  8. water
  1. towalk
  2. sometimes
  3. arestraunt
  4. escuela school
  5. tosing
  6. to
  7. biology
  8. totake
  9. my mom
  10. tochat
  11. from
  12. juice

20 Clues: tolatefromnevertoaskjuicewatertowalktosingtotakemy momtochatmy dadbiologyto teachsometimesmy sisterarestrauntmy friendsescuela school


  1. MUSIC
  3. ART
  10. BIG
  4. SMALL
  9. CLASS
  11. EASY
  12. LATIN


Lettie's Crossword 2023-11-13

Lettie's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. super
  2. to speak/say
  3. water
  4. two
  5. far away
  6. to throw
  7. many
  8. time
  9. 100
  10. hear
  11. between/among
  12. to carry
  1. to watch
  2. half
  3. fear
  4. against
  5. center
  6. life
  7. under
  8. around

20 Clues: two100halffearmanylifetimehearsuperwaterundercenteraroundagainstto watchfar awayto throwto carryto speak/saybetween/among

U18 - Las asignaturas 2024-05-28

U18 - Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. RE
  2. business
  3. geography
  4. science
  5. drama
  6. art
  7. biology
  8. home economics
  9. Spanish
  10. French
  11. history
  1. technology
  2. careers
  3. English
  4. Irish
  5. subject
  6. PE
  7. maths
  8. music
  9. chemistry
  10. physics
  11. IT
  12. German
  13. art

24 Clues: REPEITartartIrishmathsmusicdramaGermanFrenchcareersEnglishsubjectsciencephysicsbiologySpanishhistorybusinessgeographychemistrytechnologyhome economics

school 2022-11-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. espagnol
  3. directrice
  4. cantine
  5. géographie
  6. agenda
  7. chimie
  1. musique
  2. devoirs
  3. élève
  4. enseignant
  5. EPS
  6. cartable
  7. physique
  8. SVT
  9. histoire
  10. latin
  11. emploi du temps
  12. maths
  13. anglais
  14. arts plastiques
  15. allemand

22 Clues: EPSSVTélèvelatinmathsagendachimiemusiquedevoirssciencecantineanglaiscartableespagnolphysiquehistoireallemandenseignantdirectricegéographieemploi du tempsarts plastiques

School and Education 2024-09-16

School and Education crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. history
  3. english
  4. physical education
  5. gymnasium
  6. computer science
  7. library
  8. classroom
  9. bathroom
  10. music
  1. literature
  2. cafeteria
  3. geography
  4. laboratory
  5. hallway
  6. spanish
  7. mathematics
  8. chemistry
  9. physics
  10. office
  11. art
  12. biology

22 Clues: artmusicofficesciencehallwayspanishhistoryphysicsenglishbiologylibrarybathroomcafeteriageographychemistrygymnasiumclassroomliteraturelaboratorymathematicscomputer sciencephysical education

latin and greek root words 2022-06-06

latin and greek root words crossword puzzle
  1. foot
  2. good
  3. human
  4. all
  5. to know
  6. speak
  7. life
  8. ancient
  1. believe
  2. hear
  3. middle
  4. people
  5. head
  6. love
  7. birth
  8. hand

16 Clues: allhearfootgoodheadlovehandlifehumanbirthspeakmiddlepeoplebelieveto knowancient

Unit 3.01 Crossword 2023-03-02

Unit 3.01 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The science and practice of growing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  2. the part of biology that deals with plants
  3. a plant that completes its life cycle in one year
  4. a plant that completes its life cycle in two years
  5. loses leaves during the dormant season
  6. plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture
  7. The science and practice of growing, managing and harvesting trees for building materials and other products.
  1. a plant that lives more than two years
  2. the branch of science that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life
  3. Plant hormones that stimulate growth in stem and leaf by cell elongation
  4. Plant hormones that work with auxins to stimulate cell division
  5. the part of biology that deals with animals
  6. Plant hormones that speeds up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement
  7. plant is swollen or filled with moisture
  8. Plant hormones that quicken fruit ripening, and prevent seed germination and stem elongation.
  9. retains (keeps) leaves and remains green year-round

16 Clues: a plant that lives more than two yearsloses leaves during the dormant seasonplant is swollen or filled with moisturethe part of biology that deals with plantsthe part of biology that deals with animalsa plant that completes its life cycle in one yeara plant that completes its life cycle in two years...

Grace Brumgard/ Chapter 1 Biology Vocabulary/ Aug 17, 2023/ BioA 2023-08-18

Grace Brumgard/ Chapter 1 Biology Vocabulary/ Aug 17, 2023/ BioA crossword puzzle
  1. the representation of an idea
  2. the process of establishing facts through testing and experiments.
  3. advocacy of the preservation,restoration, or improvement of the natural environment.
  4. the act of observing something in order to learn information
  5. the collection of information that has been pulled from the responses of an array of individuals.
  6. an individuals conception of the world
  7. a plausible or generally accepted principle that explains a phenomena.
  8. the mandate that God gave to humans that states to be fruitful and multiply and to have dominion over the earth.
  1. the preservation and management of the environment
  2. the study of what is right and wrong in the field of biology
  3. an opinion of what something means
  4. the use of biology to create new technology
  5. the description of a phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true.
  6. a question that is proposed in order to be tested as true.
  7. the study of living organisms
  8. an image that bears the righteousness and holiness of God.

16 Clues: the representation of an ideathe study of living organismsan opinion of what something meansan individuals conception of the worldthe use of biology to create new technologythe preservation and management of the environmenta question that is proposed in order to be tested as image that bears the righteousness and holiness of God....

Education 2012-11-29

Education crossword puzzle
  1. laboratorija
  2. rūbinė
  3. biblioteka
  4. mokyniai
  5. istorija
  6. dailė
  7. vadovėlis
  8. mokytojas
  9. tvarkaraštis
  10. muzika
  1. geografija
  2. skambutis
  3. pertrauka
  4. biologija
  5. trimestras
  6. pradinė
  7. darželis vaikų
  8. valgykla
  9. prancūzų
  10. pamoka
  11. klasė
  12. klausimai
  13. suolas

23 Clues: dailėklasėrūbinėpamokasuolasmuzikapradinėmokyniaiistorijavalgyklaprancūzųskambutispertraukabiologijavadovėlismokytojasklausimaigeografijatrimestrasbibliotekalaboratorijatvarkaraštisdarželis vaikų

Spanish Vocab 2013-11-19

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. asignatura
  2. hora de estudio
  3. ciencias
  4. biologia
  5. teologia
  6. ciencias sociales
  7. religion
  8. lengua
  9. matematicas
  10. coro
  1. educacion fisica
  2. quimica
  3. banda
  4. arte
  5. ingles
  6. literatura
  7. geografia
  8. geometria
  9. algebra
  10. espanol
  11. historia

21 Clues: artecorobandaingleslenguaquimicaalgebraespanolcienciasbiologiateologiahistoriareligiongeografiageometriaasignaturaliteraturamatematicashora de estudioeducacion fisicaciencias sociales

3D My school 2016-03-30

3D My school crossword puzzle
  1. třída
  2. francouština
  3. hudební výchova
  4. rozvrh hodin
  5. dějepis
  6. biologie
  7. nosit(oblečení)
  8. občanská výchova
  9. umění
  10. informatika
  1. vyučovací předmět
  2. uniforma
  3. tělocvik
  4. škola
  5. matematika
  6. zeměpis
  7. dvojitý
  8. fyzika
  9. chemie
  10. angličtina
  11. náboženství

21 Clues: třídaškolauměnífyzikachemiezeměpisdvojitýdějepisuniformatělocvikbiologiematematikaangličtinanáboženstvíinformatikafrancouštinarozvrh hodinhudební výchovanosit(oblečení)občanská výchovavyučovací předmět

Jeffrey Stimpson 2020-10-15

Jeffrey Stimpson crossword puzzle
  1. Tuesday
  2. happy
  3. September
  4. yesterday
  5. hamburger
  6. Friday
  7. hopes and dreams
  8. Biology
  9. August
  1. big
  2. autumn
  3. Monday
  4. watermelon
  5. soccer
  6. to draw
  7. to write
  8. to think
  9. I like
  10. today
  11. geography

20 Clues: bighappytodayautumnMondaysoccerI likeFridayAugustTuesdayto drawBiologyto writeto thinkSeptemberyesterdayhamburgergeographywatermelonhopes and dreams

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. music
  3. desk
  4. male/female student
  5. biology
  6. english
  7. test
  8. history
  9. female teacher
  10. physics
  11. computer science
  1. art
  2. male teacher
  3. science
  4. stadium
  5. libary
  6. window
  7. book
  8. spanish
  9. backpack

20 Clues: artmathdeskbooktestmusiclibarywindowsciencestadiumbiologyenglishhistoryspanishphysicsbackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

»»» 2021-04-15

»»» crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. homework
  3. art
  4. Spanish
  5. English
  6. window
  7. femaleteacher
  8. desk
  9. math
  10. malestudent
  11. schedule
  1. history
  2. science
  3. computerscience
  4. stadium
  5. test
  6. quiz
  7. physics
  8. library
  9. book
  10. music
  11. maleteacher
  12. backpack

23 Clues: arttestquizbookdeskmathmusicwindowhistorybiologysciencestadiumSpanishphysicslibraryEnglishhomeworkbackpackschedulemaleteachermalestudentfemaleteachercomputerscience

Vocabulary of education 2022-07-11

Vocabulary of education crossword puzzle
  1. Música
  2. Estudiar
  3. Repasar
  4. Biología
  5. Instituto
  6. Perder
  7. Hacer Trampa
  8. Español
  9. Notas
  10. Diseño
  11. Preescolar
  12. Compañero de Clase
  1. Aprobar
  2. Matemáticas
  3. Química
  4. Profesor de universidad (catedrático)
  5. Comportarse
  6. Graduado
  7. Física
  8. Inglés

20 Clues: NotasMúsicaFísicaPerderInglésDiseñoAprobarQuímicaRepasarEspañolEstudiarBiologíaGraduadoInstitutoPreescolarMatemáticasComportarseHacer TrampaCompañero de ClaseProfesor de universidad (catedrático)

Chapter 2 2023-09-21

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Whereto
  2. Chemistry
  3. Wastebasket
  4. Toarrive
  5. History
  6. Tohavebreakfast
  7. Because
  8. Businessadministration
  9. Library
  10. Whichones
  11. Totherightof
  12. nexttobeside
  13. Computerscience
  1. Totheleftof
  2. Physics
  3. Bookstore
  4. English
  5. Biology
  6. Economy
  7. Why
  8. Tohavedinner
  9. Psychology
  10. Mathematics
  11. Which

24 Clues: WhyWhichPhysicsWheretoEnglishBiologyEconomyHistoryBecauseLibraryToarriveBookstoreChemistryWhichonesPsychologyTotheleftofWastebasketMathematicsTohavedinnerTotherightofnexttobesideTohavebreakfastComputerscienceBusinessadministration

Biology Vocab Project 2023-09-28

Biology Vocab Project crossword puzzle
  1. fourteen
  2. twelve
  3. twenty-one
  4. nineteen
  5. four
  6. one
  7. nine
  8. eleven
  9. thirteen
  10. seven
  11. fifteen
  1. sixteen
  2. ten
  3. twenty-two
  4. five
  5. seventeen
  6. two
  7. three
  8. eighteen
  9. twenty
  10. eight
  11. six

22 Clues: tentwoonesixfivefourninethreeeightseventwelvetwentyelevensixteenfifteenfourteennineteeneighteenthirteenseventeentwenty-twotwenty-one

Science 2022 2022-12-05

Science 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. the measure of matter in a body
  2. the study of magnets
  3. the study of living organisms
  4. physical substance in general
  5. helps you float
  6. a push or pull
  7. the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere
  8. a change in position of an object over time
  9. naturally occurring inorganic element
  10. the study of substances, elements, chemicals.
  11. is the natural science that studies matter
  1. attraction between all things with mass or energy
  2. the place for experiments
  3. the movement of electric charges
  4. rocks made by heat
  5. the study of the environment / biology
  6. breaking down rocks
  7. the study of movement
  8. is a subject
  9. a group of atoms bonded together
  10. an individual thing

21 Clues: is a subjecta push or pullhelps you floatrocks made by heatbreaking down rocksan individual thingthe study of magnetsthe study of movementthe place for experimentsthe study of living organismsphysical substance in generalthe measure of matter in a bodythe movement of electric chargesa group of atoms bonded together...

3.01 Notes CW 2023-03-02

3.01 Notes CW crossword puzzle
  1. A biennial plant completes its life cycle in __ years
  2. The branch that deals with plants & animals & their life processes.
  3. Forestry is the science of growing, managing,and harvesting __
  4. If the plant's __ its not getting enough moisture
  5. Agronomy is the science of growing & harvesting field crops such as __, wheat, tobacco, etc.
  6. Plants that grow best in the cooler weather are __ season plants
  7. Remains green & beautiful all year.
  8. If the plant's __ its full of moisture
  1. The science of growing, processing,& marketing Fruits, Veggies, and Plants.
  2. The part of biology that only deals with plants
  3. A __ plant completes it life cycle in more than two years.
  4. Plants that grow best in the warmer weather are __ season plants
  5. The part of biology that only deals with animals
  6. - If a plant is __ it won't grow hardly at all for the season
  7. An annual plant completes its life cycle in __ year
  8. __ plant loses its leaves in the dormant seasons

16 Clues: Remains green & beautiful all year.If the plant's __ its full of moistureThe part of biology that only deals with plantsThe part of biology that only deals with animals__ plant loses its leaves in the dormant seasonsIf the plant's __ its not getting enough moistureAn annual plant completes its life cycle in __ year...

Joleigh Kearney 3.01 crossword 2023-03-02

Joleigh Kearney 3.01 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a plant lives more than two years.
  2. plant hormones that speed up plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement.
  3. the science and practice of growing, managing and harvesting trees.
  4. a plant that is limp because it doesn't have enough moisture.
  5. the branch of science that deals with both plant and animal organisms and life processes.
  6. plant hormones that work with auxin's to stimulate cell division.
  7. hormones that stimulate growth in stem and leaf by cell elongation.
  8. a plant is swollen or filled with moisture.
  9. plants that relish cool weather and grow best in spring or fall.
  10. a plant that completes the life cycle in two years.
  1. Growing, processing, and marketing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants.
  2. plant hormones that make fruit ripening faster and prevent seed germination, and stem elongation.
  3. the science and practice of growing field crops such as cotton, wheat, tobacco, corn and soybeans.
  4. the part of biology that deals with plants.
  5. Keeps leaves and remains green year-round.
  6. the part of biology that deals with animals.

16 Clues: a plant lives more than two years.Keeps leaves and remains green year-round.the part of biology that deals with plants.a plant is swollen or filled with moisture.the part of biology that deals with animals.a plant that completes the life cycle in two years.a plant that is limp because it doesn't have enough moisture....

Scientific method 2023-05-03

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the most important part throughout the method
  2. letting experts review your scientific work
  3. a guide for answering questions
  4. wrapping up your method and communicating
  5. amount of matter in an object
  6. what you use to collect data
  7. distance between two points
  8. how to test your guess
  9. what to do to share you findings with the world
  1. a guess
  2. evidence not involving your eyes
  3. what you collect when testing
  4. what a scientists does after collecting data
  5. what you are trying to answer with the method
  6. mass in a gravitational field
  7. one tool of a biologist
  8. one career that uses biology
  9. the publisher of the green book
  10. making data fit you findings
  11. the study of life on Earth

20 Clues: a guesshow to test your guessone tool of a biologistthe study of life on Earthdistance between two pointsone career that uses biologywhat you use to collect datamaking data fit you findingswhat you collect when testingmass in a gravitational fieldamount of matter in an objecta guide for answering questionsthe publisher of the green book...

Les matières scolaires 2020-03-08

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. drama
  2. maths
  3. chemistry
  4. food and nutrition
  5. art
  6. German
  7. physic
  8. DT
  9. biology
  1. drama
  2. PE
  3. French
  4. ICT/IT
  5. art
  6. music
  7. Spanish
  8. RE
  9. science
  10. textiles

19 Clues: PEREDTartartdramadramamathsmusicFrenchICT/ITGermanphysicSpanishsciencebiologytextileschemistryfood and nutrition

School Subjects 2022-01-28

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Drama
  2. Maths
  3. Spanish
  4. English
  5. History
  6. Science
  7. Chemistry
  8. Computing
  9. Biology
  1. Art
  2. French
  3. Business Studies
  4. Art
  5. Geography
  6. P.E.
  7. Technology
  8. Music

17 Clues: ArtArtP.E.DramaMathsMusicFrenchSpanishEnglishHistoryScienceBiologyGeographyChemistryComputingTechnologyBusiness Studies

Evolution Express Crossword 2017-05-02

Evolution Express Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. study of life
  2. From nature
  3. human body study
  4. study of biology over different regions of the Earth
  5. select with an ion
  6. proteins that make up all life
  7. the changing of species
  8. a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
  1. the man behind evolution
  2. weather patterns over time
  3. man-made
  4. habitat of an organism is its __________
  5. how man makes sense of the world.
  6. a group of species

14 Clues: man-madeFrom naturestudy of lifehuman body studyselect with an iona group of speciesthe changing of speciesthe man behind evolutionweather patterns over timeproteins that make up all lifehow man makes sense of the world.habitat of an organism is its __________study of biology over different regions of the Earth...

School Subjects 2022-11-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. reliģijas mācība
  2. mūzika
  3. datorzinības
  4. teātra māksla
  5. fizika
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. literatūra
  8. angļu valoda
  9. dabaszinības
  1. ķīmija
  2. bioloģija
  3. latviešu valoda
  4. matemātika
  5. māksla
  6. dizains
  7. sports
  8. krievu valoda
  9. mājturība

18 Clues: ķīmijamūzikamākslafizikasportsdizainsbioloģijamājturībamatemātikaģeogrāfijaliteratūradatorzinībasangļu valodadabaszinībasteātra mākslakrievu valodalatviešu valodareliģijas mācība

2.3 Quels cours as-tu? In answering, do not include any articles like le, la, l' or les. Accents are also not used. 2024-09-28

2.3 Quels cours as-tu? In answering, do not include any articles like le, la, l' or les.  Accents are also not used. crossword puzzle
  1. college
  2. Spanish
  3. math
  4. chemistry
  5. middle school
  6. high school
  7. computer science
  8. French
  9. physics
  1. choir
  2. drama
  3. history
  4. art
  5. band, orchestra
  6. Biology
  7. gym
  8. classes
  9. English

18 Clues: artgymmathchoirdramaFrenchhistorycollegeSpanishBiologyclassesEnglishphysicschemistryhigh schoolmiddle schoolband, orchestracomputer science

Materias escolares 2024-11-02

Materias escolares crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. Computer Science
  3. Biology
  4. Math
  5. Chemistry
  6. Journalism
  7. Geography
  8. History
  9. Science
  10. English
  1. fisica Physical Education
  2. Italian
  3. Psychology
  4. de empresas Business
  5. Music
  6. Physics
  7. Art
  8. Spanish

18 Clues: ArtMathMusicGermanItalianBiologyPhysicsSpanishHistoryScienceEnglishChemistryGeographyPsychologyJournalismComputer Sciencede empresas Businessfisica Physical Education

KASPER 3.1 2023-12-21

KASPER 3.1 crossword puzzle
  1. szkoła z internatem
  2. praca domowa
  3. plan lekcji
  4. muzyka
  5. w-f
  6. biblioteka
  7. informatyka
  8. język angielski
  9. religia
  1. historia
  2. przedmiot
  3. podręcznik
  4. mundurek
  5. Geografia
  6. uczeń
  7. plastyka
  8. stołówka
  9. biologia
  10. matematyka

19 Clues: w-fuczeńmuzykareligiahistoriamundurekplastykastołówkabiologiaprzedmiotGeografiapodręcznikmatematykabibliotekaplan lekcjiinformatykapraca domowajęzyk angielskiszkoła z internatem

French Homework by Brian 2021-03-14

French Homework by Brian crossword puzzle
  1. Thursday
  2. Saturday
  3. I have
  4. Tuesday
  5. Geography
  6. It is
  7. Wednesday
  8. Astronomy
  9. Fantastic
  1. We Are
  2. Photography
  3. Monday
  4. Music
  5. Biology
  6. Friday
  7. You Are
  8. Sunday
  9. I Am

18 Clues: I AmMusicIt isWe AreMondayFridayI haveSundayBiologyTuesdayYou AreThursdaySaturdayGeographyWednesdayAstronomyFantasticPhotography

Unit 3 B - kratka provjera znanja - February 6, 2018 2018-02-05

Unit 3 B - kratka provjera znanja - February 6, 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. riba
  2. Matematika
  3. dekica
  4. poklon
  5. štakor
  6. televizor
  7. Biologija
  8. škola
  1. lekcija, nastavni sat
  2. konj
  3. zmija
  4. poslijepodne
  5. crna boja
  6. raspored sati
  7. Vjeronauk
  8. novo
  9. Povijest
  10. dobro, dobar

18 Clues: ribakonjnovozmijaškoladekicapoklonštakorPovijestcrna bojaVjeronauktelevizorBiologijaMatematikaposlijepodnedobro, dobarraspored satilekcija, nastavni sat

Practice 2021-11-28

Practice crossword puzzle
  1. hajó,csónak
  2. végre
  3. szótár
  4. izgalmas
  5. okos
  6. fontos
  7. magas
  1. göndör
  2. biológia
  3. barátságos
  4. órarend
  5. fut
  6. egészség
  7. ország
  8. történelem
  9. főz

16 Clues: futfőzokosvégremagasgöndörszótárországfontosórarendbiológiaizgalmasegészségbarátságostörténelemhajó,csónak

Przedmioty szkolne, lekcje, pomieszczenia 2019-10-24

Przedmioty szkolne, lekcje, pomieszczenia crossword puzzle
  1. jęz. angielski
  2. zakreślacz
  3. temperówka
  4. nożyczki
  5. globus
  6. klej
  7. gumka
  8. biologia
  1. geografia
  2. słownik
  3. mazak
  4. piórnik
  5. klasa
  6. muzyka
  7. biblioteka
  8. boisko

16 Clues: klejmazakklasagumkamuzykaglobusboiskosłownikpiórniknożyczkibiologiageografiazakreślacztemperówkabibliotekajęz. angielski

Timetable 2021-04-21

Timetable crossword puzzle
  1. čeština
  2. matematika
  3. HV
  4. rozvrh hodin
  5. VV
  6. zeměpis
  7. fyzika
  8. francouština
  1. přestávka
  2. vědy
  3. chemie
  4. biologie
  5. dějepis
  6. informatika
  7. angličtina
  8. TV

16 Clues: HVVVTVvědychemiefyzikačeštinadějepiszeměpisbiologiepřestávkamatematikaangličtinainformatikarozvrh hodinfrancouština

School Subjects 2022-09-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. geography (E)
  3. German
  4. science
  5. math
  6. politics
  7. English
  8. music
  9. choir /chorus
  10. French ö
  11. biology
  12. ethics
  1. computer science
  2. P.E.
  3. religion
  4. mathematics
  5. Spanish
  6. social studies
  7. physics
  8. history
  9. geography
  10. chemistry

22 Clues: artP.E.mathmusicGermanethicsSpanishsciencephysicshistoryEnglishbiologyreligionpoliticsFrench ögeographychemistrymathematicsgeography (E)choir /chorussocial studiescomputer science

en la universidad 2020-08-11

en la universidad crossword puzzle
  1. stadium
  2. soccer
  3. journalism
  4. bookstore
  5. desk
  6. homework
  7. blackboard
  8. film
  9. philosophy
  10. scholarship
  11. male friend
  12. backpack
  1. female professor
  2. English
  3. library
  4. table
  5. paper
  6. Psychology
  7. Spanish
  8. gym
  9. biochemistry
  10. building
  11. biology

23 Clues: gymdeskfilmtablepapersoccerstadiumEnglishlibrarySpanishbiologyhomeworkbuildingbackpackbookstorejournalismblackboardPsychologyphilosophyscholarshipmale friendbiochemistryfemale professor

unit 7 cross word puzzle 2020-01-14

unit 7 cross word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. band
  3. orchrestra
  4. school
  5. technology
  6. geometry
  7. easy
  8. physical education
  9. speech
  1. difficult
  2. algerbra
  3. spanish
  4. biology
  5. history
  6. helath science
  7. scienece
  8. math
  9. computers
  10. class
  11. choir
  12. art
  13. evening/night
  14. music

23 Clues: artbandmatheasyclasschoirmusicschoolspeechenglishspanishbiologyhistoryalgerbrascienecegeometrydifficultcomputersorchrestratechnologyevening/nighthelath sciencephysical education

Runner 5 2020-01-30

Runner 5 crossword puzzle
  1. 장담하다
  2. 전성기
  3. 발견하다
  4. 극도의
  5. 거대한
  6. 떨다
  7. 대륙
  8. 선언하다
  9. 망설이다
  10. 말그대로
  11. 공포증
  1. 용서하다
  2. 의심하다
  3. 기진맥진한
  4. 유명한
  5. 능률적인
  6. 의존하다
  7. 잘못
  8. 생물학
  9. 소리치다
  10. 틈새
  11. 강조하다
  12. 사과하다

24 Clues: 떨다대륙잘못틈새전성기극도의유명한거대한생물학공포증용서하다의심하다장담하다발견하다능률적인의존하다선언하다소리치다망설이다말그대로강조하다사과하다기진맥진한

German school subjects 2020-04-23

German school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. sociology
  2. Art
  3. Spanish
  4. Maths
  5. German
  6. RS
  7. Home Economics
  8. biology
  9. Geography
  10. science
  11. Chemistry
  12. Drama
  13. PE
  1. ict
  2. Business Studies
  3. Media Studies
  4. Music
  5. English
  6. Latin
  7. physics
  8. DT
  9. History
  10. French

23 Clues: RSDTPEictArtMathsMusicLatinDramaGermanFrenchSpanishEnglishphysicsbiologyscienceHistorysociologyGeographyChemistryMedia StudiesHome EconomicsBusiness Studies

Mein Lieblingsfach 2020-03-30

Mein Lieblingsfach crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. P.E.
  3. Geography
  4. interesting
  5. Biology
  6. R.E.
  7. French
  8. Art
  9. D.T.
  10. useful
  11. Spanish
  12. Chemistry
  13. History
  14. Maths
  1. useless
  2. difficult
  3. complicated
  4. Drama
  5. Science
  6. fascinating
  7. English
  8. easy
  9. German
  10. Physics

24 Clues: ArtP.E.easyR.E.D.T.MusicDramaMathsFrenchGermanusefuluselessScienceEnglishBiologySpanishPhysicsHistorydifficultGeographyChemistrycomplicatedfascinatinginteresting

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. book
  3. Spanish
  4. stadium
  5. backpack
  6. computer science
  7. test;quiz
  8. physics
  9. female teacher
  10. english
  11. music
  1. science
  2. desk
  3. library
  4. window
  5. history
  6. art
  7. math
  8. homework
  9. test
  10. female student
  11. biology

22 Clues: artdeskbookmathtestmusicwindowsciencelibraryhistorySpanishstadiumbiologyphysicsenglishschedulehomeworkbackpacktest;quizfemale studentfemale teachercomputer science

Education 2021-10-17

Education crossword puzzle
  1. pilsoniskā izglītība
  2. angļu valoda
  3. vizuālā māksla
  4. atkārtot
  5. mūzika
  6. pavārmāksla
  7. fizika
  8. mācīties
  9. datorika
  10. vēsture
  11. ģeogrāfija
  1. franču valoda
  2. ķīmija
  3. matemātika
  4. filozofija
  5. iegaumēt
  6. bioloģija
  7. spāņu valoda
  8. literatūra
  9. veselības mācība
  10. sports

21 Clues: ķīmijamūzikafizikasportsvēstureiegaumētatkārtotmācītiesdatorikabioloģijamatemātikafilozofijaliteratūraģeogrāfijapavārmākslaangļu valodaspāņu valodafranču valodavizuālā mākslaveselības mācībapilsoniskā izglītība

What's the English for...? 2013-08-06

What's the English for...? crossword puzzle
  1. Enfermero/a.
  2. Médico.
  3. Hablar.
  4. Televisión.
  5. Al contado.
  6. Tenedor.
  7. Cuchillo.
  8. Radio.
  9. Gustar.
  10. Importante.
  11. Página.
  1. Cesto.
  2. Música.
  3. Hospital.
  4. Esencial.
  5. Ensalada.
  6. Biología.
  7. Universidad.
  8. Trabajar.
  9. Tecnología.
  10. Leer
  11. Comida.
  12. Grupo.

23 Clues: LeerCesto.Radio.Grupo.Música.Médico.Hablar.Comida.Gustar.Página.Tenedor.Hospital.Esencial.Ensalada.Biología.Trabajar.Cuchillo.Televisión.Tecnología.Al contado.Importante.Enfermero/a.Universidad.

school and education by luca urbinati 2014-02-24

school and education by luca urbinati crossword puzzle
  1. gesso
  2. lavagna
  3. educazione fisica
  4. matematica
  5. religione
  6. musica
  7. mappamondo
  8. righello
  9. banco
  10. fisica
  1. calcolatrice
  2. arte
  3. mappa
  4. sedia
  5. storia
  6. cartella
  7. informatica
  8. letteratura
  9. armadietto
  10. biologia
  11. colla
  12. matita
  13. penna

23 Clues: artegessomappasediacollabancopennastoriamusicamatitafisicalavagnacartellabiologiarighelloreligionematematicaarmadiettomappamondoinformaticaletteraturacalcolatriceeducazione fisica

Chapter 2 2023-09-20

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. cuales?
  2. llegar
  3. aladerechade
  4. porque?
  5. lasmatematicas
  6. cenar
  7. lacomputacion
  8. lapsicologia
  9. lahistoria
  10. laeconomia
  11. lalibreria
  1. laadministraciondeempresas
  2. lafisica
  3. desayunar
  4. lapapelera
  5. alladode
  6. labibloteca
  7. porque
  8. laquimica
  9. labiologia
  10. cual?
  11. alaizquierdade
  12. ingles
  13. Adonde

24 Clues: cual?cenarllegarporqueinglesAdondecuales?porque?lafisicaalladodedesayunarlaquimicalapapeleralabiologialahistorialaeconomialalibrerialabiblotecaaladerechadelapsicologialacomputacionlasmatematicasalaizquierdadelaadministraciondeempresas

Le materie 2024-10-11

Le materie crossword puzzle
  1. theater/drama
  2. art
  3. Math
  4. Spanish
  5. Physics
  6. Geometry
  7. Science
  8. biology
  9. calculus
  10. Chemistry
  11. German
  1. Physical education
  2. algebra
  3. Chinese
  4. Music
  5. Italian
  6. French
  7. English
  8. Social studies
  9. Geography
  10. Computer Science
  11. Religion

22 Clues: artMathMusicFrenchGermanalgebraChineseItalianEnglishSpanishPhysicsSciencebiologyGeometryReligioncalculusGeographyChemistrytheater/dramaSocial studiesComputer SciencePhysical education

Le vocabulaire de l'école et des matières scolaires 2024-10-03

Le vocabulaire de l'école et des matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. cafeteria
  3. music
  4. biology
  5. philosophy
  6. school
  7. college
  8. English
  9. geography
  1. religion
  2. class
  3. French
  4. high school
  5. physics
  6. pe
  7. scholarship
  8. mathematics
  9. middle school
  10. history
  11. homework
  12. German
  13. chemistry
  14. art

23 Clues: peartclassmusicFrenchGermanschoolSpanishphysicsbiologyhistorycollegeEnglishreligionhomeworkcafeteriachemistrygeographyphilosophyhigh schoolscholarshipmathematicsmiddle school

Science and technology 2024-11-24

Science and technology crossword puzzle
  1. ученый
  2. клавиатура
  3. биология
  4. математик
  5. настольный персональный компьютер
  6. проводить исследование
  7. физик
  8. гравитация
  9. имя пользователя
  10. астроном
  11. наблюдать, следить за
  12. изобретать
  1. развивать теорию
  2. химик
  3. поисковая система
  4. пароль
  5. открывать
  6. цифровой
  7. высокоскоростная сеть
  8. экран

20 Clues: химикфизикэкранученыйпарольбиологияцифровойастрономматематикоткрыватьклавиатурагравитацияизобретатьразвивать теориюимя пользователяпоисковая системавысокоскоростная сетьнаблюдать, следить запроводить исследованиенастольный персональный компьютер

cr 2023-03-29

cr crossword puzzle
  1. treasure
  2. duck
  3. number after 2
  4. sit of the king
  5. bed
  6. gum
  7. castle
  8. dry
  9. class
  10. biology book
  1. exam
  2. rob
  3. storm
  4. hem
  5. actors
  6. rabbit
  7. boy
  8. easy
  9. injured
  10. easy

20 Clues: robhembedgumdryboyexamduckeasyeasystormclassactorscastlerabbitinjuredtreasurebiology booknumber after 2sit of the king

greek and latin roots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2024-02-21

greek and latin roots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. both
  2. small
  3. written
  4. love
  5. man;human;humanity
  6. below;beneath
  7. study
  8. life
  9. time
  10. good
  11. power
  1. to hear
  2. self
  3. one hundred
  4. writing
  5. name
  6. bad;hard;unlucky
  7. around
  8. water

19 Clues: bothselflovenamelifetimegoodsmallstudypowerwateraroundto hearwrittenwritingone hundredbelow;beneathbad;hard;unluckyman;human;humanity

Crossword 2019-02-21

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. wzgórze
  2. boisko
  3. prom
  4. artykuł
  5. biologia
  6. tramwaj
  7. wieś
  8. autokar
  1. statek
  2. korytarz
  3. angielski
  4. jezioro
  5. pociąg
  6. ścieszka
  7. jaskinia

15 Clues: promwieśstatekboiskopociągwzgórzeartykułjeziorotramwajautokarkorytarzbiologiaścieszkajaskiniaangielski

Subjects 2020-09-03

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hist
  2. Foreign
  3. fren
  4. Eng
  5. liter
  6. geog
  7. sci
  8. pe
  9. bio
  10. math
  1. inform
  2. chem
  3. Art
  4. physics
  5. sp

15 Clues: pespEngArtscibiohistfrenchemgeogmathliterinformForeignphysics